Sending a streaming movie as a gift??


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Aug 22, 2017
Guessing I can't order movie as a gift unless its DVD?
I tried to buy one on Amazon today and it seemed to want me to stream it. Not useful to give away.

Edited to add - I don't think its out on DVD yet.
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I’m sure you could get a gift card and recommend that they purchase the movie you’re recommending.
Yeah might be better to wait til it comes on DVD I guess. More like a real present that way.
Or just order the movie and tell them your sign-in information.
I’m sure you could get a gift card and recommend that they purchase the movie you’re recommending.
This is what I did. I rented a movie on Amzn and really liked it.

That weekend, I was talking to DS#2 and his wife and was regaling them about what a great movie I thought it was. Later that evening, I sent them an Amzn e-giftcard for the amount of the rental and said "Hope you enjoy it as much as I did".
Hmm. I would have thought they would have more ways of doing it.
They're pretty limited. I get annoyed that I can't use my Amazon points to order a digital item like a movie or a book. I can, but I have to go around the barn to do it. I end up figuring out the price, loading exactly that much onto an Amazon Gift Card using my points, then use the gift card to buy the item. 4 steps instead of 1.
I received an email from Amazon to let me know that I’d received a gift card. The gift giver can add a message and it said the gift was to purchase Downton Abbey (the movie, which neither they nor I have seen) so that we can watch when they come to visit next month.

Done, very easy! I’m looking forward to it!
Gift card makes sense. But I think you still need to login to an Amazon account.

A prime video account only would be $8.99 a month.
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