Useless stress for Buffett


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Feb 16, 2004
Does a guy with all that money still have to get stressed out?  Wouldn't it be smarter for rich people like him to stay out of any more financial dealings, especially the shady ones?  He could be in a completely stress-free environment doing all sorts of fun things instead of having to be put in the hot seat answering investigators' questions.  Some people just don't know when to quit.

Buffett is called in AIG probe -- report By MarketWatch

NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- Warren Buffett, the famed investor and chairman of Berkshire Hathaway Inc., reportedly has been called to answer investigators' questions in connection with their probe of a questionable transaction with American International Group Inc.}&siteid=mktw&dist=
When you're a larger than life figure like Buffett, everyon wants a piece of you. Poor guy. :(
He's in it for the juice. The deal is the juice, not the money. I hear he is planning on leaving his children nothing, obviously this guy is a different cat.
If Buffett ever retired, he'd be dead in six months or less. It's not the money, it's the game he likes.

Further, I doubt that he's crooked. Never say never, of course, but Mr. Warren likes deals not cons. Greenberg, maybe, but not Buffett.
I do not think that he has an option not to appear.

I regard to quiting, he would'nt know what to do with his life without the thrills of the financial markets.

It's not stress if you're obsessed.

I hear he is planning on leaving his children nothing, obviously this guy is a different cat.
Buffett has said "I'll leave my kids enough money so that they feel they can do anything, but not enough to do nothing."

By any yardstick I think that his "kids" are successful.  Inheriting billions won't improve that.

Here's a Worth article that mentions Thayer Cheatham Willis, the Georgia-Pacific heiress, and her book "Navigating the Dark Side of Wealth:  A Life Guide for Inheritors."  It gives a good perspective on the issues, although I agree that wrestling with millions is probably a better deal than wrestling with poverty.

I see that Berkshire Hathaway is on sale today!

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