Support Group for Adopted Teenager


Full time employment: Posting here.
Dec 1, 2006
Adopted my daughter when she was 3 months old. Now she is a teenager. She always knew she was adopted.

Freshman year in High school. Great. Good Grades. Tennis team.

Sophmore year, grades are falling. I think being adopted may be part of the problem.

Wife and I having been calling friends, her doctor, adoption agencies, etc.
Trying to find support group for adoptive teenager. Or professional with experience in dealing with adopted teenager.

You would think it would be easy to find advice. Not that easy.

Anyone out there have "real hands on experience" in dealing with this situation.
Sorry, I don't know anyone that's adopted so I can't offer any advice.I do have a question though: why do you think this is related to your daughter's adoption? Has she told you this? Could the drastic change be related to something else (i.e. hanging out with a bad group of kids, experimenting with drugs, know, the usual teenage stuff! :) )
I agree with Calgary Girl. Sophomore year in HS is well known to be a life changer. I remember 10th grade as the worst in my 16+ years of school, by far. I mean, being 15ish sux, dude.

I wouldn't lock in on the adoption thing too tightly. You might be missing something else.
I agree with Calgary Girl. Sophomore year in HS is well known to be a life changer. I remember 10th grade as the worst in my 16+ years of school, by far. I mean, being 15ish sux, dude.

I wouldn't lock in on the adoption thing too tightly. You might be missing something else.

Hands down at the top of the list are drugs and sex/romance. Be sure to carefully look into these two, as they can be explosive.

My 2 kids both said sophomore year was the worst for acting out. Lots of sucky stuff going on in their lives--classes get harder, cliques at school, getting cut from school teams. Unsolicited advice to parents of teens: Give them all your love and support just the way they are, and make your home a haven for them. Wish I'd done more of that with mine.

Call her school counselor for advice or referral to a group, maybe.

Good luck--she will grow up.
Thanks Samclem for the PM. I sent you a reply. I hope it went through.
Was not aware of the "PM" method of replying. Will have to learn how.

To the other reply's, Thanks. In our case. No drugs. Her friends are all pretty good. Very well behaved. Good grades.

I try to have them over our house, lots of pizzas, so I can meet them.

well, gotta go, Need to pick up my 2nd adopted daughter, (another story).

Thanks again
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