Ride hailing "mistake" - or potential scam?


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Apr 16, 2012
A few weeks ago DW and I were in Boston, helping one of her elderly relatives. At one point DW had to make a trip a little distance away, requiring either I drive her (she was in a walking boot at the time recovering from a fractured ankle and could not drive), or she take a Lyft ride (She uses Lyft since, when visiting her mother in Florida, it is the best option for her mothers area, and several of the Lyft drivers know her mother and are very helpful). Since I was in the middle of installing security cameras for the relative, and her round trip errand would take a couple of hours, we decided a Lyft would be best. I am *not* a big fan of these personal ride hailing outfits, but in this situation I agreed.

She requests a ride, and gets several drivers all pricing the ride around $25. She selects one, and in ten minutes the driver arrives. Clean car, nothing seems unusual. I take a video of the car, driver, and license plate, and the driver sees me as DW gets into the car.

They leave, I go back to my work. less than 10 minutes later, I get a text from DW: "I am coming back to the house, to get a different ride". I run out to meet her a couple of blocks away, knowing she cannot walk very fast.

What happened? According to DW, a couple of minutes into the ride, the driver stated oops, I accidentally canceled the ride while trying to confirm the pickup, can you to request a ride again, just select my name. So DW does that - but now it states the ride will be $45, not $25. Say what?

DW asked him why is this now $45 and not $25, the driver claimed he does not know. DW said fine, cancel the ride, I am getting out. At first the drivers says there will be a cancellation fee. DW told him she is getting out and there better not be a cancellation fee, she will make sure feedback and Lyft will find out all about this, and reminds him that I have video of him. At this point she said the driver became very apologetic and stated there would not be a fee. He offered to bring her back to where she had been picked up, but she still recognized where they were and opted to get out there.

DW rescheduled the ride, again the options were around $25, and this time she received a 2nd driver that did not give her any trouble (this driver was very helpful, he offered to wait while she took care of several things and drive her back for a discount, we gave him a good tip and great feedback).

My spidey sense is not perfect, but I feel strongly that the 1st driver was trying to scam DW. Being female, being incapacitated in a walking boot, being soft spoken and assuming she would not raise a fuss (he does not know my DW :)), may have had something to do with this. Or maybe nothing.

We followed up with Lyft, they assured us that we would not be charged a cancellation fee, and we were not.

So... I do not know if others have had a similar experience. If not, it is something to be area of and warned about. I am glad that, if it had to happen, it happened in a city, during the day, where she could easily get out, and not in a more rural or isolated area.
Not a mistake, but a scam. Just be glad your wife was smart enough to deal with it properly, and chalk it up to experience.
That's a scam.
Yea, scam...

Make sure Lyft knows all about it and find out what they did...
Yea, scam...

Make sure Lyft knows all about it and find out what they did...

I mentioned above we did followup wit them. They could see the original request and cancellation. They gave no argument, no questions, apologetic and said they would ensure we would only be charged for the rides DW used. CC charges are accurate, hopefully they are "following up" with the driver.
Good to know. I might have fallen for it, but that higher fare would have raised my eyebrows. Often when I use Uber/Lyft I'm in places where there aren't a lot of drivers, and the next one might not be by for a long time. Even if I could get another ride, I might be in too much of a hurry. I guess I'd have to pay the higher fare and complain later.

One time I made a mistake, and sent the driver to the wrong hotel. Turns out that "Airport Drive" in that town is nowhere near the airport. Oops. The driver was pretty good about it. I've always had good luck with the drivers I've gotten.

It's too bad there are scammers among them. I suppose it was bound to happen.
Not a mistake, but a scam. Just be glad your wife was smart enough to deal with it properly, and chalk it up to experience.

I’m sure this driver no longer works for Lyft.

This sounds very much like the scam airport taxis in Mexico used to pull. Fares from the airport to the city were regulated by zone and once the ride was outside the airport zone and well underway the driver would say “oh, you got the wrong zone, No problem, just pay me the difference”. I’m sure many did.
The change in price certainly raises a red flag.
I used to drive for Uber. As I recall, the driver had no say about the price.
The only time a price would change (for the same route) was if ‘demand’ pricing went into effect. With the next driver quoting the original price I really doubt that is what happened.
This was also 7-9 years ago, so things may have changed.
DW asked him why is this now $45 and not $25, the driver claimed he does not know. DW said fine, cancel the ride, I am getting out. At first the drivers says there will be a cancellation fee. DW told him she is getting out and there better not be a cancellation fee, she will make sure feedback and Lyft will find out all about this, and reminds him that I have video of him. At this point she said the driver became very apologetic and stated there would not be a fee. He offered to bring her back to where she had been picked up, but she still recognized where they were and opted to get out there.

Perfect strategy. Glad it worked out. Scam aside, that must have been scary for your wife too. You never know when things might go sideways.
Good for her for being brave enough to get out NOW even though she was somewhat incapacitated. We are so used to being polite and non-confrontational.

This may have just been an error on the part of the driver....or it may have been a scam for a bigger fare or it may have put her in danger.

Spidey sense. Get out now.
Trying to understand how this is a scam (by the driver). They don't have any control over the pricing; that's controlled by Lyft, right? That said, I've not seen a way to pick a particular driver in Uber, maybe Lyft is different?
I vote scam. DW would have done exactly same thing and not been polite about it either.
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