rock, paper, scissors


Moderator Emeritus
Feb 27, 2004
In the WSJ today is an article about how a decision was made by a company in Japan to chose between using Christie's or Sotheby's to market the company's valuable collection of Impressionist art, including a $16 million dollar Cezzanne.

The company asked one last question of Sotheby's and Christie's: Rock, Paper, Scissors.

"Paper is considered the most friendly and subtle 'throw,' while scissors is typical of an agressive and clever player." "Rock, meanwhile, is a weapon to fall back on for protection."

So what did Christie's and Sotheby's each throw? No cheating.
I don't know the answer, but for some reason it reminded me of the old saying, "People who live in glass houses..."
The Japanese are known for being Rochambeau nuts! They use it for everything. The funny thing is, if there is a disagreement, people will automatically just whip out their hands and start playing... nobody ever has to say "lets rochambeau for it", or however you would say that in Japanese. :)
Growing up in L.A., I ran with a bunch of Korean buddies. They played a version called, Kai Bai Bo, I think it's identical in name to what's played in Japan, just slightly different names (Japan it's known as Jan Ken Pon). The game isn't as simple over there as here. The initial "throw" only set advantage, where the advantaged player would then try to guess the disadvantaged players next move. Fast paced and can get exciting as one person begins to psych out the other, learn to read him, and run away with the game. Often played as a drinking game, where the loser had to take a drink, having no access to that in high school we would get to hit the loser on the inside of the arm with two fingers. These guys knew how to leave welts! :eek:
I guess paper...

I spent a year in Japan back when the earth was cooling... "friendly and subtle" describes my experience to a tee.

I think it might be paper also. For sure it is not scissors since they do not believe in agression.
What does this have to do with ER?

Just kidding Martha. You rock! :)

For sure it is not scissors since they do not believe in agression.

Hey Spanky,
The Chinese during WWII may have disagreed with that statement. :mad:

MJ :)

I thought about that after I had made the statement.

It is plausible that one put out a paper while the other put out a rock. Therefore, paper won.

Christie's threw scissors. Sotheby's threw paper. Christie's got the job.

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