This weather is awful!! 2008-2021

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Man, it's hot!

But it's a dry heat!

That's what people always say. But when we went to Reno a few years ago, it was hot and dry, and we were miserable. I guess it's a little more bearable than our East Coast humidity, but hot is hot.

Hope you get a break soon.
We made the mistake of taking MIL to Arizona when it was 120° a few years ago. Probably the reason that she refuses to move there.
Texas is heating up, but not like AZ. We will be in the mid 90's here. This is earlier this year in my front yard (Feb):

Texas is heating up, but not like AZ. We will be in the mid 90's here. This is earlier this year in my front yard (Feb):

View attachment 39273
Yes, it got down to zero here for a day or two earlier this year. Seems like a distant memory now.... I was working on the fence line this morning and sure could have used "some" of that cold air.... Now, by ~9am it's time to get back in the house and AC. Just wait until August, when it starts getting really hot!
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Well it's now officially named Tropical Storm Claudette by the NWS. I guess it's "potential" has been reached. :)

I finally chased down when and where Claudette was, when it was officially named. Apparently about 4 AM, just as its center/eye crossed over from inland Louisiana to Mississippi AFAIK. What an odd time to declare it a TS.

We just went out and found zero damage, as we expected. The wind and rains would have been worse any day in March or April of this year, take your pick.
The heat wave continues.

Yesterday when it was 117F, it was declared that Phoenix broke a new record: earliest occurrence of four consecutive days with temperatures 115 degrees or higher.

Previous early heat record was 3 consecutive days above 115F, set June 14-16 in 1974.

Will see if the current string of hot days will stretch to 6 days, with the forecast calling for today and Sunday also being 115F.

Man, it's hot! If we have power outage, some older or poorer people will die.

It's currently also hot in Europe. I recall my Europe trip in 2017. I landed in Paris on May 10, and the weather was cool. Made a round of Southern France, then came back north via Italy, Switzerland, and Belgium. At the end of the trip in late June, the temperature hit the mid to high 90F in Europe. It was horrible not having AC in the Airbnb. It was a good thing we suffered only the last 2 nights of the trip.

Right now, it's 92F outside, humidity 61%. Yesterday's high was 91F. Thank goodness we are not having those 117F temperatures you are talking about! I can't even imagine experiencing temperatures like that. Reminds me of old documentary shorts about Death Valley.

Anyway, no power outages, no internet outages, no wind gusts over 19mph, rain was 2.5 inches in our suburb. The drainage canals, which were wisely pumped down low in anticipation of 12" of rain (that didn't happen), are still very low. All is well here in New Orleans, so I can declare:

"This weather is not so awful!" :ROFLMAO:
Down here in the sky islands of southern Arizona we have had temperatures of 104-107. Our central air isn't even on yet because the humidity is so low that our evaporation (swamp) cooler keeps the house at 74-78 degrees.

We let it run at night the last couple of nights and Ms G begged me to turn the cooler off because she had run out of summer blankets.
Down here in the sky islands of southern Arizona we have had temperatures of 104-107. Our central air isn't even on yet because the humidity is so low that our evaporation (swamp) cooler keeps the house at 74-78 degrees.

We let it run at night the last couple of nights and Ms G begged me to turn the cooler off because she had run out of summer blankets.

Sounds great! :) So glad that in your location, you are not going through the 117F temperatures that NW-Bound describes.
Texas is heating up, but not like AZ. We will be in the mid 90's here. This is earlier this year in my front yard (Feb):

Indeed! Whenever it crosses my mind to complain about the heat (which here is minor) I remind myself to ask, "Which do you prefer, the heat or the below photo?")


  • clearing snow 2014 (1 of 1).jpg
    clearing snow 2014 (1 of 1).jpg
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Indeed! Whenever it crosses my mind to complain about the heat (which here is minor) I remind myself to ask, "Which do you prefer, the heat or the below photo?")

Will take the heat any day.
My record indoor temp was set last year at 101.9. And that's a room that is used the most in the house.

I would be dead.

But it's a dry heat!

That's what people always say. But when we went to Reno a few years ago, it was hot and dry, and we were miserable. I guess it's a little more bearable than our East Coast humidity, but hot is hot.

Hope you get a break soon.

At 105F or even 110F, it is tolerable with low humidity, but when it gets close to 120F and above, it's still miserable if you have to be outdoors.

Texas is heating up, but not like AZ. We will be in the mid 90's here. This is earlier this year in my front yard (Feb):

View attachment 39273

The dew point in Houston is 72F. This means an AC will be blowing fog due to condensation. In contrast, the dew point here is 45F. The humidity is 11%.

Right now, it's 92F outside, humidity 61%. Yesterday's high was 91F. Thank goodness we are not having those 117F temperatures you are talking about! I can't even imagine experiencing temperatures like that. Reminds me of old documentary shorts about Death Valley...

New Orleans: dew point of 73F. I bet it would feel bad without an AC too. I remember seeing some gulf states getting both temperature and humidity up in the 90s. ARGHHH! I would be dead without AC.

Down here in the sky islands of southern Arizona we have had temperatures of 104-107. Our central air isn't even on yet because the humidity is so low that our evaporation (swamp) cooler keeps the house at 74-78 degrees.

We let it run at night the last couple of nights and Ms G begged me to turn the cooler off because she had run out of summer blankets.

I believe you. Not sure where you are exactly, but Sierra Vista shows a dew point of 31F. A swamp cooler would work nicely. I have been thinking how I could make a precooler for the ACs so that they work more efficiently.

It could be premature for me to complain about 117F. After all, the record high here is 122F, and the summer is still young.

About Death Valley, this is no comparison. Death Valley is at 130F today. Its record high was 134F.

Indeed! Whenever it crosses my mind to complain about the heat (which here is minor) I remind myself to ask, "Which do you prefer, the heat or the below photo?")

Will take the heat any day.

I have not really lived in a cold climate, although it does get really cold at my 2nd home (average low of 18F). I have not stayed there long enough in the winter to know all the nuances. I do know that it's the snow that bothers me even more than the cold.
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Ah, we got a reprieve today. The high today was 116.8F, lower than the 117.3F yesterday. A whole 0.5F.

Just got home from the Father's Day potluck at my brother. We were all inside, from noon till 5PM. His ACs worked great.
Me too, only hit 102 today and now a balmy 96.
Been in high 30's and low 40's in morning here. It looks like some low 90's coming for highs thou.
We need some warmth days and nights so I can get some tomatoes this year. I hope we have a long season for tomatoes.
^^^ And where I am, quite a few tomato plants are dying, despite being provided some shade, and watered daily.

They are on a drip watering system, but my wife also supplements that with handwatering in the morning and the evening.

A kumquat tree started to drop its fruit. Last year, a passion fruit vine died despite being in partial shade and watered daily.
Been in high 30's and low 40's in morning here. It looks like some low 90's coming for highs thou.
We need some warmth days and nights so I can get some tomatoes this year. I hope we have a long season for tomatoes.

I'm a few states to the east of you (northern Michigan), and it's quite cool here today also. Low of 40 predicted for tonight. But we did have some very warm weather earlier this month, so my tomato plants look pretty good overall (lots of flowers on the plants). Some of my broccoli is just about ready to harvest, and snow peas should be starting next week. I love my veggie garden, I'm out there every day checking the progress of everything.
Nothing too crazy here in the middle of the country but we got a nice reprieve from near 100 degree temps and pretty thick dewpoints...a little rain and it's 70 right now and is forecast to get down in the mid 50s tonight. Definite "open windows" weather! Of course, the heat will be large and in charge again in a few days, but I will enjoy this cooler weather until then!
Indeed! Whenever it crosses my mind to complain about the heat (which here is minor) I remind myself to ask, "Which do you prefer, the heat or the below photo?")

I moved away from such a place - because I could. YMMV
We had 2.5 inches of rain ! So nice to have a break from the drought.
Temp on Monday was a pleasant 75 F , felt cool after all the 90 degree days.
We just had violent thunderstorms.

A couple of tornado's ripped by, wiped out some homes in Naperville and other villages North of Chicago city. Nobody died.
We had 2.5 inches of rain ! So nice to have a break from the drought.
Temp on Monday was a pleasant 75 F , felt cool after all the 90 degree days.
We just had violent thunderstorms.

A couple of tornado's ripped by, wiped out some homes in Naperville and other villages North of Chicago city. Nobody died.
I watched a livestream on youtube that was covering the storm and tornado damage around Naperville as it was happening. Looked pretty severe and I am glad that nobody died. Also glad that you got a break from the drought!

We had almost 4" of rain on Monday (which is yesterday by now, I'm up late). That resulted in a little flooding in areas that flood often, but we had no tornados or damage like what you had. So overall, it was a reasonably nice day. Just rain, rain, and more rain. High temperature was a pleasant 88F. I like living in a rainy part of the country.
Wish we could get some of your rain!
It's hot, hot ,hot out here(at least to me!). Expecting 106-108 by this weekend, very unusual for us.
Wish we could get some of your rain!
It's hot, hot ,hot out here(at least to me!). Expecting 106-108 by this weekend, very unusual for us.
That's hot for anybody! And with no rain, it probably seems even hotter. :(

We have already had 40" of rain this year, and the year isn't even half over. I'll send you half of any more rain we get this year, if/when I can figure out how to do it. :D

It rained again today, but seems to have stopped. There's another tropical disturbance out in the Atlantic to keep our eyes on, but it's not much of a worry and may dissipate.
This weather is awful!!

Forecast is for rain 9 out of the next 10 days. And the last 48 hrs has been as forecasted. Northern Illinois is 7-10” below normal rainfall so far this year. This stretch could bring us back to normal. Decided to put the top back on the jeep for a while.
We got 2 1/2 inches of rain last night here in Southern Illinois, more expected
today. Let it rain, it's better than the heat out west.
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