Trying to Think of an Effective Way to Stick My Nose Into Someone Else's Business.


I saw my dance partner and her DH this morning. She told me that they had talked, and that he planned to talk to his brother about strategies to stop the negative cash flow. Then when he showed up he told me a little more. It is possible that he doesn't tell her much because she is so dense about it.

I am so glad I got help here at the forum, because I am completely clear of any responsibility, and perhaps as important, I am not so exposed to additional boundary problems that can surface in these socially complex relationships. Not just their boundaries, but mine too.

Then we had a couple hours of nice dancing and I headed home to lunch.

I'm pleased to hear that the situation is resolving itself amicably.
I would say you handled it well and dodged a bullet!

This forum is a way beter place to ask a question or make a mistake than real life!

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