Songs we'd never guess you love

Oh, Harley...that is a good guilty pleasure! I don't know if I would have admitted that. My favorite teen heartthrob was Paul Young, of Every Time You Go Away fame.
But my most surprising favorite of current musicians is Marshall Mathers -such witty lyrics.
Eminem - Without Me - YouTube
JoAnn Castle tunes, she is amazing:
That's real nice. Here's a ragtime improvisation by Tom Brier and Adam Swanson that has a couple of boogies in it, too:

This song was played over and over and over on the radio. Most of her songs sound the same to me, but I thought of this one tonight. I like it.

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From the Apple commercial, plus these girls made a very cute BFF video to go with it:

Difficult to pick just one. Considering that I came "of age" (you know, "musically") in the late '50s to the early '70s one would expect that I like "main stream" rock and roll - and that is certainly true. Still, I like just about all music (except rap/hip-hop). In my musical world, one need not even add that parenthetical phrase, but I know we are all different.:cool:

Anyway, following are a few of songs which are certainly outside MY mainstream and probably most others as well, though they did get airplay at one time or another.

My best "older" friend (10 years older and watched me grow up) could NOT believe I just loved THIS song:

Koolau, Your last choice reminded me of this song that my best buddy used to sing in the 1960s:

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Eurthymics: Sweet Dreams are made of this..........:)
I love, love, love Mary J. Yeah, and Ja Rule rocks too. "Feel something real, baby".
Official Challenge: A song you love that's not part of or inspired by 60s style music. Jazz? Classical? Country? Guessing not Lady Gaga, but I could be wrong.;)

Sorry, I didn't see the Challenge.

Can't think of one.:blush:
Well, as long as we are going to get THAT far from the 1960's.... here's one:


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