gozzie said:
I appreciate all your comments. I'm from Missouri. I am not familiar with the HIPPA policy that one individual mentioned. My retirement is funded by my wife's and my assets. Our only supplement will be Social Security. From what I read on another posting, it seemed to be the consensus that most people would benefit from taking SS as early as possible. But, I obviously have a lot to consider before picking up the gold watch. Thanks again.
If you look at the insurance guide for Missouri at
www.healthinsuranceinfo.net you will see that there are two possibilies for you if you are in fact unisurable. Because you are on COBRA, you should be HIPAA eligible. In Missouri, if you are HIPAA eligible insurance companies have to offer you a policy. I do not know if Missouri places any limites on the cost of these HIPAA eligible policies. If not, the rates could be unaffordable. The other option is the risk pool.
HIPAA is a federal law which requires states to provide some source of health insurance for people coming off of group plans. These are the HIPAA eligibility rules:
No matter where you live in the U.S., if you are federally eligible you are guaranteed the right to buy individual coverage of some kind with no pre-existing condition exclusion periods. To be federally eligible, you must meet all of the following:
´ You must have had 18 months of continuous creditable coverage, at least the last day of which was under a group health plan.
´ You also must have used up any COBRA or state continuation coverage for which you were eligible.
´ You must not be eligible for Medicare, Medicaid, or a group health plan.
´ You must not have health insurance. (Note, however, if you know your group coverage is about to end, you can apply for coverage for which you will be federally eligible.)
´ You must apply for health insurance for which you are federally eligible within 63 days of losing your prior coverage.
Federal eligibility ends when you enroll in an individual plan, because the last day of your continuous health coverage must have been in a group plan. You can become federally eligible again by maintaining continuous coverage and rejoining a group health plan.
The problem with HIPAA guarantees is that there is no rate regulation by the federal governmentand different states have different ways that they comply with HIPAA.