Guest from New England
Snowing here today in New England. Boston could get up to 12". It's fun as long as the power doesn't go out.
I hate the winters - the cold weather, the big chunks of ice in the gutters, a house on fire every week from a faulty stove or chimney, a house exploding once a month due to a gas leak, slipping on the ice and having to sleep in a Lay-Z-Boy recliner for weeks because of a bad back, the flu, the colds, going through boxes of Scotties tissues at the rate of one a day, hearing the oil furnace running, the dryness, the hoveling, the worrying about the kids and their driving, hands frozen to the steering wheel, the possibility of the water pipes bursting, the swimming pool winter-cover falling into the pool, running errands in a zero degree wind chill, just not being able to putter out in the garage because it is so damn cold ... etc. and etc.
AND YET, doesn't this stuff get ingrained in your fabric? Today is sort of fun. I knew the storm was coming so I planned to simply watch the Orioles-Marlins on ESPN, eat/drink a little junk food, pizza, and beer - and not feel guilty about relaxing. I could do some work but the snow gives me an excuse.
If I was in a warmer climate today, this could be the 19th straight day of sun and 80 degees - certainly not fun or anything to look forward to - same old same old.
Will I miss complaining about (sometimes enjoying) the weather when I move to a softer, gentler climate? Is "the pissing and moaning about the weather" culture possibly ingrained in me much like the smell of smoke is ingrained in the furiture and walls of a smoker's home.
Might I actually miss complaining? Might I have to be deprogrammed as if I had been brain-washed by a cult? It worries me. I hope not. I hope I can enjoy a winter-less climate in the near future.
I hate the winters - the cold weather, the big chunks of ice in the gutters, a house on fire every week from a faulty stove or chimney, a house exploding once a month due to a gas leak, slipping on the ice and having to sleep in a Lay-Z-Boy recliner for weeks because of a bad back, the flu, the colds, going through boxes of Scotties tissues at the rate of one a day, hearing the oil furnace running, the dryness, the hoveling, the worrying about the kids and their driving, hands frozen to the steering wheel, the possibility of the water pipes bursting, the swimming pool winter-cover falling into the pool, running errands in a zero degree wind chill, just not being able to putter out in the garage because it is so damn cold ... etc. and etc.
AND YET, doesn't this stuff get ingrained in your fabric? Today is sort of fun. I knew the storm was coming so I planned to simply watch the Orioles-Marlins on ESPN, eat/drink a little junk food, pizza, and beer - and not feel guilty about relaxing. I could do some work but the snow gives me an excuse.
If I was in a warmer climate today, this could be the 19th straight day of sun and 80 degees - certainly not fun or anything to look forward to - same old same old.
Will I miss complaining about (sometimes enjoying) the weather when I move to a softer, gentler climate? Is "the pissing and moaning about the weather" culture possibly ingrained in me much like the smell of smoke is ingrained in the furiture and walls of a smoker's home.
Might I actually miss complaining? Might I have to be deprogrammed as if I had been brain-washed by a cult? It worries me. I hope not. I hope I can enjoy a winter-less climate in the near future.