Pull The Trigger


Dryer sheet wannabe
Aug 12, 2004
It's not that I misplaced this discussion on the topic ...since this discussion looks relatively dead - I thought I would just come out and say it - it's not about the SW... or at least not all year round, just a month or two months within the year - that's right, it's not the money but its rather the freedom to retire within freedom itself. Let's recognize and bow down to the creators of FIRE that laid first cobble steps paving freedom, coarse but mutable.

IOW let's enjoy the fact the each single one of us can and wil... or at least should leave, at the very first moment because they can, because of some sort of freedom that was walked upon sturdily upon those same cobble steps with heightened posture the greater wit and earlier FIRE they can achieve of the freed gifted man. The American dream did not die, it evolved, it inflated, it popped, an... well you can guess how it go... we are here.

John, do you respond to every single thread. That's why they are short. You are lazy. I beat you though; I'm lazier since I do not respond. There's a lot of me's out their, thanks for not being lazy and always responding terse but solid. Does Galt mean rock in some language?

*****, your name is a joke. I get it- why doesn't everyone else? The market goes up, the market goes down, ***** pocus. When it is down, you still won't buy... because if you did, you'd buy now because we are globalizing (is that a word) the world and the US is leading. The PE's are not only sustainable but they are mildly under priced. The dividend rate of the S&P is 1.67% - get it , buy it for the dividends. Dividends increase and rates do to from here based on future growth predictions, it will grow, am I the only one that thinks he gets it? In 10 years that percentage will be time 2 or 3, that's 3 to 4.5% ,I think that's an under stated number, because of the following. The world has no place for you to retire early if you speculate that the market will adjust itself so the whole wide world would get 6% guaranteed for FIRE. That's guaranteed that the same argument would have to be in place for the world to be in. The only reason the market will decline by your readjustment would be almost to collapse upon itself like a little sun imploding. I doubt that. Anyway, if you're right, retiring in peace will not be an option. (The US is not the US). The world market has adjusted and the US will lead it (because the workers are stupidly efficient.)

I think CEO bonuses were 40 X a year salary and now 440 X where people barely met inflation over 20 years is that it in the profits of these companies and they are ready to explode as soon as we get people managing the resources and helping government. The US is like a spring and the tension is the money on the side, balanced by desperate needs of world humanity, and the US business' being the trigger.

I'm just starting 'Four Pillars' and can't wait to be affirmed. Am I wrong? Should I not enjoy reading it - this website got me salivating. Thanks.

Ready to retire, somebody push the trigger.


'notTwain' 2004
*****, your name is a joke...

All I can think of as a response here is to observe that I get a funny feeling from time to time that something I have said has struck a nerve with some people.
Yeah, like YOU'RE A JERK!


I understand that you are not a fan of the Data-Based SWR Tool. The other side of the story is that you have said several times that you love my non-SWR posts. I hope that we can look forward to more constructive exchanges when time opens up for me to post more of the saving-oriented stuff.
No, as usual you have it wrong.

I could care less about 'the tool'.

Its your posting practices that bother me.


So I guess it was time for our weekly ***** carpet bombing?

Go on back to the tumbleweeds, I dont think you're very welcome around these parts.
Wow, somebody wrote a *****-essay generator! Wait a minute, the light finally went on....

***** is an AI.

I really don't  think anyone disagrees with your concepts or your tool. Even Berstein touches on this topic with his own "dynamic asset allocation".

The problem is that you entice people into this conversation and then refuse to disclose your own asset allocation.  And then there is the problem of beating a dead horse. This horse has been dead for years.

Of course you already knew this - So why bother.

I must say though, that the discussion of the Son in the Spare Bedroom theory still has me ROTFlPIMP :D
Thats something I proposed over at nofeeboards when it occurred to me that many of *****'s remarks reminded me of the old 1970's "eliza" program. It took things you said, plugged in key portions into canned psych responses and threw it back at you as a question.

Its limitations were that it would ask you the same questions over and over and frequently said things that made no sense. But for the first couple of rounds it was at least a little bit amusing.

Boring and annoying after that.
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