This weather is awful!! 2008-2021

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Where are you?

We have some impressive floods right here - but not really any rain. Just a heckuva lot of water coming down the river!!!!


I'm in east-central Wisconsin. Our flooding is not river related. It's from several days of torrential rain saturating the ground. The sewer systems and such around here are unable to handle so much rain causing streets to flood as well as basements. It's not something that should last long however. If the rain stops then it should be back to normal in a couple days.
It is overcast today and temps are not expected to get above 100. I will take it.
Forecast is for temp to reach 101 F today, but clear skies. I'm debating the wisdom of riding the motorcycle to work this afternoon, but it's only a 10-minute ride.

I wear full Kevlar mesh riding gear which is comfortable when in motion to the low 90's.
I'm debating the wisdom of riding the motorcycle to work this afternoon, but it's only a 10-minute ride.
I would debate the idea of going to w*rk at all :whistle: ...

(Just had to get that in from an old retired guy - and yes, I did ride bikes in my younger years)...
Six months ago, weren't some of you complaining how cold it was?!?

No fair Nords. You live in paradise. I'm thinking about checking into a rental home I hear might become available soon next door to T-Al. Hear the weather's pretty nice there most of the year. Oh, and DH and I would promise not to bring barky dogs or grow weed. Just a few mellow indoor cats;)
Six months ago, weren't some of you complaining how cold it was?!?

I sure was and I will again starting in about 4-5 months. I'll take 90 and humid with tornados, hail, and flooding over winter weather any time. I'd rather move to San Diego where it's nearly perfect year round.
I sure was and I will again starting in about 4-5 months. I'll take 90 and humid with tornados, hail, and flooding over winter weather any time. I'd rather move to San Diego where it's nearly perfect year round.

San Diego sure is an expensive place to live, it seems to me. You might enjoy moving south to someplace with a reasonable cost of living, though.
San Diego sure is an expensive place to live, it seems to me. You might enjoy moving south to someplace with a reasonable cost of living, though.

How much is your house going to be when you put it on the market:LOL:
San Diego sure is an expensive place to live, it seems to me. You might enjoy moving south to someplace with a reasonable cost of living, though.
The problem then becomes that you're living in National City... or Tijuana!

I always enjoyed San Diego's low humidity and milder weather, but it's still too cold. I remember one afternoon shivering on Coronado Beach in sweatshirts & long pants. In August.
How much is your house going to be when you put it on the market:LOL:

Not much, that's for sure! I bought it for $160K in 2002, and don't expect to clear much more for it when I sell it. And if you don't like mine, Frank wants to sell his, too. Property taxes on my house are only $8xx (I don't have the figures with me, but I am thinking $841/year?).
104.7 degrees at my house (well outside that is).

But hey, the high on Friday is only supposed to be 100 with a chance of scattered thunderstorms. :clap:

Basements are flooded everywhere and entire neighborhoods are unaccessable due to flooding.

I know this thread is about the weather so I apologize for straying. Are there stuff in your basement that would be ruined due to the flooding? Are you concerned about molds? My basement got wet a couple of times from heavy rain storms but I posted a question on this Forum and received advice on regrading the ground and keeping the gutters/down spouts clean--I did all that and now I no longer have a problem. Sounds like your flooding is severe and the regrading/clean downspout solution may not have prevented your problem.
Basements are flooded everywhere and entire neighborhoods are unaccessable due to flooding.

I know this thread is about the weather so I apologize for straying. Are there stuff in your basement that would be ruined due to the flooding? Are you concerned about molds? My basement got wet a couple of times from heavy rain storms but I posted a question on this Forum and received advice on regrading the ground and keeping the gutters/down spouts clean--I did all that and now I no longer have a problem. Sounds like your flooding is severe and the regrading/clean downspout solution may not have prevented your problem.

I was not personally affected by the rain. Over half of my co-workers were though. They had significant standing water in there basements as well as yards and streets. Some people even had water coming into the main level of their homes. In most cases that didn't need to happen but morons drive thru a foot of rain on the street causing wakes that bring water into people homes. Milwaukee county was so bad the Governor declared a state of emergency and FEMA was here last week assessing damages. Some houses will need to be torn down because they're uninhabitable.
Reached 91 with heat index of 102. A thunderstorm cooled it down to 78. Sun is back.
...I'd rather move to San Diego where it's nearly perfect year round.

San Diego sure is an expensive place to live, it seems to me. You might enjoy moving south to someplace with a reasonable cost of living, though.

In 2006, my sister-in-law and her husband bought a 2nd home in Chula Vista, a town south of SD. It was a town home, meaning one sharing common walls with neighbors on both sides.

Due to that, I have been curious to see how the housing market there is doing. Just now, looked at RE listing and saw that a townhome in the same block is listed for $200K. Due to the Mello-Roos tax, RE tax and HOA fee alone add up to $500/month.

The above 3-bedroom 1,400 sf home went for more than $410K in 2006. It's a steal now. Buy, buy, buy...
One of the worst things about the relentlessly hot summers here is that we can go for months without cold water. Our "cold" is coming out of the tap at 80 degrees, maybe a little warmer. Which is really a bummer when I'm overheated and sweating after doing some yard work as I did this evening, and desperately crave a cool shower.
This has seemed like an unusually hot summer. I wonder if that is just because it is my first summer as a retiree, with the time to notice the heat. Maybe not.
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