The future of Cars


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Feb 14, 2007
A PBS Nova presentation. You can view it at the PBS web site.

NOVA | Car of the Future | PBS

I thought the show was pretty good. Not much detail, but a view into the things we have discussed in other threads.
A PBS Nova presentation. You can view it at the PBS web site.

NOVA | Car of the Future | PBS

I thought the show was pretty good. Not much detail, but a view into the things we have discussed in other threads.

Whatever the future is with them, the period from the 22 mpg average of today to something much better or a different fuel source is well going to be troublesome. If there are shortages it will trash the economy, if people cannot get fuel. Homes will be colder, think about the price today of home heating oil, wow. 6 buck gasoline? Waiting on a line to get it?? Could get very ugly around these parts.
Very enjoyable show, thanks.
It was a good show, I enjoyed it.
I liked how they talked about a number of possibilities and hit the pros and cons of each solution.
Whatever the future is with them, the period from the 22 mpg average of today to something much better or a different fuel source is well going to be troublesome...

What gets me is there are plenty of cars that get amazing gas mileage, not even all are diesel. In Japan there are plenty of small, effecient cars that get 50+ mpg. Britain has diesel cars that can get up to 80 mpg. Why do we suck so much?

We could even gets cars that, when you want, have great mileage, and when you need to still out accelerate most cars on the road and go 150 mph, you could. Top Gear, the funniest car show in the history of the history of saying in the history of the world, did a segment about an Audi A8 Diesel that went 800 miles on a single tank of gas, averaging 40 mpg. It was a challenege that shows the kind of concentration and preparation it takes to get the best mpg possible, but still very interesting to see a high performance car capable of 40 mpg.

I'll link the video when I get off work, because as informative as it is, it's also pretty funny.

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