This weather is awful!! 2008-2021

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Arrgh! Smoke is returning to Westerm WA. We are flying in Tuesday, and Puget Siund supposed to get as bad as last week. But will hopefully clear by Wed.

Leavenworth in the mountains has been even worse. Hopefully it won’t be smoke filled when we arrive Labor Day weekend.

We haven’t had hardly any rain here for 7-8 weeks. But in late June our neighborhood got 12-13 inches in 30 hours or so. Other areas even more! Serious flooding in our county.
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I wonder if my SIL in Tomahawk, WI got the same?

Probably not -- these massive rainfalls have been very localized, although most of the Madison area was hit hard overnight. We got off with only 3 inches.

If it can be confirmed officially, 13 inches would be an all-time record for the state.
Probably not -- these massive rainfalls have been very localized, although most of the Madison area was hit hard overnight. We got off with only 3 inches.

If it can be confirmed officially, 13 inches would be an all-time record for the state.

I'll ask DW to check in with her to see. In south Texas, 10" + is not that uncommon. Last year, Hurricane Harvey dropped 52" on us in August here in the Houston area. Nuts!
If it can be confirmed officially, 13 inches would be an all-time record for the state.

Yep. We seem to be getting these high-intensity rainfall events more often in recent years, at least around Wisconsin and the U.P. of Michigan. In July of 2016, the Ashland, WI area got up to 12" of rain in 24 hours. Then, in June of this year, one storm system brought 10"+ of rain to areas around Houghton, MI, Menominee, MI, and just west of Ironwood, MI. And now this record-setting rain event for Madison, WI. I believe all 3 of these 24-hour rainfall amounts qualify as "1000-year rain events", which is pretty incredible, especially in a 3-year period of time.
would love to get some of that rain! We are in beginning draught conditions, currently hot and smokey from the fires in WA and Canada. Air advisory out especially for the very young and old and anyone with lung conditions. Ugh.
Huddled under the blankets last night. 57 when I woke up today; 59 now (almost noon); weatherunderground suggests we will hit 70 later today.

Winter comes early in the high country.

(Colorado, 5700')
Huddled under the blankets last night. 57 when I woke up today; 59 now (almost noon); weatherunderground suggests we will hit 70 later today.

Winter comes early in the high country.

(Colorado, 5700')

That sounds delightful! It's hot here in New Orleans, which is to be expected in August. Attached is what wunderground says for our weather today. A few minutes ago it said 101.7 F, but by the time I did the screen capture it had dropped. So, maybe the afternoon rains will arrive shortly.

We have had rains nearly every single day during August, but my local wunderground station said the total during the past month has only been 11.27" - - less than that one day in Wisconsin cited above.


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You all have probably already heard about Tropical Storm Gordon, which has clobbered parts of South Florida and now is headed towards the Gulf Coast. So I thought I'd post an update. Right now it is predicted to make landfall as Hurricane Gordon, probably in Mississippi, which would put us on the "good side" of the storm (where storm effects are less). I sure hope it doesn't damage Dawg52's beach condo, or any other forum members' homes. It's a fast moving storm so they are telling us that any effects here would probably be tomorrow afternoon or night.

As for here, we are hearing everything from possibly no effects, clear up to 7" rain and 50 mph winds. Lake Ponchartrain, which is just a few short blocks from us, is expected to be unaffected by storm surge and besides its levees were beefed up after Katrina. I am pretty sure we'll be fine.

You all have probably already heard about Tropical Storm Gordon, which has clobbered parts of South Florida and now is headed towards the Gulf Coast. So I thought I'd post an update. Right now it is predicted to make landfall as Hurricane Gordon, probably in Mississippi, which would put us on the "good side" of the storm (where storm effects are less). I sure hope it doesn't damage Dawg52's beach condo, or any other forum members' homes. It's a fast moving storm so they are telling us that any effects here would probably be tomorrow afternoon or night.

As for here, we are hearing everything from possibly no effects, clear up to 7" rain and 50 mph winds. Lake Ponchartrain, which is just a few short blocks from us, is expected to be unaffected by storm surge and besides its levees were beefed up after Katrina. I am pretty sure we'll be fine.


Best of luck W2R. Sounds like you will be fine.
Best of luck W2R. Sounds like you will be fine.

As of today we're out of the cone, and watches and warnings are ending one by one. We are going to be totally fine here in New Orleans. The sky is blue, it isn't raining, humidity is down, birds are chirping, and the weather is absolutely glorious here.

Looks like Tropical Storm Gordon is going to make landfall near Gulfport as a strong tropical storm, so I wish the best for those over there to the east of us.

Next comes Helene, which has barely peeled off of Africa and isn't actually named yet.
Got down to near freezing here last night and had the first fire on of the year (well wood fire - gas doesn't count). Got two face cords of wood in yesterday in the nick of time. Was a beautiful day.

Did also check that the furnace was working just in case!
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It rained here yesterday. I was cooped up inside, no exercise. Make me think of putting a ping pong table in my garage for exercise on days like yesterday. It’s cold enough that we could turn on the fireplace, gas fireplace nevertheless still nice and cozy.
I can't even imagine!

I am so happy with the weather here in New Orleans right now. October is our best month for weather. At this moment it is 91F outside with partly sunny skies, only 57% humidity, and 0% chance of rain.

Yesterday our high was just 88F and we had a low of 63!! Frank has been going out and sitting in the back yard at night with his telescopes and enjoying the cool weather.

As for me, I'm just glad hurricane season is beginning to ramp down, even though it's not officially over for a while.
Fall is definitely here. The furnace is on, 55° now, later in the week we'll see lows in the high 30's. Also the tree leaves are changing color.

We hope so much that all the rain we got this summer is not a predictor of how much snow we're going to get this winter. That new snow thrower I bought last year worked great last winter - we only got one snowfall of 3" and that was completely gone in a few days.
Here on the eastern edge of the Chihuahuan desert our rainfall averages just over 30 inches a year. In the past six weeks we've seen 25 inches and rain is forecast every day for the next week.

I miss the sun.
Here on the eastern edge of the Chihuahuan desert our rainfall averages just over 30 inches a year. In the past six weeks we've seen 25 inches and rain is forecast every day for the next week.

I miss the sun.

But you’re safe from flooding?
Woo hoo. Woke up to this. A white Halloween. 20181031_080235.jpeg
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