Poll:Let it go? Or ask?

Let it go? Or ask?

  • Let it go.

    Votes: 83 86.5%
  • Ask.

    Votes: 5 5.2%
  • Pancakes.

    Votes: 8 8.3%

  • Total voters


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Jun 11, 2006
I ordered a new mattress set (mattress/foundation) about six weeks ago. Due to a store promotion for Memorial Day, the purchase price was about a 50% discount off the MSRP and they threw in a free foundation and free delivery.

It was originally scheduled to arrive two weeks ago, but they rescheduled it for today.

As the delivery team unloaded it, they noticed and pointed out to me a black mark on the foundation. It's dark, noticeable, and about 1/2" in diameter. They took pictures, I took pictures, and I noted it on the delivery paperwork when I signed.

I called the store and spoke with the sales rep who processed my sales order six weeks ago. I indicated that I'd like the problem fixed and was open to a discount in lieu of a replacement.

She called the store's customer service, who immediately gave me a 10% discount/refund on my order total. She called me back and left me a message to that effect and said the problem has been handled.

I have an email from the store's customer service indicating the refund and the timing (5-7 business days or whatever).

I'm conflicted.

On the one hand, I'll have the black mark part up against the wall where it won't be seen.

On the other hand, it bugs me a bit to have new merchandise that arrived damaged. I'm also a bit annoyed that they consider the matter closed without confirming that with me. In my minimal research, I also discovered that in these sorts of situations, 10% to 20% is the standard range.

What would you do?

A. Let it go. 10% is good enough. The 5% difference isn't material to me. I won't see the mark. I already got a deal.

B. Email a response and ask for 15%. I'm not 100% satisfied with the 10%. 15% is in the middle of the typical range. If I insisted on replacement it would involve them making another delivery. Replacement would involve them taking back damaged merchandise that they'd have to discount.

C. Pancakes. I like pancakes, but I can't eat them anymore (gluten sensitivity).
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If it was a big problem for you, then you should have refused delivery on the spot and not accepted it.

It's in a hidden location. Big deal. You got a discount. Matter should be closed - move on.

Not worth getting worked up about or making a stand for principles.
Life is short. You won't see the mark.

Let it go.
Enough stress in a person life with real issues other than a mark on the wall. I would "let it go".
A....you indicate you got the mid range refund...but it took one phone call and was handled virtually instantly...I'd call that a win any day of the week.
A....you indicate you got the mid range refund...but it took one phone call and was handled virtually instantly...I'd call that a win any day of the week.

Exactly!! What more can be expected?
Life is short. Is this the best use of your time? If not, let it go. If it is.. fight for another 5%. You may get lucky(ier).

I personally don't bother with such things.
Problem is solved and I would be satisfied.
if your acceptable resolution includes a discount, then what you have is good.

If a discount isn't good enough, and you want a replacement, go for that.

But negotiating for a larger discount given this is a cosmetic blemish that literally no one will ever see? Nah, you are good with the 10%.
I vote "let it go." It's just not worth the effort or stress to try to squeeze an exta % out of the deal.
If your looking for something to do you could ask for 20% and hagle.

This would have been sport for my dad when he was retired, he would have been looking for 50% to start I'm sure. This was pre internet and some of his conversations on topics like this were, entertaining to say the least. A good learning experience for us kids I will admit.
Either let it go or email asking for 15%.

Best case they give it you.
Worst case you still get the 10%.

Very low investment to get the extra money back.

Or just let it go and move on with life.
Take the money & run. That's a nice discount just for the asking.

You go to the doctor this afternoon due to a pain in your side. He says, woops!, looks like a tumor. Is the mattress problem in your mind now? :facepalm:
I need to know what the black mark is. Is it black marker or similar?
If yes, then I would let it go.
If it’s unidentifiable-I would want a new one.

If you can’t have pancakes can you have oat bran with maple syrup? It’s a healthier substitute.
I assume the 1/2" diameter black mark on the FOUNDATION (not the mattress) is not smearing or wet? If so, color over it with some dye or paint that is the same color as the foundation. Done with it.

That;s what I would do, but I am sure many here have other solutions.
....She called the store's customer service, who immediately gave me a 10% discount/refund on my order total. She called me back and left me a message to that effect and said the problem has been handled.

I have an email from the store's customer service indicating the refund and the timing (5-7 business days or whatever).

I'm conflicted.

On the one hand, I'll have the black mark part up against the wall where it won't be seen.

On the other hand, it bugs me a bit to have new merchandise that arrived damaged. I'm also a bit annoyed that they consider the matter closed without confirming that with me. In my minimal research, I also discovered that in these sorts of situations, 10% to 20% is the standard range.

What would you do?

A. Let it go. 10% is good enough. The 5% difference isn't material to me. I won't see the mark. I already got a deal.

B. Email a response and ask for 15%. I'm not 100% satisfied with the 10%. 15% is in the middle of the typical range. If I insisted on replacement it would involve them making another delivery. Replacement would involve them taking back damaged merchandise that they'd have to discount.

C. Pancakes. I like pancakes, but I can't eat them anymore (gluten sensitivity).

I would be irritated that they didn't communicate with me on the 10% and that that was acceptable to solve the complaint. If they had, then I probably would have accepted it and it would be A. Let it go.

But since they didn't. I would fire off an email expressing my disappointment with their not communicating well on the issue and ask for an additional 5%. If they then refuse, I guess I would then let it go. It would take 5 minutes to send out an email and they might well allow an additional 5% as I doubt that their opening bid was their best offer.
I vote let it go.
You got a great price on the mattress (50% off), plus free foundation and delivery.
Now an additional 10%.
If you can place it against the wall so it is not seen, not a big deal in my book. If it is a scuff mark, and it really bothers you, try spraying it lightly with resolve carpet cleaner or similar and wipe with a slightly wet towel to clean

If it Really bothers you, then go for replacement.
Let it go.

If it really truly bothered you, you should have refused delivery (been there, done that).
You already told them you were open to a discount, they offered one. Unless you like to haggle, take it. Will 5% more of a discount make a difference in your life?
IMHO this seems like a molehill, do not make a mountain out of it.
I once paid full price for a dining table that had a separate top and base. It was delivered, but once inside the house the delivery guys pointed out a blue stain mark on the base. He attempted to remove the stain with a cleaning product, but ended up removing the finish with it. He looked at me, and I shook my head. He wrote on the delivery papers about the stain, customer not happy, and refused delivery. They took the base back, and a new one delivered 2 weeks later. In other words, I would have refused delivery.

But given how much the store was discounting the original purchase and including free this and that, I would accept the small discount and be done with it. I’ve always used a foundation skirt to hide the boxspring anyway.
A....you indicate you got the mid range refund...but it took one phone call and was handled virtually instantly...I'd call that a win any day of the week.

+1 These days, I'd be amazed and grateful I reached ANYONE without a long hold time and - bonus - received immediate compensation on top of a great deal. I'd be delighted.
I feel your pain on the pancakes, for I also cannot eat gluten. When I found out 30 years ago, my first thoughts were "No beer? No pizza? Is life worth living?"

Compared to that, the annoyance of the black mark that will never be seen pales in comparison. I'd let it go.

But oh, to be able to eat a real pizza with a real beer again!
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