Race to 2024 - please join :)

I understand having a target number of retirement $. But I don't think it should be the driving force for when a person retires.

Time>Money. Don't wait too long to retire. In reality, an equity investor has little control of when they will hit a number. Some may never hit their number. And we also have no control of how much time we have left.

Some people who keep working to achieve their number realize later that they spent too much time working. You will never enjoy the $ that you have left when you die. Someone else will.

This was my thinking as well. There came a time when MY time just was more important than a paycheck. Priorities put in order and was the best decision I ever made, except for one and that was my marriage to my wife of 39 years.
Perhaps my final update before the plunge next year!!! :)

JULY 2021 -- Wearing "Golden Handcuffs" STILL. I will be 56 years old in 2024 @ retirement --

Planning to go at end of 2024 and take cash out of annual leave of 440 hours to live on until OPM settles out FERS retirement annuity.
Currently making $102K (my pay has increased but wife resigned job in 2016).

1. $8.5K/yr of that is TSP ROTH contributions
2. $7k is SS/medicare tax
3. $11.8K/yr goes to TSP loan & is ammortized to be paid off right before retire date in 2024 (3.5yrs)

These 3 are $27.3k of funds that will not be paid in retirement and our Fed/State taxes should lower by apprx. $4.6K accordingly

So subtracting all that we are currently living off of the equivalent of about $70K/YR

My goal is to have $80K/yr to live on in retirement

My FERS pension-SBP should = $35k in today's dollars
My Military pension (starts @ age 60) should = $11k in today's dollars
Together our Early (62) SS checks will bring in $18K/yr (half of what SS estimates just in case SS isn't solvent)

35+11+18= $64k ($16k deficit to be made up by TSP balance)

FERS pension starts immediately at 56yo retirement age and I will have the Federal SS Supplement to carry me from 56-62 until standard SS kicks in.
Will use a small $33k bucket to carry me from 57-60 for my reserve military pension.

Currently have $820K in TSP

$28k cash for misc items (home upgrades, emergency fund )

Home 1 worth $280K is paid for and no debt.
Home 2 worth $110K is paid for and no debt.

TSP Loan payback will increase $820K TSP balance to $860K by retirement
3.5 years left should grow my TSP total to >$900K with current level of contributions. Would've been +$1Mil but we bought the 2nd property which still might get sold before retire date and take us above $1mil.

Anyways even if it is only $800K that should be good for the needed $16K @ 2% draw rate.

Realistically SS probably will not get cut by 50% and we'll use TSP funds to carry us to delay drawing SS until 67 for her and 70 for me.

Wearing "Golden Handcuffs" STILL. (BUT JUST A LITTLE LONGER)
I will be 56 years old when I retire in OCT 2024 @ retirement -- (~18 Months!!!)

Currently making $119K (my pay has increased with new position in same agency)

Subtracting my current TSP contributions and SS/Medicare taxes, that I pay now from salary but won’t pay after retirement, reveals we actually living on a budget of about <$85k/year.

I anticipate to have a minimum of $90K/year to live on in retirement from a combination of FERS pension, Guard Military Retirement, Social Security (FERS S.S. Supplement 56-62) and TSP withdrawals.

My FERS pension (minus SBP) should > $40k in today's dollars
My Military pension (starts @ age 60) should = $12k in today's dollars
Together our Early (62) SS checks will bring in $24K/yr (60% of what SS estimates just in case SS isn't solvent)

40+12+24= $76k ($14k deficit to be made up by TSP balance)

FERS pension starts immediately at 56yo retirement age and I will have the Federal SS Supplement to carry me from 56-62 until standard SS kicks in.
Will use a small $36k bucket to carry me from 57-60 until military pension begins.

Currently have $947,000 in TSP

$40k cash for misc. items (home upgrades, emergency fund)

Home 1 worth $290K is paid for
Home 2 (small country cabin) worth $120K is paid for
No Debt, 2018 Car and 2023 Truck
Current budget includes fund to replace vehicles every 5 years with new.

1.5 years left should grow my TSP total to ~1,000,000 with current level of contributions.

That should be good for the needed $14K @ 1.4% draw rate.
Probably we'll use TSP funds to carry us to delay drawing SS until 67 for her and 70 for me.
As I get comfortable seeing TSP balance grow in retirement I’ll increase the withdraw rate to provide some BTD $$ &#55357;&#56842;
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Looks like I will be joining the 2024 crowd. This year (2023) is my second OMY. DW was all onboard and the market spooked her. What amazes me is that once she got spooked no amount of "showing the final numbers", or firecalc, was going to get her on-board.

So I did two things.

1. I took my basic spreadsheet and made a number of improvements on it to take into account SS at 62 or 65, or 67, or 70. Then I added RMD's, taxes, increased spending to take into account inflation (as best I could), Our current budget (monthly and yearly) and our retirement budget (monthly and yearly) etc etc etc

2. I paid a financial advisor to run a Monte Carlo on it using many of the same things I had in my spreadsheet.

Both of the above show that unless we do incredibly stupid things there is more than enough in the pot to leave a very nice amount (even if we live to 95) to our kids. Not that are planning on it, just its there.

Now DW is a Sr. Project Manager in IT and has worked in systems for decades. Super smart. But financial numbers and big spreadsheets make her glaze over pretty fast. I do alot of inventory and accounting work so this is second nature to me and I always have to realize that its not for everyone.

After having the Financial advisor go over it with us, I walked her through the highlights of my spreadsheet (which closely matched the financial guys Monte Carlo), she said, lets get off the hamster wheel right after bonus payout in 2024, we will give our notice in early April and be out by end of May. This is the first time I ever heard her say it outloud so I feel pretty comfortable that we are there.
I am joining your club officially. I was spring of this year. That ship has sailed due to some goals and not directly money related.
My job is physical and I opened a claim for carpal tunnel syndrome, and the first of two surgeries is now early May. It pushed everything back a bit. I want to get these done on L&I, as it is work related.

The surgeries are both done now and successful.
Everything still looks good for late 24..
I want to have the new house built to occupancy before we sell the current one, and move.
Well, it is only 6 months until 2024. Hard to believe some of us are going to be FIRE. I'm giving it only a 10% chance of being in the Class of 2024 (helping DS get a 1st house & DD with graduating college debit free). But I'm at 83% of goal after another very strong quarter.
Originally Posted by brokrken View Post
Net Worth Excluding Real Estate and Personal Property
06/20/2017 - $1,205k
10/02/2017 - $1,273k - Nice little quarter, I would say.
1/1/2018 - $1,354k - Still headed in the right direction. Let's see what 2018 has to offer.
4/1/2018 - $1,398k - Smaller increase this quarter as the market hasn't helped. Luckily my contributions more than made up for the lack of market returns.
07/02/2018 - $1,461k - Q2 was similar story to Q1. Moving in the right direction though.
10/01/2018 - $1,537k
01/01/2019 - $1,328k - Ouch, what a terrible December
04/01/2019 - $1,520k - Q1 got back much of what Q4 lost!
07/01/2019 - $1,576k - Nice quarter and a new high. Still chugging along.
10/01/2019 - $1,594k - While I'm way up from January. I'm not that far up from same period prior year. But, I'll keep piling it in and hope the market helps me along the way.
01/01/2020 - $1,729 - Excellent Q4 for 2019, which more than made up for Q4 2018. Here's hoping 2020 brings more of the same.
04/01/2020 - $1,453k - Wow, the last 3 weeks have been brutal. Down $276k from last quarter and $67k from last year!
07/01/2020 - $1,763k - Amazing that this market has been so resilient and I am grateful for it. However, I am still expecting a W recovery, at best. All the money that was lost in Q2 is gone forever, unemployment is still extremely high and our deficits are out of control. You all may have even seen in a different thread that I have recently purchased October SPY puts with the thought that once Q2 earnings are realized and valuations are proven to be out of whack, we'll have a retest.
10/01/2020 - $1,948k - Well, those SPY puts haven't worked out so well. Finally closed them out at a loss a few weeks back. Anyway, another good, yet mystifying quarter. I did a separate thread where I celebrated eclipsing $2M. That lasted for about 2 days and I still haven't gotten back. Hopefully for the year end update I'll make it. Considering where my portfolio was on March 23, this update is really remarkable.
01/01/2021 - $2,194k - What an absolute mess of a year. While very thankful for how my portfolio performed, it is completely illogical. While the rest of the world was burning down, stocks marched higher. I'm fearful that 2021 takes it all back. That being said, I hope I am once again wrong, as doing so seems to be very profitable... And, I wish you all a very Happy New Year and Cheers to (fingers crossed) life getting back to normal
04/02/2021 - $2,422k - Was travelling yesterday so missed the 4/1 balance. Up nearly $1M from one year ago....freaking amazing. Being so close to my number, $3M, I'm wondering if I should start to adjust my allocation to a more conservative approach. Current I'm something like 83/8/9. On the one hand, it's what got me here so if it ain't broke don't fix it, on the other hand, I don't want to see it go away in a correction. I'm young enough that I could continue to w*rk for a couple more years if needed, but I don't really want to. Also, now seems like the worst time to buy bonds. No clue what to do. Anyway, hope you all had a nice quarter, as well
07/05/2021 - $2,704k - Another amazing quarter. Of course owning NVDA has helped. Still worried about a pull back. Being so close to my number with still some years left has me nervous, not wanting to give it all back.
10/01/2021 - $2,672k - It was a rough last few weeks. High for the Q was actually $2,792.
01/01/2022 - $2,985k Really nice year; even hit the $3M mark a couple times in the last few months. Just bought a vacation home, so about $100k of this is now gone per Dec 28th, but being so close to the end of the year, I just left it in to keep 2021 clean. Original goal was $3M; with inflation I'm thinking I might need to up that to $3.5M or $4M
04/01/2022 - $2,899k Rough quarter plus I removed some funds for the vacation home I mentioned last quarter. But, Q1 finished better than it looked like it was going to a few weeks ago. So, cheers to that. Here's hoping for a better Q2.
07/01/2022 - $2,409k Very rough quarter. Basically back to where I was April of 2021. Here's hoping for a better second half
10/01/2022 - $2,294k Still going the wrong direction. Considering inflation, war in Europe, etc, etc. we may be in for a long recession. No worries. We've been through this before in '01/'02 and '08/'09 so we can get through it again.
01/01/2023 - $2,502k Got some of what we've lost back. Here's looking at a more profitable 2023. Happy New Year, everyone!
04/01/2023 - $2,906k Nice Q1! Still below all-time high, but working our way back there. Also, still reviewing wether I need to up our target number and wether to adjust our AA to a more conservative approach. Getting too close to the end to have the sequence of return risk that we went through in 2022.

07/01/2023 - $3,213k This is our first quarter that has ended over the $3M mark, all thanks to NVDA. Finally for the first time in 13 years had to sell some as it was becoming way too large a % of our portfolio
Well, it is only 6 months until 2024. Hard to believe some of us are going to be FIRE. I'm giving it only a 10% chance of being in the Class of 2024 (helping DS get a 1st house & DD with graduating college debit free). But I'm at 83% of goal after another very strong quarter.

Same here, SnowBound, giving about 10% chance to Exit in 2024, but we will see.
07/01/2023 - $3,213k This is our first quarter that has ended over the $3M mark, all thanks to NVDA. Finally for the first time in 13 years had to sell some as it was becoming way too large a % of our portfolio

Congrats, brokrken!!!
Amazing quarter for you and overall achievement, did that change your planned FIRE date? Just curious, as many looking for OMY, you may look at OLY :D
Q1 2016 - 31.8% of our target, have a lot of heavy lifting to do in order to get ready for 2024 FIRE
Q2 2016 - 32.9% (+1.1%) of the target NW, very encouraged by the progress, looking forward to join 2 comma club this year.
Q3 2016 - 34.2% (+1.3%) of target, and finally joined two comma club
Q4 2016 - 35.6% (+1.4%) so far so good
Q1 2017 - 37.7% (+2.1%) big news - payed off house and have zero debt now. Markets have been hot during Q1 - that helped a lot
Q2 2017 - 39.6% (+1.9%) chugging along, hoping to cross 40% by end of July
Q3 2017 - 41.6% (+2.0%) - yey! looking forward to the midpoint of the race
Q4 2017 - 43.9% (+2.3%) that was blockbuster year, hope to have more of those going forward !!!
Q1 2018 - 44.9% (+1.0%) not bad
Q2 2018 - 46.5% (+1.6%) nice quarter!
Q3 2018 - 49.7% (+3.2%) looking forward to cross half-way mark this year!
Q4 2018 - 47.1% (-2.6%) terrible December killed that quarter, still positive for the year though
Q1 2019 - 51.1% (+4.0%) yey!!! Finally crossed half way mark
Q2 2019 - 53.2% (+2.1%) have exactly 5 years to go according to original plan
Q3 2019 - 55.0% (+1.8%) still racing
Q4 2019 - 57.9% (+2.9%) for the full 2019 our NW went up by 10.8% of the target and we beat year end estimate by $112k
Q1 2020 - 52.8% (-5.1%) At this point we are just happy to have our paychecks and that we both can work from home.
Q2 2020 - 59.6% (+6.8%) thankful for Q2 market gains and also believe we will see one more leg down before full recovery to February highs.
Q3 2020 - 63.7% (+4.1%) this year is shaping up to be interesting
Q4 2020 - 67.6% (+3.9%) crossed $2M mark on out NW, not complaining at all
Q1 2021 - 70.0% (+2.4%) nice small milestone!
Q2 2021 - 73.9% (+3.9%)
Q3 2021 - 74.4% (+0.5%) green for the quarter - that what counts
Q4 2021 - 78.7% (+4.3%) six years of racing here
Q1 2022 - 77.2% (-1.5%) slightly down, will see how it will go this year ...
Q2 2022 - 70.4% (-6.8%) rough quarter and we are back to Q1 2021
Q3 2022 - 68.2% (-2.2%) not as bad as was previous Q, but still red. To be fair it is not all that bad as we can buy cheap now*
Q4 2022 - 72.1% (+3.9%) finally some gains, but stull red for the year. Looking forward leave those red quarters behind in 2023 !!!
Q1 2023 - 75.8% (+3.7%) slowly recovering from the 2022 losses, looks like OMY is in books for us - class of 2025 or even 2026 if inflation will continue to bite.
Q2 2023 - 80.4% (+4.7%) we hit all time high at $2,413k, still behind but slowly closing those gaps between current state and 2 target lines. I attached chart here
Congrats, brokrken!!!
Amazing quarter for you and overall achievement, did that change your planned FIRE date? Just curious, as many looking for OMY, you may look at OLY :D

Thanks, Exit! No, if you remember I actually had pushed mine back to April, 2026. My DD graduates high school in June, 2025 so this lets me get one more bonus check in before I call it quits. Also, my company is set to go public soon and I need to hang on for those shares, as well. So I can't see me calling it quits before that April 2026 date. Even that is only 2 yrs, 9 mts away! The only thing I can see getting in the way of that date is if the IPO gets pushed out farther for some reason.
Thanks, Exit! No, if you remember I actually had pushed mine back to April, 2026. My DD graduates high school in June, 2025 so this lets me get one more bonus check in before I call it quits. Also, my company is set to go public soon and I need to hang on for those shares, as well. So I can't see me calling it quits before that April 2026 date. Even that is only 2 yrs, 9 mts away! The only thing I can see getting in the way of that date is if the IPO gets pushed out farther for some reason.

Understood, all actually make sense , especially IPO would be hard to pass on if you can score good amount of money from that.
$1.86M invested assets - delaying to age 55 in 2030 to have unfettered access to 401k and RSU/options
| % of Target|
|investments and cash| investments plus RE cash flow
2017 Q4|42.4|50.0
2018 Q1|41.1|53.0
2018 Q2|42.9|60.4
2018 Q3|42.1|66.6
2018 Q4|38.8|62.4
2019 Q1|44.0|68.5
2019 Q2|45.3|71.3
2019 Q3|42.8|68.8
2019 Q4|46.3|74.2
2020 Q1|40.0|77.6
2020 Q2|42.3|80.5
2020 Q3|43.7|83.5
2020 Q4|47.9|92.0
2021 Q1|50.7|94.9
2021 Q2|53.5|105.9
2021 Q3|53.2|107.2
2021 Q4|56.4|112.7
2022 Q1|54.3|104.2
2022 Q2|53.5|105.9
2022 Q3|49.8|98.2
2022 Q4|54.6|100.7
2023 Q1|58.3|108.6
2023 Q2|62.4|114.5

Working on the multi legged stool. Targeting to have taxable brokerage account/Cash/Stock Options, traditional IRA and Roth IRA have about the same weighting upon FIRE.

| | |Networth Breakdown %| |
|t-IRA|Roth IRA|Taxable/Cash|RE Equity|Home Equity
2020 Q4|30|32|2|29|7
2021 Q1|30|32|3|28|7
2021 Q2|29|32|3|28|8
2021 Q3|29|31|3|29|8
2021 Q4|29|31|3|30|7
2022 Q1|29|31|3|30|7
2022 Q2|25|27|10|26|12
2022 Q3|25|26|10|27|13
2022 Q4|25|26|12|25|12
2023 Q1|25|27|12|25|11
2023 Q1|26|28|10|25|11
I'm kinda cheating here, at near 60, so not exactly early, but did reach FI a years back (at least that part was "early"). Stayed in the game as wanted to see how high could take career + had no idea what I'd do with myself in RE (yes workaholic syndrome), so have also had to overcome an acute case of OMY syndrome.

But, thanks to covid and couple years of WFH, has provided a nice dry-run for not living my work, having a healthier work-life balance, and spending more time with family. Sad that it took a pandemic (along with some other realizations) to shake me into setting a date, but here we are and am ready to pull the trigger in 2024 for absolutely certain.

Can't swear that I won't pick up some part-time, half-time consulting work, but if I did would be very much on my own terms.

I'll keep the fin'l details light as know you all have already told me I'm more than prepared and don't have much to worry about (but I worry anyhow cause I grew up kinda poor and just can't wrap my head around not worrying about how I'm gonna put food on the table): Total NW in the upper quadrant of 7-figures, liquid retirement portfolio expected to come in at ~$6M after some lumpy liquidity events, Add'l equity in r.e. to provide add'l buffer if/when sell down the road.

Expenses are high ($300K incl taxes) because retiring to a HCOL/high tax region, in a relatively high maintenance type of living situation. Also, some fluff in the budget for travel, renovation, big toys, etc.

No other financial obligations except DW (and the occasional family-related helping hand). Big chunk of estate will go to charity if there is some left (most of the calculators are telling me there should be plenty left, I just don't believe them).

Just need to get thru next few months which is getting harder and harder. Don't ask why I don't just pull the cord now - I might be tempted to leave some $$$ on the table, but probably not.

P.S. edit: It was not my original target/requirement for FI to hit this kind of NW, just sort of tripled over the past decade and a half owing to multiple factors, solid income, strong r.e. appreciation, RSU growth, etc. What I've found is that if/when you achieve a certain level of assets relative to expenses, takes on a life of its own, and becomes more about time and compounding vs savings from earned income - I am sure obvious to this crowd, not so obvious to me until I witnessed it with my own eyes.
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I liked how some of you did your formatting so i followed that and looked back as far as I have been tracking. Our original plan was to go at the end of 2024 but we may just go part time for a year or two. Our expenses will be very high the next 5-6 years with one in private school and two colleges lurking.

Invested assets.
Q4 2006 - 584k (10%)
Q4 2007 - 754k (13%)
Q4 2008 - 642k (11%)
Q4 2009 - 912k (16%)
Q4 2010 - 1063k (19%)
Q4 2011 - 1204k (21%)
Q4 2012 - 1417k (25%)
Q4 2013 - 1948k (35%)
Q4 2014 - 2006k (36%) upgraded house. Much bigger mortgage payment.
Q4 2015 - 2131k (38%)
Q4 2016 - 2428k (44%)
Q4 2017 - 2799k (50%) spouse changes jobs, takes 33% salary pay cut but given ISO’s
Q4 2018 - 2810k (51%)
Q4 2019 - 3534k (64%)
Q4 2020 - 4197k (76%) sold vested ISO’s. Pay off the mortgage. Rest into index funds.
Q4 2021 - 5075k (92%)
Q4 2022 - 4580k (83%)
Q1 2023 - 4933k (89%)
Q2 2023 - 5178k (94%) back above Jan 2022 numbers
DW and I are now joining the class of 2024 after failing in 2022 and 2023. I have been ready all along but DW just couldnt quite get there. Super smart lady who is a Sr Project Manager in Supply chain IT. But go over finances and watch her glaze over. LOL

Finally she agreed to really pay attention while I went over the numbers with her. She asked great questions and after being done, she said... Wow! So we really can retire any time, right?! But her being the type of person she is, she wanted us to get a second opinion so we had a financial guy run a Monte Carlo for us and his numbers and mine were so close as to be insignificant. Our income needs/and wants, are much lower than what we will easily be able to take from our accounts over the next 34 years and we should end with quite a bit more than we have now.

All that being said. 2024 is our year!!!
I've let my boss know of my planned exit date of May 2, 2024 (2023 was my OMY). May of 2024 gets us thru our one year with two in college. After that, my sons college is fully funded via his 529. Our planned withdrawal rate would be around 3-3.25% and we'd be retiring at 55.

My boss has requested that I consider staying on part-time (terms TBD) - which I told him I'd consider. So perhaps not full RE, but things would at least be on my terms.
Q2 2023 - 80.4% (+4.7%) we hit all time high at $2,413k, still behind but slowly closing those gaps between current state and 2 target lines. I attached chart here

Hi Exit,

amazing progress and great information provided over the past years.

quick one: Checking the attached chart and your numbers, I got confused. Chart shows around 2.1m USD of assets, with 300/500k missing to reach high/low target, but in your text you mentioned you´ve reached 2.4m?
Hi Exit,

amazing progress and great information provided over the past years.

quick one: Checking the attached chart and your numbers, I got confused. Chart shows around 2.1m USD of assets, with 300/500k missing to reach high/low target, but in your text you mentioned you´ve reached 2.4m?

Hi Laggy
To answer your question chart with high and low targets have numbers without RE, where total NW includes RE (accounted at purchase price) Hope that clarifies confusion
Q1 2016 - 31.8% of our target, have a lot of heavy lifting to do in order to get ready for 2024 FIRE
Q2 2016 - 32.9% (+1.1%) of the target NW, very encouraged by the progress, looking forward to join 2 comma club this year.
Q3 2016 - 34.2% (+1.3%) of target, and finally joined two comma club
Q4 2016 - 35.6% (+1.4%) so far so good
Q1 2017 - 37.7% (+2.1%) big news - payed off house and have zero debt now. Markets have been hot during Q1 - that helped a lot
Q2 2017 - 39.6% (+1.9%) chugging along, hoping to cross 40% by end of July
Q3 2017 - 41.6% (+2.0%) - yey! looking forward to the midpoint of the race
Q4 2017 - 43.9% (+2.3%) that was blockbuster year, hope to have more of those going forward !!!
Q1 2018 - 44.9% (+1.0%) not bad
Q2 2018 - 46.5% (+1.6%) nice quarter!
Q3 2018 - 49.7% (+3.2%) looking forward to cross half-way mark this year!
Q4 2018 - 47.1% (-2.6%) terrible December killed that quarter, still positive for the year though
Q1 2019 - 51.1% (+4.0%) yey!!! Finally crossed half way mark
Q2 2019 - 53.2% (+2.1%) have exactly 5 years to go according to original plan
Q3 2019 - 55.0% (+1.8%) still racing
Q4 2019 - 57.9% (+2.9%) for the full 2019 our NW went up by 10.8% of the target and we beat year end estimate by $112k
Q1 2020 - 52.8% (-5.1%) At this point we are just happy to have our paychecks and that we both can work from home.
Q2 2020 - 59.6% (+6.8%) thankful for Q2 market gains and also believe we will see one more leg down before full recovery to February highs.
Q3 2020 - 63.7% (+4.1%) this year is shaping up to be interesting
Q4 2020 - 67.6% (+3.9%) crossed $2M mark on out NW, not complaining at all
Q1 2021 - 70.0% (+2.4%) nice small milestone!
Q2 2021 - 73.9% (+3.9%)
Q3 2021 - 74.4% (+0.5%) green for the quarter - that what counts
Q4 2021 - 78.7% (+4.3%) six years of racing here
Q1 2022 - 77.2% (-1.5%) slightly down, will see how it will go this year ...
Q2 2022 - 70.4% (-6.8%) rough quarter and we are back to Q1 2021
Q3 2022 - 68.2% (-2.2%) not as bad as was previous Q, but still red. To be fair it is not all that bad as we can buy cheap now*
Q4 2022 - 72.1% (+3.9%) finally some gains, but stull red for the year. Looking forward leave those red quarters behind in 2023 !!!
Q1 2023 - 75.8% (+3.7%) slowly recovering from the 2022 losses, looks like OMY is in books for us - class of 2025 or even 2026 if inflation will continue to bite.
Q2 2023 - 80.4% (+4.7%) we hit all time high at $2,413k, still behind but slowly closing those gaps between current state and 2 target lines.
Q3 2023 - 79.3% (-1.1%) down again, looks like 2024 FIRE will not materialize, oh well, OMY - here we go, Exit 2025 here :cool:
Q3 2023 - 79.3% (-1.1%) down again, looks like 2024 FIRE will not materialize, oh well, OMY - here we go, Exit 2025 here :cool:

I hear ya. Haven't broached the subject with DW yet but one of our three models has slipped to Feb 2026 :( Still hoping for 7/4/2025 but hope <> plan.
I hear ya. Haven't broached the subject with DW yet but one of our three models has slipped to Feb 2026 :( Still hoping for 7/4/2025 but hope <> plan.

Exactly the same, 2026 is more likely, but still hoping for fall of 2025.

Anyone else here who are falling behind?
Net Worth Excluding Real Estate and Personal Property
06/20/2017 - $1,205k
10/02/2017 - $1,273k - Nice little quarter, I would say.
1/1/2018 - $1,354k - Still headed in the right direction. Let's see what 2018 has to offer.
4/1/2018 - $1,398k - Smaller increase this quarter as the market hasn't helped. Luckily my contributions more than made up for the lack of market returns.
07/02/2018 - $1,461k - Q2 was similar story to Q1. Moving in the right direction though.
10/01/2018 - $1,537k
01/01/2019 - $1,328k - Ouch, what a terrible December
04/01/2019 - $1,520k - Q1 got back much of what Q4 lost!
07/01/2019 - $1,576k - Nice quarter and a new high. Still chugging along.
10/01/2019 - $1,594k - While I'm way up from January. I'm not that far up from same period prior year. But, I'll keep piling it in and hope the market helps me along the way.
01/01/2020 - $1,729 - Excellent Q4 for 2019, which more than made up for Q4 2018. Here's hoping 2020 brings more of the same.
04/01/2020 - $1,453k - Wow, the last 3 weeks have been brutal. Down $276k from last quarter and $67k from last year!
07/01/2020 - $1,763k - Amazing that this market has been so resilient and I am grateful for it. However, I am still expecting a W recovery, at best. All the money that was lost in Q2 is gone forever, unemployment is still extremely high and our deficits are out of control. You all may have even seen in a different thread that I have recently purchased October SPY puts with the thought that once Q2 earnings are realized and valuations are proven to be out of whack, we'll have a retest.
10/01/2020 - $1,948k - Well, those SPY puts haven't worked out so well. Finally closed them out at a loss a few weeks back. Anyway, another good, yet mystifying quarter. I did a separate thread where I celebrated eclipsing $2M. That lasted for about 2 days and I still haven't gotten back. Hopefully for the year end update I'll make it. Considering where my portfolio was on March 23, this update is really remarkable.
01/01/2021 - $2,194k - What an absolute mess of a year. While very thankful for how my portfolio performed, it is completely illogical. While the rest of the world was burning down, stocks marched higher. I'm fearful that 2021 takes it all back. That being said, I hope I am once again wrong, as doing so seems to be very profitable... And, I wish you all a very Happy New Year and Cheers to (fingers crossed) life getting back to normal
04/02/2021 - $2,422k - Was travelling yesterday so missed the 4/1 balance. Up nearly $1M from one year ago....freaking amazing. Being so close to my number, $3M, I'm wondering if I should start to adjust my allocation to a more conservative approach. Current I'm something like 83/8/9. On the one hand, it's what got me here so if it ain't broke don't fix it, on the other hand, I don't want to see it go away in a correction. I'm young enough that I could continue to w*rk for a couple more years if needed, but I don't really want to. Also, now seems like the worst time to buy bonds. No clue what to do. Anyway, hope you all had a nice quarter, as well
07/05/2021 - $2,704k - Another amazing quarter. Of course owning NVDA has helped. Still worried about a pull back. Being so close to my number with still some years left has me nervous, not wanting to give it all back.
10/01/2021 - $2,672k - It was a rough last few weeks. High for the Q was actually $2,792.
01/01/2022 - $2,985k Really nice year; even hit the $3M mark a couple times in the last few months. Just bought a vacation home, so about $100k of this is now gone per Dec 28th, but being so close to the end of the year, I just left it in to keep 2021 clean. Original goal was $3M; with inflation I'm thinking I might need to up that to $3.5M or $4M
04/01/2022 - $2,899k Rough quarter plus I removed some funds for the vacation home I mentioned last quarter. But, Q1 finished better than it looked like it was going to a few weeks ago. So, cheers to that. Here's hoping for a better Q2.
07/01/2022 - $2,409k Very rough quarter. Basically back to where I was April of 2021. Here's hoping for a better second half
10/01/2022 - $2,294k Still going the wrong direction. Considering inflation, war in Europe, etc, etc. we may be in for a long recession. No worries. We've been through this before in '01/'02 and '08/'09 so we can get through it again.
01/01/2023 - $2,502k Got some of what we've lost back. Here's looking at a more profitable 2023. Happy New Year, everyone!
04/01/2023 - $2,906k Nice Q1! Still below all-time high, but working our way back there. Also, still reviewing wether I need to up our target number and wether to adjust our AA to a more conservative approach. Getting too close to the end to have the sequence of return risk that we went through in 2022.
07/01/2023 - $3,213k This is our first quarter that has ended over the $3M mark, all thanks to NVDA. Finally for the first time in 13 years had to sell some as it was becoming way too large a % of our portfolio

10/03/2023 - $3,132k Slightly down this quarter. Would be up quite a bit more had I not sold the NVDA, but no looking back, it was too risky of a % of our NW considering where we are in this journey. Also, nothing wrong with getting over 5% on a huge chunk of cash!
Anyone else here who are falling behind?
We are falling behind by a year or two. I have always tracked my nest egg target based on 3% SWR. The FIRE target nest egg number has been creeping up because the inflation has been rampant since last two years. Even after we hit our number, I may just keep working until DD finish 4 year college which will be 2026.
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