Some things are actually getting better

Have not read all the posts, but how about lathroscopic surgery? SIL had a hysterectomy last week and was home that evening with minor, minor discomfort. Years ago that would've been a week in the hospital and a month of recuperation.

My own gall bladder removal was a mere overnight, and I was out food shopping two days later....another three week recuperation had it been years ago.
Have not read all the posts, but how about lathroscopic surgery? SIL had a hysterectomy last week and was home that evening with minor, minor discomfort. Years ago that would've been a week in the hospital and a month of recuperation.

My own gall bladder removal was a mere overnight, and I was out food shopping two days later....another three week recuperation had it been years ago.

It is amazing...friend had a barely visible scar after gall bladder removal.

Versus dad who had the above done while in the Army back in the 1960s which left him with a 18" x 1/2" scar.

We used to joke it was because they had to unzip him & fish around for it.
Our knowledge of the very large and very small continues to improve. New space telescopes show us more amazing wonders of the universe. New theories and discoveries in the quantum realm give hints about the basic nature of existence an unimaginably small scales. For example:

“Even though in classical physics we are taught that energy is conserved, which means it cannot change, one of the tenets of quantum mechanics says that energy doesn't have to be conserved if the change happens for a short enough time. So even if space had zero energy, it would be perfectly OK for a little energy to pop into existence for a tiny split second and then disappear—and that's what happens in empty space. And since energy and matter are the same (thank Einstein for teaching us that E=mc2 thing), matter can also appear and disappear.”

So we may finally have an explanation for where those reading glasses went.
One thing that has gotten better for me in my lifetime is air conditioning. Today is low 90’s and high humidity. I really appreciate my air conditioned house. I didn’t have air conditioning until my 30’s so it is not a luxury that I take for granted.

I was more fortunate to get the comfort of AC even earlier in my early 20s. I am now addicted to AC.

Or rather, it's my life-support system. Without it, I would die. It's caused by old age, and I am sticking to this reason.

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