Thank You and Happy Thanksgiving!


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Apr 23, 2015
This upcoming Thanksgiving marks my 7th year in retirement! 11-23-2016 was my last formal day. I did go back on call, but on my terms and limited hours. Actually enjoyed it for a while.

I am so thankful and grateful for all of the knowledge you all have shared with me over the years. The personal stories, the jokes, all of the investment, money, travel and medical questions and answers.

The welcoming of new members and willingness to answer many of the same questions is refreshing.
I have learned so much from all of you.

Thank you for being here day after day, sharing your lives and information.

Have a Blessed Thanksgiving.
My general feelings about the forum here as well. Thanks giving is a good time to reflect on the positive things.
I too enjoy this forum and people have been very helpful and supportive when I have needed it.
This upcoming Thanksgiving marks my 7th year in retirement! 11-23-2016 was my last formal day. I did go back on call, but on my terms and limited hours. Actually enjoyed it for a while.

I am so thankful and grateful for all of the knowledge you all have shared with me over the years. The personal stories, the jokes, all of the investment, money, travel and medical questions and answers.

The welcoming of new members and willingness to answer many of the same questions is refreshing.
I have learned so much from all of you.

Thank you for being here day after day, sharing your lives and information.

Have a Blessed Thanksgiving.
+1 I always learn something from here each day and grateful for the opportunity.

Thank You all for the great years here. I also have been retired a little over 7 years. So, much to be thankful for each day and so blessed in many ways.

Happy Thanksgiving and wish all a blessed Day.
Add me to the thankful list. Thankful for lots of stuff in my life, but a special thanks to the folks here at ER . org... I learned so much when I first arrived... People here asked me the tough questions when I was trying to figure out the age old question of 'do I have enough'. Those questions helped me refine my plan to where it worked... Unlike some here, I was retiring with a more frugal plan so getting the plan right was super important if I didn't want to flunk retirement.

I've been retired 9 years now and have ZERO regrets. Thanks to the er . org community. Plus I get advice on things I didn't even know I needed advice on like: what to stream on netflix, places to travel to, when to buy CDs vs bonds, etc. It's a great group here with a pretty broad selection of experts on obscure subjects.

Thanks y'all.
Thank you all. We are so blessed with many things/decisions in our life, thanks for that. I retired in 2018, but decided to go back to the same mega-corp in 2020 (during COVID).

I am going to retire again this Dec 29th. I am excited.
I am also very grateful for the wonderful people and information on this site. I can’t even begin to list all that I’ve learned. Best of all is the kindness of members. I feel very blessed to have found a group of people who genuinely want the best for one another.
Well.... We DEFINATLY have plenty to be thankful for this year. 12-16 will mark 2 years of me walking out the door.
As others have said, thankful for the folks and info in here
So thankful. This forum has been a wonderful place to ask for advice and learn. I check in almost every day. Just to see what's happening. Thanks for the thread, we should all be grateful.
+100. Best site on the internet. Extra thanks to the mods who make it so! 18 years REd next week. So glad I found this place.
Great place for an aging retiree also. Many thanks to the helpful folks in time of need. About a year ago, some thoughtful people here sent me PM's that offered thoughts and guidance that really helped me get through a very bad time in my life.:)
As I look out my window at a traffic backup due to an accident on the 101 in Ventura, I wish all of you a very safe journey this Thanksgiving week.
I thank you all for your advice, suggestions, and help through the year.
I want to give a special shout out to Gumby and his young wife.
Thankful for a healthy family and 10 years of healthy retirement so far. And thankful for this great site and the advice/help/entertainment that the folks here provide.

To all - have a Happy Thanksgiving!!
I’ll chime in with my “me, too!” Retired 3/17 which wouldn’t have happened without this forum. Recently I’ve joined some FB groups, mainly genealogy and local history related, and it’s made me appreciate the high quality of this group. Nuff said about that.
I will add mine for sure!

I joined in Jan 2006 after having already been retired over 5 years. I was sure glad to find it as other than a few old workmates I knew very few early retirees. I was still at the “you are too young to be retired” stage, ha ha. So it was great to find company.

Been through a lot of market ups and downs with several notable financial crises. It’s been good to have you folks to discuss this stuff with. Plus asset management in general - we don’t talk money with other folks.

I still learn so much here, you guys really keep me up to speed which is much appreciated.

I also appreciate the healthy environment thanks to our posters and the hard working moderators.

Thanks much and Happy Thanksgiving!
I’m also thankful as I approach eleven years retired. Lots of great knowledge and advice here. One of only two forums I participate in.
I am grateful for so many things in my life including, of course, the wonderful people on this forum, who have been kind enough to share a bit of their lives - their wisdom, advise, adventures, talents, humor, joys and sorrows.

Happy Thanksgiving All.
I definitely feel that this is one of the most pleasant, honest, and helpful places on the internet. Everybody here wants everyone else to successfully reach FIRE, and to be successful in FIRE. Even most of the disagreements (no forum is perfect :D) are done in the spirit of helping others do the best for themselves, like the classic "When should I start taking SS?" :LOL:. For those (and other) reasons I am thankful for this community, and wish all a Happy Thanksgiving!
Ditto to all the above "thanks you" for a wonderful forum from someone who has been hanging out here for over two decades.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! This forum has helped me a lot and gave me the knowledge and courage to make me take the step to early retirement. Retired effective Dec,31.2015, going 8 years and still loving it and never regretted it for one bit.
Thankful here as well, Happy Thanksgiving to all!!


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Grateful for countless things in my life. :)

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
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