Texas Real Estate Tax

Its a dry heat. I was in Austin, TX in June and I'd take Vegas over Austin any day due to the humidity. EPA reports no worse pollution in Vegas than any other major city in America. For a small town, try Pahrump, in the next valley west of Vegas. It is also growing fast. It recently got a Wal-Mart!
FC4free said:
Its a dry heat.

I am always reminded that “so is my oven”

Don't want to get into my gun is bigger than your gun.

We lived in Las Vegas. I has some great advantages. Great entertainment, lots of part time work, if you are so inclined. We were there in the early 70's, and it has grown. If I lived there I would go to work for the convention center, just to get into all the conventions. What a way to stay up on whats new. But the earlier poster was right HOT HOT HOT in the summer. We had to cancel flying in the afternoon because the crew chiefs could not touch the aircraft without burning themselves. If you go to google earth, and look at the flight line at Nellis you will now see they have errected shelters for the aircraft.
FC4free said:
I am surprised that little/nothing has been said about Nevada.  6000 people moving to Vegas per month can't be wrong. 
Apparently some are wrong as Vegas has a pretty high move out rate along with the move ins.
JPatrick said:
Apparently some are wrong as Vegas has a pretty high move out rate along with the move ins.
Yeah, but they're still stuck in traffic and can't be counted until they clear the Strip.
Nords said:
Yeah, but they're still stuck in traffic and can't be counted until they clear the Strip.

Nothing like trying get get home after work on Friday and get behind the lost tourists that just arrived and are driving rental cars.  Or on weekends trying to run errands with all the tourists that have 5 to many free drinks at the casinos.  I hated living there. 

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