Stepping Stone to FIRE


Dryer sheet wannabe
Jun 19, 2005
I've been away from this board for the last few months since work was just about as stressful as it could be manager called it 'tightening the thumb screws' - about 5 separate tasks where each is easily a full time job... the irony is that on my last 2 years performance appraisals where they need to define your 'improvements' - I get dinged for not saying no to new tasks. But - nobody ever asks ... I usually just get an email that states "so and so left so your responsible for this new task" and 'here's all the info you need to do it'  in one email. Never an opportunity to say 'no more'... until now.

I'm at the right place at the right time - I met (exceeded) my FIRE goals a few months back and had that in my back pocket. When the last task came last week on top of all the others which included something I abhor 'customer political sensitive  presentation' as a program manager of a program that doesn't exist (just one of my many tasks) - I had to show my hand. I think I gained enough wisdom from this board to not burn my bridges - so after a week of very little sleep and the burning desire to give my 2 weeks notice, I gave them a better notice friday afternoon  (2/17/06), I'll take my 2 months vacation in 3 weeks (saved up over the last 2 years) and add another 1 month leave of absence for the spring season off and see them in June  :p .

This is perhaps the best transition for me into FIRE ... let's see how it goes. I have a lot of living to catch up on. This transition time will allow me to do all my doctor's/dentists check-ups and use my other benefits. In any case, my next three weeks I am short and the stress is over - am I in heaven.
dimwit said:
This transition time will allow me to do all my doctor's/dentists check-ups and use my other benefits.
Congratulations, but it's a shame to have to waste valuable vacation days sitting in a doctor's office!

Is there a way to do all those medical visits while you're "at work"? That'll certainly give a more accurate presentation of the state of your health...
Its always a good idea to part ways with employers who use torture device analogies when describing your work load.
Nords said:
Congratulations, but it's a shame to have to waste valuable vacation days sitting in a doctor's office!

Is there a way to do all those medical visits while you're "at work"?  That'll certainly give a more accurate presentation of the state of your health...

Well, I guess that advice excludes you from ever having to experience the "indignities" of having to "meet payroll". Must be a generational thing. :D
I actually did get most of my doctor/dentist stuff done when I hit my FIRE goals starting with minor surgery with a couple weeks off from work, got my blood test results (HDL=67, LDL=103) and general check-up, eye health checked out, dental exam/cleaning, knees checked out, and skin cancer screening - just still wanted to get a new set of glasses and maybe some dental bridgework done.

Getting a clean bill of health is no gaurantee of anything - but it sure does add to the confidence of FIRE.

By the way - what's the general policy of notice for vacation? My company requires 2 weeks (I'm giving 3) but there appears to be no conditions, such as what happens if you take the vacation at a critical time (such as a major review), can you get canned for that? ...not that I'm doing that.
Jarhead* said:
Well, I guess that advice excludes you from ever having to experience the "indignities" of having to "meet payroll". Must be a generational thing. :D
More like a "never had a real job thing"...

Come to think of it, the one & only "real" job I had before I joined the Navy was golf course starter & groundskeeper.
dimwit said:
By the way - what's the general policy of notice for vacation? My company requires 2 weeks (I'm giving 3) but there appears to be no conditions, such as what happens if you take the vacation at a critical time (such as a major review), can you get canned for that? ...not that I'm doing that.

I think it depends on the company .. where I work, I have to put in a request for the time I want. My department has limits on the number of folks who can be off at a time. Where my DH works, vacations aren't allowed at certain times....
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