Small milestone - $2M

The second million is easier.
Thanks for all the Congrats, folks. Now back w*ork so I can reach the BIG milestone!
Congratulations on your "small" attainment! Ain't it great when you and your spouse are on the same page financially?

Yes, if I had a spouse that was a spender, I don't know how long the marriage would last. :LOL:
Congratulations! What a wonderful achievement. How are you planning to celebrate? It's important to celebrate milestones to enjoy the journey.

Lots of beers. A tad bit of a headache this AM.
A "small" milestone?? It sounds plenty big to me. :)

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I open a bottle of Veuve Clicquot or DP for every big milestone of that sort. I put the date on the cork and tuck it away -- with the other corks -- way up on a top book shelf, way in the back against the wall. Only I know they are there, but for some reason I get my jollies knowing I have that stash marking those big milestones.

That's a great tradition. I might start doing the same, but stashing the corks in a wine glass, way up in the bar.
Definitely a big milestone. $2M was my "magic number" that I set as my threshold before retirement 5 years ago. Of course with the market up around 80% since then that worked out to be wildly conservative, but you never know until you go.
I open a bottle of Veuve Clicquot or DP for every big milestone of that sort. I put the date on the cork and tuck it away -- with the other corks -- way up on a top book shelf, way in the back against the wall. Only I know they are there, but for some reason I get my jollies knowing I have that stash marking those big milestones.

Congrats to you; have a drink!

I like this idea! I think I might do something similar with the her a nice bottle of Pinot, we are within sights of a psychological but not quite "technical" milestone... I think I might do something similar but instead start a little rock garden and hike around for celebration on our BIG milestones...

BIG milestones Yet to come:
- 1MM invested in equities
- Final debt payment (mortgage)
- The day we reach FI (Financial Independence)
- The day we decide to retire
- The day the wedding checks clear
- The day the "gift" letter is signed for the kiddos homes
- The first contribution to a grandchild's education account
- HOPEFULLY the final payment of all grandchildren's education

I see at least 8 rocks, if we go back in time I could add a few more with us both landing career jobs, getting married, buying first property, and having the kids.
Nice job hitting that Milestone!! I would be good with hitting that Milestone prior to ER

Funny, my original magic number was 1M which seemed pretty unobtainable 10 years ago when I had less than 30K put away.

But its never too late to start so now here I am at 1.4M. At this point I have no magic number except my ER date. I will just continue to sock it away until then and see where I land.
At this point I have no magic number except my ER date. I will just continue to sock it away until then and see where I land.

$3M is sort of my magic number, which I hope to have in 5 years. However, there are 2 other big pieces to my ER puzzle. First is bridging the gap to 59.5, as I'll be 48 when I ER if all goes as planned. DW is 5 years older than me, so we'll really only need to bridge 6 years. The second is managing income in order to stay under the ACA cliff during at least that bridge period and hopefully longer.
Now, finding out you hit $2M at 43 is way more impressive & major than the OP. What percentage is post tax? My milestones were alway first, on paper, pre & post tax combined, then the same amount post tax. But now I’m 62.5 & already retired, so those are nowhere near as important to me as they used to be or as impressive. Now I just want to spend it!
Congrats, it probably went down a bit today with the Dow and Nasdaq losing 3% - 4%. But no worries.
Now, finding out you hit $2M at 43 is way more impressive & major than the OP. What percentage is post tax? My milestones were alway first, on paper, pre & post tax combined, then the same amount post tax. But now I’m 62.5 & already retired, so those are nowhere near as important to me as they used to be or as impressive. Now I just want to spend it!

This is the issue. At this point, only about $400k of the $2M is post tax. I’m really trying to ramp up that bucket over the next 5 years.
Hey, that's not a small milestone! To me that makes you the rich guy on the forum. :) And yesterday was just one day.
I was inches away from this milestone, before the plunging of September 3rd, 4th, and 8th....
As someone who has not hit 2M and won't it seems pretty great to me!
So, this morning when I updated my spreadsheets, as I do every morning (I know, I'm obsessed) I noticed that for the first time ever that our net worth (not including real estate) passed the $2M mark. We've been able to put this together mostly over the last 10 years. The plan is to tack $1M more on in the next 5 and then RE right as my daughter is graduating high school (529 should come very close to covering the bulk of her higher ed). Or, we will at least head south to better weather and the mountains. I guess if my company made me an offer I couldn't refuse, I'd hang around for a bit longer. But, at that point, it would be purely my choice.

Anyway, I can attribute much of this progress to the wise tutelage I received from many of you folks. So, I thought I'd share.

Only in America would someone consider that a small milestone. That puts you in what, the top 5 pct of all Americans? Congrats though.
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