The Toilet Paper Shortage is Not Due to Hoarding After All!

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TP is gradually reappearing in stores here (southern Fl east coast), albeit rationed (as it should be).

I don't understand why disinfectant cleaners and rubbing alcohol remain unobtainable. Even taking into account increased cleaning and disinfecting going on, there's a limit to how often people can clean and wipe down their stuff! Continued hoarding is the only conceivable explanation.
I suspect there are a lot of folks who never used disinfectant wipes or sprays before who are now using them a lot. Some of us who have always used them are using them even more now.
In a pinch hot water with a little dish soap will do for keeping surfaces clean.
In a pinch hot water with a little dish soap will do for keeping surfaces clean.

Yep, just like washing your hands. Imagine that!

Dish soap is getting scarce here now that everyone has bought out the “hand soap”. Scored a big jug of dish soap from Costco to try ahead of the curve. Still plenty of automatic dishwasher detergent, at least this week...
Well since a lot of people go to the bathroom to get out of work, I would suspect that demand would go up, since they can't go to work. But every time the weatherman says we're gonna get a inch of snow, the groceries are packed with people getting milk and toilet paper!.
We are getting close to "back to normal" again (around here, anyway). I was in Walmart today and the toilet paper isle was chock full of every brand imaginable. I didn't see one shopping cart with any TP in it while I was there.

Oh, and paper towels were populated the same...with mega packs of Bounty plus house brand.

Milk, eggs, chicken, beef, etc....all in huge quantities.
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