Retirement personality type

Sarah in SC

Moderator Emeritus
Sep 19, 2005
Charleston, SC
This is always a favorite of mine, the traits that tie together folks that are motivated to FIRE. I noticed from the responses to the thread about reading as a child that so many of us read early, often and generally books well beyond our ages. While it is easy to reach the popular conclusion that there are better things to do than work, our odd subset is actually doing something about it.

This blogger at Early Retirement Extreme, who I found through a link here at some point, has a great recent post about that perennial favorite: "Is there a retire-early personality type?".

The comments section also includes a link to the first such survey to note the "early retirement personality" at

Is There a Retire Early Personality Type?

We've discussed this before, but I thought it would be enlightening to once again have those INTJs among us be counted. :D

Sarah :flowers:
Ok - INTJ here AND lefthanded - I can't even pick out navel lint let alone contemplate using my right hand.


heh heh heh - :cool:
INTJ here, too.. right handed because lefthandedness wasn't allowed in my world as a kid, but still more ambidextrous than most.
98 respondents were not yet retired but sure they would like it when they do retire.

That's me, and so is the 26% of my ISTJ cohorts. It's not surprising, if you think about it, that the FIRE wannabes are very heavily concentrated in the "I" category. I'd imagine the "E" crowd is more likely to feel energized and stimulated by a w*rkplace environment.
How could I forget the left-handed part? Doh!

Okay: I'm INTJ and Left-handed, just like that 12 year old girl from Missoula!
Like Hefner?
My lips are sealed. And I will never post pictures of myself.
Thanks for the link to the Extreme Early Retirement Blog.

...there is satisfaction in knowing that you never need to work if you don’t want to. There is satisfaction in beating the consumerist system at its own game. There is satisfaction in overcoming challenges and doing things your own way. There is satisfaction in pursuit that does not involve buying cheap crap and replacing it every other year with the latest fashions; satisfaction in owning quality rather than quantity.
I came out ISTJ on the 4-question test. Full test was ISTP
I think I am a IN with qualities of TF JP.

Add a poll to the thread?

I didn't respond to the reading thread but I did read books beyond my level at an early age - 10-14ish Science Fiction 14 - 16 B. Franklin, Jefferson, M. Arelius 16+ various philosophies.

Myers-Briggs Personality Test MBTI Personality Types

If you want to know who you are (and others); try to remember what you did and who you were at about 10 - 13 yo. This will give insights as to if you are a good candidate for ER.

I do not think this is a arbitrarily age for this type of self development. For the vast majority of human existence people only lived until 35. So 1 - 13 development (personality formed); 14 - 25 midlife (start a family) ; 26 - 35 old age.

The recent extension of longevity did not change anything. The rebellion of the teenage years (13 - 19) reinforce my theory. Society's restriction that children must attend school until 18 or 22 conflicts with the biologically developed person of 13.
I can never remember my Myers Briggs catagory even though I took it a number of times at work. The quickie test says I am an ESTP, although I am pretty sure that is not what I tested as before. I think I was INTP or maybe even J - I remember judging in there somewhere.

Edit: I wasn't so sure about this so I took two more online tests. The first one also pegged me as ESTP. The second one showed me as ENTJ but weighted the E at 82%, N at 12% and T&J at 1% -- so I guess I am a "borderline personality" case :)
ISTJ, right handed, and like my toilet paper unrolled from the bottom.
INTJ (strongly IT, barely NJ), right handed, toilet paper off the top.

My 'rebellion phase' activities of ages 10-13 consisted of doing 1 or more paper routes and saving every penny, riding my bike (alone) through the local forest, and reading lots of books, particularly the encyclopedia.
ISTJ, right handed, and like my toilet paper unrolled from the bottom.

Ditto that, though i replace all rolls to suit my left handed honey - so they roll off the top.

In keeping with the Possum Lodge Creed:
"I'm a man.
I can change.
If I have too.
I guess".
I was revealed to be an ISFJ on the four question test. Took the Meyer Briggs test years ago in secondary school and don't recall what I was as that is ancient history. Am decidedly right handed also.
lol! Seems like if you can't decide, you're an INTP! :) I'm an INTP, or at least I think I probably am. Very detailed INTP description here: An INTP Profile.

Though in that test above, I'd probably have categorized myself as an ISTJ.

The last question in the free test left me wondering where I fit. But then, reading the personality descriptions in the link that dex provided, I am fairly sure I am INTJ. Below is another description of the INTJ type.

INTJ Information » INTJ Descriptions

INTJs are very often found in positions that require prolonged periods of solitary concentration and tough-minded analysis... INTJs are intensely individualistic and resist being bound to routine.

I don't think that's the profile of Hefner, do you? :D I don't even have a PJ, leave alone a silk one. ;) I like to sleep in my Bermuda shorts, even in the winter. I sleep bare chested in the summer, and with a T-shirt in the winter.

PS. I am right-handed. What does that have to do with personality?
Was ISTJ while w*rking (wonder if that has changed?)
Very right handed
TP from the top
Age 13 is about when I started retreating into myself and into books (mainly science fiction and literary classics)
ISTJ question about it. I should bee retired already.

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