Treasury disconnects the telephone tax


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Jul 14, 2005
The tax was originally put in place on wealthy phone owners to pay for the Spanish-American War.

First the trasury fought this then Treasury Sec Snow said this - "That's the taxpayers' money, and they deserve to have it, not the government," announcing the government's decision to stop fighting companies that have been successfully challenging the tax in court. :D

Well anyway there may be a refund coming our way plus there is talk about eliminating the fed tax on local calling.
cool ... now I wonder if have long-distance records back to 2003. :-\
just like they said it would be: temporary
d said:
just like they said it would be: temporary

Didnt they say the same thing about the income tax?

Oh yeah, they stop taxing you a little while after you're dead.
as i recall (not that i was around way back then) the first instance of income tax was indeed temporary ... but having tried it one they couldn't resist doing it again

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