Sen. Obama translates what Private Acct in SS mean



Listened to a speech today to the National Press Club. Senator Barac Obama from Illinois (Home of John Galt).

He said that if you are confused about Private Accounts he would translate for you. Private accounts do nothing to save Social Security. They are the first step in dismantling it.
Re: Sen. Obama translates what Private Acct in SS

He sounds like a fairly smart guy. But this conclusion can be reached by even the simplest sort of reasoning. I guess the problem is that so few voters today bother with any reasoning. It's easier to blindly follow your Party. :D :D :D
Re: Sen. Obama translates what Private Acct in SS

Well, I think he is a clueless, leftist, political hack.
But, you knew that already :)

Re: Sen. Obama translates what Private Acct in SS

I guess the problem is that so few voters today bother with any reasoning. . . :D :D :D
Re: Sen. Obama translates what Private Acct in SS

"Once we modernize and save Social Security for a young generation of Americans, then it will be time to deal with the unfunded liabilities in Medicare," Bush told reporters last month.
Re: Sen. Obama translates what Private Acct in SS

"Once we modernize and save Social Security for a young generation of Americans, then it will be time to deal with the unfunded liabilities in Medicare," Bush told reporters last month.
Was that before or after the monthly $billion bill for his unjustified invasion of Iraq was added to the national debt? :D :D :D
Re: Sen. Obama translates what Private Acct in SS

Perhaps the "modernizations" are designed to pay for such "additions".
Re: Sen. Obama translates what Private Acct in SS

Perhaps the "modernizations" are designed to pay for such "additions".

Perhaps, Bush was just lying.

You guys were so upset that Clinton Lied about a Blow Job. It does not seem to bother you that Bush's lying cost thousands their lives!
Re: Sen. Obama translates what Private Acct in SS


I was a Republican my entire life and always voted for Republicans for president. I was so upset with the lying, that I voted Democrat for the first time in my life and switched my party to Democratic! Some of us do change, even though it takes us a long time to get truly fed up! Better late than never!

Re: Sen. Obama translates what Private Acct in SS

Lie = A false statement deliberately presented as being true; to present false information with the intention of deceiving.

I think it is safe to assume that Clinton knew that he got a b*** job. However, you have to concoct a fairly convoluted conspiracy theory to suggest that Bush knew there were no WMDs, said they existed anyway, knew he would be caught in his lie after the invasion, but did it anyway.
Re: Sen. Obama translates what Private Acct in SS

Having seen all of the information that was presented to 'prove' the presence of WMD's, a reasonable person would conclude that they were either retards, picked the 'evidence' to suit their thesis, or just outright were full of crap. I'll settle for incompetent if 'liars' just doesnt suit.

If you do want an outright lie on the matter, how about one of my favorites?

On Dec. 9, 2001. Cheney talking to NBC's Tim Russert.

Cheney: "Well, what we now have that's developed since you and I last talked, Tim, of course, was that report that -- it's been pretty well confirmed that he did go to Prague and he did meet with a senior official of the Iraqi intelligence service in Czechoslovakia last April, several months before the attack. Now, what the purpose of that was, what transpired between them, we simply don't know at this point, but that's clearly an avenue that we want to pursue."

June 17, 2004. Vice President Cheney talking to CNBC's Gloria Borger.

Borger: "Well, let's go to Mohamed Atta for a minute, because you mentioned him as well. You have said in the past that it was, quote, 'pretty well confirmed.' "

Cheney: "No, I never said that."

Borger: "Okay."

Cheney: "Never said that."

Borger: "I think that is . . . "

Cheney: "Absolutely not. What I said was the Czech intelligence service reported after 9/11 that Atta had been in Prague on April 9th of 2001, where he allegedly met with an Iraqi intelligence official. We have never been able to confirm that nor have we been able to knock it down."

That is, what we in sales used to call "a lie". Both of these little routines are available on video tape if you dont believe the text. When a press droid was probed on the matter, he said that cheneys original statement was taken out of context. As reasonable people, someone wanna tell me how you take that original statement 'out of context'?

For the record, the exact information provided is that some guy claimed that someone told him that they had heard that Atta had been in Prague. Heck of a trip from that to being 'pretty much confirmed' that there was a connection...

But yeah, those BJ lies are more important.
Re: Sen. Obama translates what Private Acct in SS

Politics now exists as a fined tuned blood sport. No one will ever admit wrongdoing, lies, etc. because they know the other side will use it as ammo. Causulties so far are honor, integrity.....I think the best hope is to get one branch back in democrats hands, so at least there is some balance. Did you hear that moderate Republicans are now balking at Bush shoving his agenda down their throat?
Re: Sen. Obama translates what Private Acct in SS

Just to be clear, I'm no fan of the democrats either. Its hard to believe that they couldnt come up with a better candidate than Kerry, or that they couldnt pull off a win in 2000 or 2004 given the circumstances. They were complete nincompoops.

I'm not some liberal or an anti-conservative or any of that. I dont even mind being lied to by the rank and file politicians, as long as they're either good liars or at a minimum nobody gets hurt as a result of the horsepuckey.

All this social security stuff? People are gonna get hurt. The solution is simple: quit wasting our money and pay back the IOU's and start funneling more existing tax money into the system. I saw Greenspan testifying (last week) and one of the politicos brought up this topic saying 'well we can cut spending or tax more' and immediately dismissed the idea of spending less and starting inquiring of greenspans thoughts about raising taxes. Grrrr. Conservatives are supposed want less spending and smaller government fer crying out loud!

Iraq? We were sold a bill of goods that said they were going to nuke or gas us at any minute, and that they probably at least had a hand in 9/11. In truth, it was a gutless little country that we had been sitting on for 10 years, stripped of most of its military might, run by a dictator with so loose a handle on his people and his neighbors that he occasionally suggested he might have something to use on them just to keep them at bay. The UN investigators were up his poop chute so far they could see his back wmds. Our own inspectors concurred. We were told of mobile labs, trailers and nuclear programs that didnt exist and had no evidence of ever having existed. Poor Colin Powell whored out to sit in the UN throwing a vial of baby powder around, trying to spread the scare factor.

We went in, killed up to 100k people, lost a few thousand of our own kids, spent enough money to fix social security, tore down the army and police forces and allowed the country to become a terrorist hotbed, left huge stashes of weapons open for looting, then wrapped it up by being just as sadistic with the iraqi people in their own prisons as they had.

But we brought them 'democracy and freedom'. When exactly were we annointed the people to run around the world impressing our ideals on other cultures? These people have resisted democracy and warred on each other for if you think our current situation is short term and democracy will take root and all the different factions in iraq will settle down and learn to get along...wait 5-7 years and check back in with me.

Sorry, but thats not a lie I can back up, support or be proud of, no matter how long I watch fox news.
Re: Sen. Obama translates what Private Acct in SS

TH, you evil commie traitor! You must have missed your groupthink session! Why do you hate America:confused: :D

The greatest political coup the neocons have pulled is convincing their constituents that the media can never be trusted to tell the truth. Now if they lie, there is no one to call them on it.
Re: Sen. Obama translates what Private Acct in SS

...what th said...

the newest lie (coming out of absolutely nowhere) is that we can do something about today's high fuel prices by building nuclear power plants and oil refinerys on abandoned military bases. It's the old magician trick... hey, look over there...

Re: Sen. Obama translates what Private Acct in SS

The solution is simple: quit wasting our money and pay back the IOU's and start funneling more existing tax money into the system.

That would be the best solution, but most politicians can't get elected unless they waste our money on special interest groups. How would you implement this solution under these circumstances?
Re: Sen. Obama translates what Private Acct in SS

...the newest lie (coming out of absolutely nowhere) is that we can do something about today's high fuel prices by building nuclear power plants and oil refinerys on abandoned military bases.  It's the old magician trick... hey, look over there...JohnP
I am not so sure about this. I am sure Bush would lie if he thought it would help him. But that may not be relevant in this case.

Electricity can't run many of our cars yet, but we do need generating capacity. France gets 75% of theirs from nuclear. We are about tapped out of hydro, coal is ok but ruins peoples health and produces lots of CO2, and natural gas is better used for space heating, industrial uses, etc.

As for refineries, we have a real shartage, right now. Especially a shortage of refineries able to process heavy and high sulfur crude, which appears to be an increasing portion of available crude.

I would like to see both of these things happen. But please, stay out of ANWR!

Re: Sen. Obama translates what Private Acct in SS

You know, I understand that 3 mile island was no picknick, but aren't the newly designed pebble bed reactors much safer? Only thing is, what do you do with the waste?
Re: Sen. Obama translates what Private Acct in SS

Hi Mikey! I am the most pro-environment
ultra-conservative you will ever meet. That said,
ANWR is gonna get drilled and tapped. It's only a matter of when.


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