I only need accident health insurance
The main thing about not having health insurance is to be very knowledgeable about taking care of health problems you might have and doing preventive health measures. For instance this is what I've cured myself of:
Gallbladder problems - learned how to flush gallstones out (doctors say it's impossible, but I have pictures to prove it)
Skin cancer - used a special herbal black salve that kills cancer cells but leaves good tissue intact, again have some pretty gruesome pictures to prove it)
Infections - I use nano silver or MMS with total success, even on staph infections.
Some major cost diseases I would not go to the doctor for:
Cancer - I have not had any cancer other than skin, but I have been a health researcher for over 20 years and know of so many alternative therapies to use that have healed many thousands of people of cancer. (Doctors aren't allowed to steer you in that direction. By law they are required to use only chemo, radiation, or surgery, that's it.) I only give people my resources of information, I will not treat anyone!
Heart disease - This is totally preventable, but you have to learn how to eat correctly. Hint: If you eating processed food of any description, you are not going down the right road with your health. You must also learn how to detox environmental toxins we all come in contact with.
The only thing I need insurance for is a major accident. I wish I could find a policy just for that. Anyone know of such a thing?