Soft Drinks and Cancer link

I wonder if this is more of a "high frutcose corn syrup in soft drinks" link than just plain sugar (since fruit juices didn't cause the same issue)?

I don't consume soft drinks (diet or regular) so I guess this is one thing I am doing right.
I don't get it: "But the study isn't a definitive answer. Out of the 60,000 individuals studied, 140 developed pancreatic cancer. Of those, 18 cases occurred in patients who'd consumed large quantities of soda, 12 occurred in those who drank soda occasionally, and 110 occurred in those who never consumed the sugary beverages".

Would that indicate that one is more than three times as likely to get pancreatic cancer if one doesn't drink any soda?

Me, I quit drinking soda with brown coloring in it, based on some other fearsome article re: cancer risk.
I don't buy it. They have been going on about the aspertame in "light" sodas for decades, without any conclusive results. One would have to read about the investigation methods used in this study. A news article stating something is useless in this case.
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