Saddam and Friends hanging - Am I crazy? Warning a rant follows!


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Oct 28, 2003
Let me get this straight - Saddam and his friends, killed, turtored and imprisioned thousands and people are upset because Saddam was taunted at his hanging. One of his friends head came off during his hanging - opps - sorry about that one.

This would make a great Saturday Night Life Skit.
The taunting of Saddam did not help the cause. Everything "hangs" (ugh) on the new government establishing itself as a real, legitimate authority capable of performing basic functions effectively. Executing their former head of state should have been a solemn occassion of great gravity, performed efficiently and without glee, in a maner that preserves the dignity of the state and the condemned.

From a practical standpoint, Saddam still has a lot of fans. To the degree his execution looks like the work of a Shia vengeance mob, these folks are antagonized for no good purpose.

The accidental decapitation is a similar screw-up. To the average Joe: "If the government can't even get a hanging right, how are they going to keep the electricty coming to my house?"

There's an argument to be made that executing these guys was not a good idea anyway, that the government's interests would have been advanced by having a clean break with the past: "This government doesn't kill its citizens." I don't think it is a convincing argument, since Saddam's continued existence and the interminable trials would have been an ongoing distraction from important business.
samclem is exactly right. Given the range of "normal" punishments meted out in the Arab world (eye-gouging in Saudia Arabia, how's that for cruel and unusual?), hanging is not the issue.

What IS at issue is that the US didn't have to hand him over to an apparent mob of thugs (and whisk his body away afterwards). That looks like it's OUR doing, and that we tacitly approve of Shia hooligan ascendancy and value vendetta over the rule of law. The Sunni 'insurgents' are now causing just as much trouble as the Shia militias.. and maybe they have a point.

[DH is quite annoyed at "the left" in Italy who are going all pious on the Saddam/death penalty front, since some of these same folks applauded at seeing Mussolini strung upside down in the public square, brutally massacred by a mob along with his mistress (whose only 'crime' was being il Duce's paramour).] Go figure!
From the little I have read about the process... hanging is not as easy as one would think....

You have to have the rope in such a way as to break the neck properly, but not to do as what happened and pull the head off... this is also a function of how far they drop when the trap door is pulled...

And if you get it wrong... either what happened occured or the neck is not broke ('instant' kill) and the person will strangle to death, kicking etc... again, not good...

It is better to do the 'juice' that is more popular today..
Yes, it does seem that they really know how to mete out the punishment in that part of the world! I'm thinking I'll keep myself right here in the good 'ol US of A where a guy can still buy or squirm his way out of jail (right, OJ?).
May they be blessed with a 1000 wives in the next life ha ha ha

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