Tricks and Strategies to LBYM in ER

Cut-Throat said:
From what I've seen of HGTV at the health club, they are into major remodling projects. Like this old house. We built a Brand New House about 7 years ago and she got her "dream kitchen, bedoom, bathroom etc.

And how many years until she has a different dream? 7 years might be pushing it! :)
Cut-Throat said:
If they had a lot of Martha Stewart Stuff on HGTV she would be interested.

Ooh, they most certainly do. I think she would like HGTV a lot. :)
Cut-Throat said:
Martha, My DW probably does not know what HGTV is, and probably has not come across it when she travels.  She is a 'Martha Stewart' type and spends a lot of time Gardening, Gourmet Cooking 8), reading Bon Appetite and Martha Stewart Living.

From what I've seen of HGTV at the health club, they are into major remodling projects. Like this old house. We built a Brand New House about 7 years ago and she got her "dream kitchen, bedoom, bathroom etc.

If they had a lot of Martha Stewart Stuff on HGTV she would be interested.

Cutthroat:  I was going to congratulate you on
your wife not being an HGTV addict, like my wife is but then I remembered that your wife works full time.  
When she quits working report back to us again. ;)
Professor, sorry for all my off topic posts in this thread.

The biggest source of money savings for us was selling our home and moving into an apartment in a four unit building we own. Tremendous how costs go down when shared. We have been talking lately about selling this last building and buying a house. But it is hard to move from a money generating asset to one that is just an expense.
Cut-Throat said:
Well, if she does discover this, I'll just tell her that Fly Fishing and the Cable Bills are so high that she has to keep working. JUst like your Golf Fees :D

Cutthroat: Well, maybe so, but my guess is that HGTV will have another fan in a few years. :D

My wife's comment on green fees going so high that she was going to have to get a job, was,
"what in the hell are you smoking"?, thought you got rid of that cigar box."
TromboneAl said:
What distinguishes LBYM in ER versus regular LBYM is that you have more time to save money. 

Things like:

  • In-depth evaluation of investments
  • Taking in your cans for money
  • Measuring your electricity usage
  • Sawing up pallets for free firewood
  • Shopping at garage sales

Busy people don't have time for these things.

Give it a little more time, rookie ;)

In a few years, you'll probably develop hobbies, and interests, that will keep you busy.
ex-Jarhead said:
My wife's comment on green fees going so high that she was going to have to get a job, was,
"what in the hell are you smoking"?, thought you got rid of that cigar box."

Apparently women do not understand the importance of golf! :-\
Not ER'ed yet, but doing as much LBYM as possible to get there   :)

I have to pay for Cable or only get two fuzzy channels.  But I won't pay for the HBO, the Hi Def or any of that.  I really just want Fox Sports, but I have to pay for "expanded basic" to get that.

Dumped AOL and went with free Yahoo mail, FINALLY

I love gardening and hope to do more after ER - this year we had fresh lettuce and tomato most of the summer - it's a combination hobby/LBYM because some of the gardening is more costly than buying the food... but fun.    Also trading produce with other gardeners.... and trading perennial starts or hitting the spring plant sales rather than buying retail...

We bought a programmable t-stat two weeks ago for $28 - I am sure it will pay for itself, as I was too lazy/forgetful to turn the old one down at night or when leaving for work.

Thrift stores and yard sales....

Cook large cassaroles and freeze half... also freeze small portions for lunches....

Switched shopping from the convenient community grocery store to the big warehouse one....


Buy quality classic clothing and shoes that don't wear out or get thrown out cuz they hurt/don't fit/are out of style.... a lot of my work clothes are 10 years old....

SO in construction literally wears out t-shirts and jeans, so buying those in bulk on sale helps...

Taking up tennis (played on free courts) instead of golf  [I got a lot of gear used but, yeah, scuba is blowing the rec. budget]....

Share large tools with close neighbors - they use my ladder, I use their rototiller and possum trap  (Yes, POSSUM TRAP :p).  (Works on skunks too :p).

That's all I can think of off the top of my head....
I use their rototiller and possum trap (Yes, POSSUM TRAP ). (Works on skunks too ).

UH!, I hear POSSUM tastes like chicken! :D - Give this Gal the ER LBYM Gold Award! :D
I'm hoping the possum traps are to keep them out of your garden. :)
Cut-Throat said:
UH!,  I hear POSSUM tastes like chicken! :D  - Give this Gal the ER LBYM Gold Award! :D

We have a lot of nice tender squirrels here too. :D

Seriously the danged critters have decided that the little space under my deck is prime real estate....ever since my neighbor demolished the garage floor they were living under at his place.  Guess that's why he feels guilty and loans me the trap.

I've deported 2 skunks and 3 possums in the last few years. 
Sheryl said:
Guess that's why he feels guilty and loans me the trap.

I've deported 2 skunks and 3 possums in the last few years. 
Let me try to understand this scenario: you see that your skunk trap now contains one live and very pissed-off skunk.

Now what do you do: call the INS?
Nords said:
Let me try to understand this scenario:  you see that your skunk trap now contains one live and very pissed-off skunk. 

Now what do you do:  call the INS?

Yes, a caged skunk is to be feared more than one just just hanging out! I can't wait to hear how you you got him out. :-X
Nords said:
Let me try to understand this scenario:  you see that your skunk trap now contains one live and very pissed-off skunk. 

Now what do you do:  call the INS?

OK -  this story should have been filmed for Animal Planet.  In case anyone else ever needs to perform this highly skilled maneuver:

The skunk is approximately the same size as the interior dimension of trap, so he can't easily raise his tail to spray.   That's a good thing.  The trap is an open-weave wire mesh, about 12 x 12 x 18, with a handle on top. 

Step one:  Lay out a blue tarp on the lawn beside the trap.

Step two: find the longest-handled broom or other implement you own.  Standing as far as possible from the trap, on the opposite side from the spraying end of the skunk, slip the broom handle under the cage handle and lever the entire cage up and over onto the center of the tarp. 

Step three:  use the broom to lift and wrap the tarp around the trap from all sides.

Step four:  Wrap the heck out of the entire assemblage with duct tape.

Step five:  Transport the assemblage in the back of the pickup to an undisclosed location.

Step six:  Out of view of passing traffic or neighbors place the wrapped trap on a sloping hillside,  stand very still for a long time listening for movement from the trap. 

Step Seven:  (This one requires the most finesse and technique) When you're sure he's not paying attention, quickly cut away the tarp, and spring the trap, with the open end facing down hill. 

Step  Eight:  Run away, sit in the truck watching with the windows closed until the skunk leaves the trap -  if he doesn't go soon, throw rocks at the trap until he does.

Now, does that sound like a redneck in hog heaven or what??
You're making it much too hard.

Just scoop em up with one hand while covering your nose

Then cook em, however you like. They taste much better than possum.

Then save the fur for decoration


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  • Skunkhat.jpg
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That ther's a right purty hatchagot ther, but I woodna wanted to git closenuf t' that thang to get a hide offf'en it.
MasterBlaster said:
You're making it much too hard.

Just scoop em up with one hand while covering your nose

Then cook em, however you like. They taste much better than possum.

Then save the fur for decoration

Cool hat!
LMAO oh gosh Sheryl believe it or not I've actually seen something similar done by my dad, funniest thing I've ever seen!!! He had to throw his tarp away... smell just wouldn't quit.
Sheryl: This has worked for me: After the polecat is gone, buy a couple of boxes of mothballs and spread them around under the porch. Refresh every couple of months or as needed. This works well on other critters too. A natural repellant.


My uncle had problems with deer in his garden. He went to the zoo and got tiger poop and spread it around the edges of the garden. Deer stayed away all summer.
Why not shoot the skunk? Seems easier than all that catch n release stuff. Plus, you get to have skunk stew.
Good point about the moth balls Greg, I have done that in the past, but need to refresh - how soon we forget.

Justin, I'm not sure disposing of the dead body would be any more fun than the live one, and just to get back on topic - I'm NOT L that far BMM!
justin said:
Why not shoot the skunk?  Seems easier than all that catch n release stuff.  Plus, you get to have skunk stew.

Not that I am fond of the tactic, but a friend's uncle who is a farmer with a skunk problem in upstate NY traps them, covers the trap, and then drops it in a bucket of water.
My father in-law stabs sharp sticks or a machete through the cage till the critter stops moving.
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