Running into work acquaintances


Full time employment: Posting here.
Nov 29, 2011
The Deep South Bay
Just this month alone I've run into 2 guys I used to work with, they both spotted me but I immediately knew who they were by looks and then name recollection came after. Both times the conversation of current work comes up and I don't lie, I tell them I'm fired and their two stories are similar, still grinding out a livelihood

Since I've fired I've run out not maybe 6 guys, Just curious how often you guys run into old workmates or schoolmates and if it means anything to you. I've read somewhere that when you see someone from your past it means something
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Workmates, once in a while, but for the last 30 years I have only worked with less than 10 associates, two of which live nearby.

Schoolmates, almost never since they are 2000 miles away from us.
Just had a great lunch today with a colleague I worked with for almost 20 years, but who now lives in China. Last week I had lunch with my former boss who is a good friend. The week before, I was on vacation with folks I met in the 1970s in college. And the week before that, I was on vacation with a professional colleague and his family who works in another state, but I have known more than 30 years. Yesterday, I skyped with a friend of mine who lives in Holland. We are going to meet up in October.

Thus, my work and school friends are more than just acquaintances. I generally have lunch with someone who is a former colleague about once every 2 weeks, but often arrange mutual vacations together which is more than I see my siblings, nieces, and nephews.
I still have lunch pretty regularly with former colleagues (maybe once a month). Always enjoy catching up and shooting the breeze, though never have any desire to switch places with them. :D
I rarely see my old w*rk colleagues, mainly due to distance, and that's fine with me. Recently a former boss was in town and we got together. From what I heard, it's plus ca change at the old w*rkplace.
I'm on the team for my penultimate employer for the local corporate athletic competition so I see them at the events once a year. (I'm eligible to participate as a retiree since I'm no longer working for anyone else; my final employer was also a participant but I think they still have my picture up at the Security desk.) I'm also on FB with many of them.

Went to school several states away although I attend get-togethers every few years. I don't' see them around here.
On my last job there were a few people I would see maybe once or twice a year.... but have not seen them in at least 12 months...

The one before that a group would get together, again like every 6 months.... it was driven by the old boss who everybody would go... heck, there are people that come that stopped working there over 20 years ago...

Do not see anybody from college... I was working at the time and had zero time to do anything with anybody....
On my last job there were a few people I would see maybe once or twice a year.... but have not seen them in at least 12 months...

The one before that a group would get together, again like every 6 months.... it was driven by the old boss who everybody would go... heck, there are people that come that stopped working there over 20 years ago...

Do not see anybody from college... I was working at the time and had zero time to do anything with anybody....

The only person I see regularly from my college days is DW, we also had little time to do anything with anybody (else):angel:
I just went to an alumni even for my former employer. I saw several people there there I knew and were still working. I also go to lunch at least 1x a month with a co-worker.

It's great to stay in touch. Some are envious.
I have a group of retirees that get together every other week. I usually attend 1/2 the time, or more. It is interesting, to say the least. But as one of the youngest, it is great insight in to Medicare, SSI, Health Issues, etc.

There are usually a few Retiree's in Training (still working) that join us. It is always interesting to here how "things are Going", particularly when you don't have to deal with the "things".

I get a call once in a while to help out. After the first one, where I hemmed and hawed, the answer is basically "nothing in the world could drag me back into that mess, thank you.":D
I've gone to the holiday happy hour with former workmates for the past two years. It's nice to catch up with most of them. I just avoid those few that irritated me when I had to work with them.

In June I attended a picnic lunch honoring three coworkers who were retiring. It was fun to show up all tanned, in shorts and flip-flops, while everyone else was trying not to sweat in their work clothes.

I'm so busy doing what I like that I rarely think of the former coworkers, but it is nice to see them once or twice a year.
So I'm walking into the venue for a Who concert years ago when some guy stops me. "Hey Popeye! Wow great to see you! etc, etc". He soon realizes from the look on my face that I have no idea who he is. He then introduces himself. Turns out I had gone to school with him over 20 years before. The best part is that this was Grades 1 through 3 before my family moved to another part of the city! I can't imagine recognizing anyone years after grade school.
I'm have lunch with a few folks, every 2-3 months or so. My former "office husband" and I sometimes get together to go to a concert... Similar age, we were into similar bands in our 20's... and so when those bands come to town we'll go together. I call him my office husband because I shared an office with him for a decade and we bickered like an old married couple. My kids and husband also refer to him as my office husband. He's single so we also invite him over for holiday meals if he's in town.
We have a FB page for work that is mostly used for supporting each other for health care issues insurance issues and such. But, some personal stuff is shared. Our company was great a recognizing long term employees. There is a 20 year club where the company hosted this amazing banquet once a year. The few times I attended it was great to catch up.

I keep up with high school folks on FB as well. Again living far away, I have not kept up as much. I am really dissapointed I missed the last reunion. The 'garage band' got together and played. Very talented and accomplished; some as musicians and some in other fields. FB has been a great way to keep in touch.
Two to three times each year, I meet up with a two of my former job comrades. One retired the same year; the other is still working.

Except for those two, i never ran into any other colleagues during my first year of retirement.....until, the night I did. The next day, on FB, there was a post labeled something like: GUESS WHAT: WE RAN INTO WALDO/(my name) And, they included a photo one of them took of the group. I was embarrassed, lol. (It was a grill/bar DH and I visit a couple times a week.)

DH and I run into ex-colleagues more often these days. Their numbers among the retired are slowly, but surely, increasing.
Recently I discovered a website for alumni of a megacorp I w*rked for some 30 years ago. The most depressing part was to read about the deaths of a large number of people I used to wo*k with.
I'm going to an alumni thing next month. I might be the only person not wearing a suit. :)

I keep in touch with ex-colleagues and do lunches, drinks from time to time. All good but I am getting more people asking about life after big law.
I live in a small town and see former coworkers every week. Most tell me how much they miss me, which is nice. I play tennis with one and see others at church and volunteer side gigs and vacation with others. They are all jealous I early retired and they can't!
The first few years after leaving Mega Corp, I would encounter ex co-workers every so often while shopping. It seems like I was always the one to strike up a conversation. Never walked away from one of those brief encounters with a warm fuzzy (probably because they were still dependent on the Mega Corp). So for the most part, I no longer attempt to get the attention of ex co-works and glad to focus attention on friends and neighbors when I see them out and about.

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