Took the plunge - finishing up


Recycles dryer sheets
Dec 9, 2018
I told my boss on Monday that I’m resigning my position after 39 years at the same company.

It was a “significant emotional event” for me. He’s the best “boss” I’ve had.

Regardless of my intense long term scrupulous planning for this day, and the relief I felt after telling him, the pangs of doubt ebb and flow as I count down the remaining days to 12/31.

It’s uncomfortable walking away from the steady paycheck and exciting to think of the new doors that are opening.

I’ll miss my team and won’t miss some others at all.

I guess the grieving won’t be over for some time. It started in May 2020.

It’s good to know there is this community of “successful” retirees and several friends who have offered encouragement.
You have many great years ahead of you. Congrats.
Regardless of my intense long term scrupulous planning for this day, and the relief I felt after telling him, the pangs of doubt ebb and flow as I count down the remaining days to 12/31.

I guess the grieving won’t be over for some time. It started in May 2020.

It’s good to know there is this community of “successful” retirees and several friends who have offered encouragement.

39 years with one company, so it's not just retirement, but a significant change to your routine. I think you'll find, like the majority do, that shortly after 12/31 you'll be happy with the decision. If you haven't already done so, start planning what you'll do not just during retirement, but in the immediate days after 12/31.
39 years with one company, so it's not just retirement, but a significant change to your routine. I think you'll find, like the majority do, that shortly after 12/31 you'll be happy with the decision. If you haven't already done so, start planning what you'll do not just during retirement, but in the immediate days after 12/31.
In fact, depending on how involved you were in hobbies while working, you could easily spend the first 6-12 months trying new things and gradually adjusting your schedule! After almost 40 years it will take a long time to decompress, as well it should.
Look back and you will grieve, look forward to your new found freedom and all your time being your own to do what you want to do.
Frankly speaking, I also miss he paycheck, even I probably don't need the money.
I wish I could just receive money without working.
Congratulations! Wow, 39 years is such a long time. Take it easy during your early days after leaving--you might need a little time to process the change.
Congratulations. I also worked for one employer for most of my career, left after 36 years.
No matter how much prep work, it is still a change, and it was for the better for me.
Give yourself time to decompress and start to enjoy every day--doing what you want, when you want!
Congratulations on making it 39 years. I cut out after 36 1/2 years. We're both probably few that will ever work for one employer that long.

Just enjoy the little time you've got left. Look back a couple of years from now and you will wonder why you didn't leave sooner. I hope you have hobbies and other interests to where you'll have something to look forward to. We're international travelers.

Funny thing is that so many of my co-workers left about the same time I did. And nobody ever talks to each other--going their own separate ways. It's what to expect.
One thing I can guarantee: the sunrise on 1 January will be among the best you will have ever seen. You should be sure to set your alarm (this once) and get up to see it and enjoy the emotional reaction!

Congratulations on your retirement and 39 years! I'm sure you will do well. I retired in March of 2020 after 43 years same company. Still adjusting but I can say I have no regrets. Hopefully it's the same for you.
Congratulations ![emoji322] [emoji323] [emoji3060]
I’m retiring at the end of this year also. 12/30/21-8 weeks to go.
I’ve worked for 3 different counties in the same field for 35 years. Not the same as one employer but close.
Congratulations! 39!
I'm joining you in retirement on the same date but not the number of years of service. It is scary giving up a regular paycheck but I'm hoping the freedom gained will be worth the loss of $$. :)
Good for you and a person has to do it sometime. Retirement isn't the end but the beginning. Being a part of something for 39 years isn't something easy to just walk away from. Just enjoy the time you have each day.
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Congratulations!!! Well deserved after 4 decades of dedicated service.

Enjoy the last few weeks of work and the transition to the retirement lifestyle. It’s truly awesome!!!
Congratulations. Don't expect too much of yourself in the beginning and know it'll take some time to adjust to the new you. Watching that first sunrise is great advise.
you want to know where a great place is to watch that sunset?
The room on the far end of this B&B in Kona. The sun just eases up out of the ocean, very memorable spot.
We stay in Kona but book one night in Hilo to make the drive around reasonable.
I’m also retiring as of 12/31/21…it’ll be 26 1/2 years.
Can’t wait to join the ranks of you fine folks.
I retired in March, 2013 after a similarly long time with one employer.
A few times, after an adult beverage or two, I pondered: I spent four decades getting rather good at what I do, so I could QUIT?

But I was basically okay and went back part-time twice, most recently in 2016, at the same engineering hourly rate, but without the 40 hours per week grind.

I'm all finished with that now and life is good...
39 years with one company, so it's not just retirement, but a significant change to your routine. I think you'll find, like the majority do, that shortly after 12/31 you'll be happy with the decision. If you haven't already done so, start planning what you'll do not just during retirement, but in the immediate days after 12/31.

I did ask an 11 year retired friend to be my “retirement mentor”.

The engineer in me resulted in a written plan with a variety of ideas and some measureable objectives.

Day 1 I’m taking a friend out to lunch for his birthday.

I “practiced” my routine this week, and it feels good.

The transition from lifelong saving to spending will be the most difficult.
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