That was quicker then I expected. Maybe a year earlier

My white board at work currently has the large, red, enigmatic number "787" written down near the bottom. Each day I subtract one. Nobody has asked, yet...

I had been keeping track every day since it was over 2300, but just kept it in an Excel file until recently.

This is how I start my w*rk days, changing that number while it is still dark outside. It cheers me up.

Good idea! I thought I still was too far out to start doing the countdown. When I go back to work on Tuesday, I'll have 1924 days left, and I'm gonna post 'em and start scratching 'em off one day at a time! Yeeha!!!
Good idea! I thought I still was too far out to start doing the countdown. When I go back to work on Tuesday, I'll have 1924 days left, and I'm gonna post 'em and start scratching 'em off one day at a time! Yeeha!!!

Hope it helps! I find this (and a cup of coffee) to be a very satisfying way to start my day at work. :)
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