RIP: safe deposit box. Alternatives?

Some more recent info for this thread from last year:

I went to our BoA branch today to swap out our backup hard drives and was talking with the manager about this subject. She said that after Chase decided to get out of that business, BoA started down the same path. The locks at our branch are old and breaking frequently, and they have stopped renting out boxes that have come available. She expects they will shut it all down sooner rather than later. So DH and I have some thinking to do on other options.
We bought a good, fireproof safe and had it installed in the house.
I keep my valuables (mostly jewelry) in a portable safe placed in an area where a burglar would have to be VERY persistent to find it. I prefer keeping them at home because I can bring up a few pieces and keep them on the dresser and rotate them at intervals. If I leave the house for a few days I put the ones on the dresser in a wooden box under the plastic bag containing DH's ashes.:D
Coincidentally, our local B&M bank just announced they are closing the branch we used. So we had to move our safe deposit stuff to another branch (still only 2-3 miles away).

Our "stuff" is just paper. Old EE savings bonds (that I am slowly selling as they get to face value). Then copies of wills, POA's, car titles, home title, etc.

We probably don't need it, but for $75/yr, it gives us a "safe" location for this stuff.
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