The Fuggedaboutit List

Well, enjoyable travel does not have to be to far-flung locations (and dangerous places too!), nor does it have to be endless. Three or four trips a year should give one plenty of rest in between. Heh heh heh...

PS. I never really have a bucket list. Same as Grainiac, I have things that I like to do if the conditions permit, but those are not something I would die regretting if unattained. For example, if later in life I find myself flush with cash like the more optimistic lines in FIRECalc show, I may get myself a place up in the Puget Sound, with a waterfront lot so I can row my canoe out to check my crab trap for dinner. If I don't get there, it's OK too. I have plenty of other things to keep myself entertained and amused. Like RV'in for example ;), which is a lot cheaper.
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1. Become a handyman.
2. Do a second marathon; One is plenty
3. Finish my CFP
4. Most importantly get a real job
Become a handyman? One may have to be born to be one. For some people, it is just not possible. It would be like for me to become a musician; I would not put "Becoming a musician" on a bucket list if I have one. :nonono:
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What? Not even travel? Just money in the bank? Are you related to Scrooge too? Then, we must be distant relatives.

I may not be related to him, but Scrooge McDuck was my favorite cartoon character as a child.:)

Travel is just not that enjoyable to me. With modern technology, discovering the world has never been easier from the comfort of one's home. That's enough for me in most cases. I only travel long distance to visit family. They are the only people for whom I will make the sacrifice of setting foot in an airport. Otherwise, I would rather take shorter road trips. This is my kind of travel:
So, why do I need to read anything? I will forget it soon. But, even if I do not forget it, what do I do with the knowledge? In fact, why do anything at all, because we do not live forever? Should I post that song "Dust in the Wind" again?
I am going to pour myself a drink though, while I continue to contemplate this deeper philosophical question that I have been thinking about since the age of 15.
I guess I read mostly to apply the education to something. Like reading about blogging or about being the executor of an estate.

I like history, too, and I hope each new fact I learn builds into a framework of context. But I'm sure I forget a lot, too.

So these days I try to read at least 50% for sheer entertainment!
Never had a formal bucket list. Had lots of things in mind that I wanted to do. Have done some and some are still "in my mind". LOL!
Grainiac said:
I can think of one thing I definitely have on my Fuggedaboutit List:
1. Bucket list

Maybe it is just a temporary state of my mind, but being borderline FI and moving closer to RE there is just one more thing I absolutely want to do with my life, and that is FIRE. What goes beyond that, there are obviously lots of things that would be nice to do, but then again if I don't get there something else just as nice will do just as well. I simply don't want to spoil the rest of my life by deciding that there is a list of things I absolutely need to do before I die. Just sounds way too much like w@rk. Well, I guess that was kind of the whole point of this thread...

While I didn't have an official "bucket list", I did have a very informal list of stuff that I thought that I 'might' want to do and places where I thought I 'might' want go. I've been retired for about 5 1/2 years, and I haven't seen that list since right after I retired! Heck, I don't even remember most of the stuff on the list, so I may or may not have done any of it.....and I really don't care either!!!

I've thoroughly enjoyed my 'un-listed' retirement thus far, and don't expect any changes in that! I've done stuff, gone places, and generally had a blast.....all without out a list! I don't need no stinkin' list!

So, like Grainiac, I guess the #1 thing that would be on my "Fuggedaboutit List".....if I had one of those....would be the so-called "Bucket List". :)
Thinking out of the box

Raising the bar

Reaching out

Some corpspeak which made me sick!
Operationalizing anything. :facepalm:

Low hanging fruit

Going forward

Synergize the process or something like that - never got in the swing of the corporate jargon - even after 32 years
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