R.I.P. American Capitalism

What visciousness?
Did swat teams descend upon the hold outs?
Were the offices raided?

The exact nature and full extent of what the govt did or did not do may never be fully known. But from the fragmented reports from various places lead me to believe that a huge amount of "influence" was used. No.... no guns were drawn, but when a nation is on a rampage to "eat the rich bankers", then threatening to put you name out into the media, is just as deadly.

There is a much larger and more problematic issue for all of us here in this forum though. We all want to retire early. In general, this cannot happen without investments of one form or another. Ususally this involves at least some mix of stocks. The more the govt starts "pushing and pulling" the strings behind the scenes, the less relavent the numbers of that individual company matter. And the fewer "smart" investors will even touch it.

If the govt said that for the "public good" they needed to intervene at Apple because the price of an IPOD is too much, who in their right mind would invest in Apple any more. What happens at a company where individuals are no longer calling the shots, but the govt is? There is no way to predict or even offer an educated guess what the outcome will be.
I hope the feds are prepared to financially back Chrysler (all the way to the scene of the inevitable crash...) because their sheer arrogance and the roughshod way they [-]screwed[/-] treated the bondholders will ensure that private capital will be difficult if not impossible to come by under this administration. :(
I hope the feds are prepared to financially back Chrysler (all the way to the scene of the inevitable crash...) because their sheer arrogance and the roughshod way they [-]screwed[/-] treated the bondholders will ensure that private capital will be difficult if not impossible to come by under this administration. :(

Also very interesting to contrast the treatment of the auto bondholders with bank bondholders, save a few like WM. Those guys must have been buying protection from the wrong gang. :)

Was this the change we wanted? Toke your buddies, screw all others? Including us, the hapless taxpayer?

...The exact nature and full extent of what the govt did or did not do may never be fully known. But from the fragmented reports from various places lead me to believe that a huge amount of "influence" was used. No.... no guns were drawn, but when a nation is on a rampage to "eat the rich bankers", then threatening to put you name out into the media, is just as deadly.

I missed that, where did the government do this? Or are you referring to the ruling by the judge?
And, is this information normally private?

There is a much larger and more problematic issue for all of us here in this forum though. We all want to retire early. In general, this cannot happen without investments of one form or another. Ususally this involves at least some mix of stocks. The more the govt starts "pushing and pulling" the strings behind the scenes, the less relavent the numbers of that individual company matter. And the fewer "smart" investors will even touch it.

If the govt said that for the "public good" they needed to intervene at Apple because the price of an IPOD is too much, who in their right mind would invest in Apple any more. What happens at a company where individuals are no longer calling the shots, but the govt is? There is no way to predict or even offer an educated guess what the outcome will be.

This is a very good point of discussion.
The issue I have with your Apple analogy is that the government was ASKED to step in. Heck, GM and Chrysler BEGGED them to step in.
Now, if the government took it upon itself to step in without being asked, yes, then I would agree that we have a problem.
Personally, I don't think the governement should have stepped in. But they did, made an offer which was refused, and now it is going to court as it should.

You can be worried about alternate histories and conspiracy theories if you like, but I will continue to invest based on reality. If our system of checks and balances starts to fall apart, I will be running for the hills with you. But this was an indication that our system works.
What rights of theirs have been subordinated?
almost 800 Chryslers told to shut down

I just read the list of Texas dealers who are being forced to shut down, and some of my old dealer buddies are on that list. Pretty sad. I saw where Chrysler is refusing to buy back new vehicle inventory and parts, and instead is making these rejected dealers negotiate with dealers still left standing to take the inventory. That's is going to be a nightmare for the rejected dealers as they have no strength to negotiate from, and most are already loaded with inventory so the ones left are not going to want to take any extra.

I can't believe these dealers are getting shafted so bad. At the very least they should be reimbursed for their inventory and parts. These dealers will be stuck with millions in inventory with no way to sell it since they are not dealers anymore, and they all owe money on this inventory and all the floorplan loans are personally guaranteed so this will spell financial death for these dealers. And for what? So an Itialian manufacturer can have a more "streamlined" network with nicer showrooms? Hell, the dealers paid all the expenses for this network and the manufacturer didn't pay squat. We paid all training, cost to carry inventory and parts, special tools costs, computer IT costs, cost to fund those stupid mailers, and we did our own advertising.

This is just wrong, wrong, wrong............

I got my inventory bought back since I terminated out of BK (barely made it), but I did get screwed on my parts return. Sent them the parts like it said in my dealer agreement and now they will not pay me...........

789 Chrysler Dealers to Close By June 9 - KickingTires
One of my relatives is one of the "good ones". They were told that it was mostly the single dealers (only, say, Jeep or Dodge), not the ones who sold all types, that would be cut, but I see a lot of dealers on that list that sold all kinds.
I'm a little bitter toward dealers as I was in the business for 35 years. My last gig lasted for 20 years and I got paid what I earned. If was a Ford dealer about 2 years ago. There were rumors around that the store was for sale but he denied it to our faces right to the end. He just wanted to keep everyone in place till the end came so it was nice and smooth for him. A friend of mine told me that he was renting our building and putting a Chrysler store where the Ford was now. My boss was selling the franchise to a L&M store and renting the building. Even after my boss was in contract with my friend he denied the store was for sale or that he was closing.

100 people lost their jobs and my boss was off into the sunset with his 80K a month in rent from Chrysler. I'm just hoping that Chrysler doesn't pay him and he gets screwed like he did to all the employees.
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