Signs that one is getting old


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Jul 10, 2005
N. Yorkshire
Today we went to the gym and then walked into the town center to see Company C of the 2nd Battalion, Yorkshire Regiment (Green Howards), parade through town before being deployed overseas, initially to Cyprus, in support of the operation in Afghanistan.

As the small marching band leading the troops came near, in bright red, full dress uniform, playing drums and fife, emotion swelled within me and tears sprang to my eyes. The soldiers looked like young boys.

I'd always heard that you knew you were old when policemen looked very young, but this was almost over-whelming today. I am not an overly emotional person so it was a real surprise to feel like this.

It was a good crowd for a small town, all the soldiers were from the town and surrounding villages. The British Legion were also out on parade with the veterans also receiving a great reception from the crowd.

What makes you feel old?
I don't think I feel particularly old, but I remember being taken aback when I first started getting called "sir". Sir? That's my dad!

Probably started happening not long after turning 40, so it's routine now.
University campuses are beginning to inspire a similar response from me, Alan. I wonder how all those children ever got into university! And then I realize that they are "kids" of 18 and over.

But if you want to feel YOUNG, go to a gym that is patronized mostly by older people. I feel so strong and capable piling on the weights when using a weight machine after a 75 year old man, probably referred to the gym by his cardiologist.... :D
Signs that one is getting old -when your doctor looks like s/he is not old enough to be out of high school.
Signs that one is getting old -when your doctor looks like s/he is not old enough to be out of high school.

My doctor is about my age, but my dentist is a little boy!! :LOL: Well really, I was his first patient out of dental school back in 1999, so he is probably in his late 30's by now. He seem like a little boy but he has youthful bright eyes and manual dexterity, knows the latest procedures, and he's smart as a whip so I like that.
Signs that one is getting old -when your doctor looks like s/he is not old enough to be out of high school.

Yes, I've had that experience!!

Plus, at 53, I had a colonoscopy and the assisting nurse looked like one of the girls I knew at High School.
Curtis (in the comic) said old people make noises getting up or getting down... we caught ourselves doing that. Not all the time, but...
My doctor is about my age, but my dentist is a little boy!! :LOL: Well really, I was his first patient out of dental school back in 1999, so he is probably in his late 30's by now. He seem like a little boy but he has youthful bright eyes and manual dexterity, knows the latest procedures, and he's smart as a whip so I like that.

Is the Dentists name Frank?:rolleyes:
When the grandparents of the college student you just rented to want to see the apartment - and they are your age or a bit younger.

When bits of the body start failing in rapid succession - eyesight, hearing, teeth, heart, back, hernia, varicose veins... and you try to keep up with the repairs and maintenance and the scheduling for one repair has to mesh with the timing of another doctor visit. and your doctor prioritizes various repairs, focusing on torso stuff and letting the peripherals wait.

When you fall asleep after dinner, but can't sleep 5 solid hours or past 6 in the morning, even if you really want too.
I find that my football coach was right. He said that when I'm old I'm going to have problems with my knees. At 62 I'm finding it hard to get out of a chair. This makes me feel old but I guess I am. Oh well!
Thanks, Alan. That was a great reminder. Yes, I've had the same experience. I belong to an organization of old military farts who support the ROTC units at local colleges, and when I see these youngsters who will be 2nd Lieutenants in a year or two, I find it hard to believe that I'm looking at myself, lo those many years ago.

Another thing that makes me feel old is when younger people hold a door open for me. Even though I've done the same thing all my life, somehow having the tables turned is a bit unsettling.
1. I always carry my laptop on a backpack. On one business trip outside the country, one of the younger engineers wanted to carry my backback for me.

2. I started looking at the Grandmas instead of the moms or grandaughters.
When you start watching 60 Minutes on Sunday.

When the parents of your employees are younger than you are.
In my final years of working, some of our newest hires were born after I began working there in 1985. Egads!

At one of my school Scrabble gigs, a few of the kids there (ages 10-14) have parents who were my classmates in high school.

At the college dance class I help out at, we do a mixer dance just for fun. In the last few years, the old pop song we use ("Wild Wild West") which came out in 1988 now precedes the birth of nearly everyone in the class.
Today we went to the gym and then walked into the town center to see Company C of the 2nd Battalion, Yorkshire Regiment (Green Howards), parade through town before being deployed overseas, initially to Cyprus, in support of the operation in Afghanistan.

As the small marching band leading the troops came near, in bright red, full dress uniform, playing drums and fife, emotion swelled within me and tears sprang to my eyes. The soldiers looked like young boys.

I'd always heard that you knew you were old when policemen looked very young, but this was almost over-whelming today. I am not an overly emotional person so it was a real surprise to feel like this.

It was a good crowd for a small town, all the soldiers were from the town and surrounding villages. The British Legion were also out on parade with the veterans also receiving a great reception from the crowd.

What makes you feel old?
The soldiers are young boys.

My kids make me feel old. As in, "hey dad, let me help you with that". When I started doing that with my father he was old, so I guess my kids see me much the same. Sigh.

Certain aspects of young people's culture. I get it that there is a certain amount of non-conformism that is intentional, and my irritation is the desired effect. Nonetheless, two things that I just don't get are "dumb tv shows" (as in Simpsons) and having to show underwear. Pants hanging below the hips and bra straps really turns me off. And among older people - yuck.

One final thing - when I go to rock concerts for groups from the 70's still touring. I get in, settle down, then look around to see the people. At first I laugh to myself, thinking they're a bunch of old hippies or wannabes, past their prime, trying to relive or regain their youth. But them I remember - I am just like them. And that makes me feel old.
Seeing the veins in the back of my hands sticking out, and seeing just the very beginnings of varicose veins forming on the front of my shins. I smooth them down by rubbing them, but they eventually show back up.
My leg skin is also getting a little wrinkly, a totally new phenomenon.

And I'm only 52. :(

My face is still wrinkle-free except for a little bit under my eyes. :)
I'd always heard that you knew you were old when policemen looked very young, but this was almost over-whelming today. I am not an overly emotional person so it was a real surprise to feel like this.
Mmm, hmmmm. My nephew is a policeman (recently promoted to Sergeant :)). He's been in law enforcement now for ten years. I've noticed the past couple of years when I'm around him; he seems to 'watch out' for me when we go somewhere. As times goes by he's become very protective....don't get me wrong it doesn't upset me, but it does make me feel, well....older.

He does introduce me as his cool Aunt though. :)

MichaelB said:
The soldiers are young boys.

My kids make me feel old. As in, "hey dad, let me help you with that". When I started doing that with my father he was old, so I guess my kids see me much the same. Sigh.

Certain aspects of young people's culture. I get it that there is a certain amount of non-conformism that is intentional, and my irritation is the desired effect. Nonetheless, two things that I just don't get are "dumb tv shows" (as in Simpsons) and having to show underwear. Pants hanging below the hips and bra straps really turns me off. And among older people - yuck.

One final thing - when I go to rock concerts for groups from the 70's still touring. I get in, settle down, then look around to see the people. At first I laugh to myself, thinking they're a bunch of old hippies or wannabes, past their prime, trying to relive or regain their youth. But them I remember - I am just like them. And that makes me feel old.

+1 on going to 70's and 80's bands tour. I was at a Sammy Hagar concert and people are coming with walkers, canes, and oxygen tanks. What I really like is when I go to these concerts, anytime some stands up to dance to the music, everyone is yelling sit down! That didn't happen in the younger years.
When people call me Ma'am
When the intern looks really wet behind the ears
When I realize the elementary school students I teach (4th/5th grade) were born after September 11, 2001, and have lived their whole lives in a post-9/11 world.
When I realize the elementary school students I teach (4th/5th grade) were born after September 11, 2001, and have lived their whole lives in a post-9/11 world.
That's quite a thought. Thanks for posting.
Yes, I've had that experience!!

Plus, at 53, I had a colonoscopy and the assisting nurse looked like one of the girls I knew at High School.

Just maybe she knows you - inside and out !

Did the nurse during your colonoscopy tell you that you looked familiar.
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