This weather is awful - 2024 to ?

Looks like the worse has passed through here (for today). Hard rain, some wind but no damage. Power is out "again" but generator is humming along. My commercial AC power bill this month should be pretty low with as much as it's been out!!
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It's been sunny, breezy as usual, and getting warmer. Into the 80's if not 90's. Not looking forward to the real hot stuff.
Stay safe for those of you in areas of bad storms!

Today was rain all day, DH and I went to Home Depot to get some wood to replace a rotting step to the deck(rest of the deck is ok), then stayed inside and read a good book, played with pup.
I just hope the weather doesn't mess with my tee time tomorrow!
It's been sunny, breezy as usual, and getting warmer. Into the 80's if not 90's. Not looking forward to the real hot stuff.
We have already hit our daily 90's temp. Usually lasts through Oct.
With all this bad weather across the middle of the country, I was shocked to see a news program today suggesting that it's probably going to be a big year for hurricanes! What's next?:facepalm:
Swarms of Cicadas! :LOL:
My swarm so far. I heard that cicadas liked to eat young lilacs. We have a new lilac, so I netted it. So far only 2 cicadas swarming the lilac, but I can hear them in the woods.

I've been to lazy to post this everyday but here we go again. This time we got hail too. And we are back on the generator.


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This spring the weather has been as bad as I can remember... In- between the days of storms we have been under heat advisory's with heat indexes in the 115+ range.

We have been watching the Weather Channel a lot the past month to keep up with what's coming. Or as I tell the DW, put in on the "Commercial Channel" since I really believe they have more commercials on air than Weather updates/news.
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I've been to lazy to post this everyday but here we go again. This time we got hail too. And we are back on the generator.
Wow! I saw something about this.

We actually got rain yesterday. 1.40 inches in about an hour. Really happy to get it as we are way behind! Plenty of lightning and thunder but fortunately no strong winds.

FWIW I use the Weather Channel app which I believe is very good and ended up subscribing which provides even more detailed weather info and removed ads.
Yikes. Tornados scare the crap out of me. Lack of weather that's trying to kill me and flying bugs is why I stay in California. Just need to worry about occasional earthquakes, which also suck.
Yikes. Tornados scare the crap out of me. Lack of weather that's trying to kill me and flying bugs is why I stay in California. Just need to worry about occasional earthquakes, which also suck.
And wildfires or mudslides and big rain events/flooding.
We went to help friends in Garland. They looked 4x worse than East Dallas. Pretty sure they were 70+mph winds. About the same as 2018 storm.

Second time in 12 months using the generator. At least it's cooler for a few days.

We had sunshine after the storm and then hail a few hours later. Crazy.
  • Wow
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We still have burn scars that show old and not so old fire areas in the National Forest here. Also roads being repaired, or not, from floods and muds. But the weather has been great. Sunny and mild, on a warming trend. Great day for a drive in the mountains, and at 6000' asl it is much cooler then 2700' asl. OK, soon it will be too hot, but it's a dry heat. :angel:

May your hail melt and your floods dry fast, and Ma Nature smile on you all.
Niece 20 miles away just had a hail storm. Only thunder here. Had a couple power outages within the past week due to storms/ trees down over wires. Generator has been getting a workout this year. I have a dead tree 20' from our overhead lines at the street - on our side of the property line. Leaning toward the wires. Don't know if I should try to take it down without hitting the wires, call a tree guy, or wait until nature takes its course.
I'd be calling SoCal Edison for the tree here. It's their wires. Their job.

I have not been to NI in a long time. Is Dolton still a really nice town? :)
Niece 20 miles away just had a hail storm. Only thunder here. Had a couple power outages within the past week due to storms/ trees down over wires. Generator has been getting a workout this year. I have a dead tree 20' from our overhead lines at the street - on our side of the property line. Leaning toward the wires. Don't know if I should try to take it down without hitting the wires, call a tree guy, or wait until nature takes its course.
Life is too short already, don't try and hurry it along. Call a tree guy (pro)!
I feel bad for those that have had these destructive storms. Just terrible.
Our first thunderstorm in several days is just starting up. There's lots of orange and yellow on the radar, and thunder in the distance, but no scary warnings (yet?). With any luck a storm will cool things down here. Temperatures have been insanely high (98F, "feels like" ~120F) but our houses have great A/C so we're fine here inside.
In S.E. MI and the weather hasn’t been bad here but watching all that’s going on is a bit nerve racking. About 7 years ago, we moved into a house with no basement. We’ve had a couple storms, but only one that had us looking for a “safe” place in the house. With all the tornadoes going on, I miss having a basement. What do you all with no basements do when there’s a tornado warning?
Built a storm shelter 15 years ago. With the alert system(s) and weather radios we have "these days" we haven't retreated to the shelter very often. But we been there twice this year.
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