Speed Trap listings for your area here!

Lookie what I found:

SpeedTrap Exchange

Now...that should help, folks!


How about that! There is one just around the corner from me. It says that people are ticketed because there's no left turn there at certain times of day - - I didn't realize that! The sign must be easy to overlook among all the other signs. Anyway, even though I don't speed, I learned something. Thanks.
They list the arterial by my house as a trap, and I have to agree. I hear many short police sirens
throughout the day (now that I am here to hear them), and I have always heard them on weekends.
It is not uncommon to see 1 or 2 pullovers as I ride down to the store. Another just went by as
I am typing this.
People in my office travel a bit and recently, we have had several staff given tickets while traveling in unfamiliar areas where speeds change quickly. I just sent this link to the whole office.
I wouldn't rely too much on this site, it has proven vastly overrated in the past. A good expamle is at my last agency we had about eight or nine favorite spots and rotated them frequently. By the time "speedtrap" updated to show our "new" favorite we had already left it.
I wouldn't rely too much on this site, it has proven vastly overrated in the past. A good expamle is at my last agency we had about eight or nine favorite spots and rotated them frequently. By the time "speedtrap" updated to show our "new" favorite we had already left it.
Last time I looked at this site or one like it, it seemed like a lot of people were posting "I got a ticket on such-and-such road, it's a real speed trap". Like anyplace they got a ticket must be a speed trap.

And sirens almost certainly aren't an indication of a speed trap. At most a cop will only hit their siren for a second if the driver is obvlivious to the flashing lights in their rear view mirror.

That said, I'm sure there's some validity to some of the posts there.
Checked out the site and found out something useful. There is a well-known, obvious speed trap on a road in my town where the speed limit is too low for a medianed, 2 lanes each way with turning lanes road with few cross streets. Should be 45, but is posted 35, so they get a lot of municipal funding this way.

Anyway, I already knew that. Never got a speeding ticket there, but the cops are so dedicated, I got pulled over there for having one of my tail lights out and she even took her valuable time to write me out a warning ticket.

Oh well, what I learned from the site is I found out about an unmarked grey pickup, F-150 with diamond-plate toolbox and 4x4 decals that the cops are using to catch people unaware.

Good to know, hah.
Last time I looked at this site or one like it, it seemed like a lot of people were posting "I got a ticket on such-and-such road, it's a real speed trap". Like anyplace they got a ticket must be a speed trap.

That's how it looked to me when I saw the listing around my area.

I'm tempted to start entering all sorts of claims for the streets I drive. Maybe it would help to keep people from speeding, etc.

How about:

Hey, they are actually ticketed me on XXXX road/street/highway for merging 2 feet in front of someone while going 55mph and not using my signal - it's a trap!

Hey, they are actually ticketed me on XXXX road/street/highway for making a left turn in front of someone - geez, the light was only red for a few seconds. What was I supposed to do - wait through another light? .... - it's a trap!

Hey, they are actually ticketed me on XXXX road/street/highway for blocking the intersection - heck, why should other traffic be allowed to move if I'm stopped - it ain't fair - it's a trap!

I could go on for a long time - ERD50
There is a well-known, obvious speed trap
... but is posted 35

How is it a 'trap' if it is posted? Is the sign hidden behind a tree branch?

RE: funds. A town near me was discussing putting in some automated camera ticketing system. The financials were very interesting. It costs $XXK to put in the system, but the camera company pays it all upfront. They review the video before sending a ticket and do all the admin, and the company gets to keep $X for each ticket issued (or collected, forget which).

Bottom line was the municipality (doing it the old way), after all costs of tying up an officer for the ticket issue, and court time, and all other costs, only 'makes' about $7 on a $100 ticket (or something like that). But, with this auto system, they make something like $35, and many more tickets are issued. And the camera company makes money too. And maybe, just maybe, I get to drive on safer streets. Sounds like a win-win-win to me.

I sure would like to see our police putting time in on things that cannot be automated. I'm guessing it's a pretty sad job for an officer, too.

How is it a 'trap' if it is posted? Is the sign hidden behind a tree branch?

I thought that's what a speed trap was, a spot where the limit is set lower than they know people will naturally drive on an uncrowded, wide open road, and where numerous cops lay in wait for people as almost their full-time job-- not for safety reasons, but rather to bring in revenue.
There's only two "traps" listed for my town....both are fables! One says the city cops have a camera mounted on a traffic sign at a particular intersection. The only problem with that is that our city doesn't have ANY cameras mounted anywhere except on squad car dashboards. The area that the person referred to is a main arterial highway intersection in the county, so there are always city, county, conservation, and state police traversing that area constantly. It's in the midst of a residential neighborhood, and people routinely speed there. Mix speeders and an abundance of cops, and there will be tickets....but it's not a speed trap!

The other one that's listed have the idea that the cops here are using airplanes! Somebody's 'high' but it ain't the fuzz! Planes? We don't have no stinkin' planes! Cars, SUV's, even bicycles.....but NO planes!
That's a pretty interesting site, but I don't think it's very reliable considering I know of 3 more speed traps than what listed.
I lived in 3 major towns and checked the speed traps for all of them. There were definitely traps listed that I remember very well. It's also interesting to read the comments posted within some of the listings.

I'd rate this site pretty accurate.
A bit of nostalgia...I checked my boyhood hometown, which I still return to for the holidays. In grade school we lived on one of the major east-west streets, though we were on the east end of town so traffic wasn't too heavy and it was just two lanes.

Somebody posted that a 14 block stretch of the street was a speed trap, because the speed limit was 25 in that stretch and most people assumed it was 35 like the rest. My home was smack in the middle of that stretch. Someone else posted a comment that reason for the low speed limit was that it used to be a neighborhood with a bunch of kids in it, plus a public and a catholic grade school, but now the neighborhood is older, with less kids, and they could probably raise the limit.

That comment is so true! Every once in awhile I'd see a cop posted just up the street, over the crest of a hill. And almost every house had 2-5 kids, and we were always crossing the street to go to the ball field, or chasing a basketball that rolled down my driveway into the street. Sometimes I drive by when I'm back, and don't see many kids in yards or at the ballfields anymore. The public school had nearly 1500 kids when I first went. Now it's at 492, and I don't see any new schools that drew away from it.

Checked my town (on Cape Cod). Listed a "speed trap" location. BS. I should know, I'm chief of police.
I remember someone who put up a "beware speed trap ahead" sign just to get cars to slow down in their neighborhood.

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