Version of MS Office ??

Another Office 2007 user. I haven't noticed any problems with W10.

I've used LibreOffice for years. Gets the job done.

+2 when I bought my laptop we were in Florida and I thought that my MS Office CD was at home, so I downloaded LibreOffice... configured it to save documents in MS Office format and started using it. Got home a few months later and couldn't find my MS Office disk so I have kept using it.

Still haven't found that MS Office disk, but even if I did my new laptop doesn't have a CD drive so I would have to go out and buy one.
Plenty of good reasons to use freeware, beside being free and/or avoiding MS. Here's what I use.


I've used LibreOffice for years. Gets the job done.

I used MS Office when I was working, because I got a free copy of it for home use. However, when I retired in 2009, that free usage expired.

So, in 2009 I started using Open Office which is another free Office clone. It's perfectly fine for my uses. Mainly, I use the spreadsheet.

I haven't tried Libre Office but I have heard it is also quite good.
I didn't particularly want a subscription either. But, we have multiple computers so an Office 365 subscription worked better for us. I've been happy with it. But, I use Office on a daily basis so the cost is very small for the benefits I feel I get from it.
Been using office 2013 since, well, 2013. Usually I've been able to get Office through work via Microsoft's HUP program. It's what I did when my wife and daughter purchased their laptops over the years as well. I'd like to move my own laptop to 2019 (though I'll likely wait for the new laptop), but my current employer's deal with Microsoft HUP is a discounted license for Office 365. Not interested. I already have a cloud based backup for everything on all of our machines.
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I still use Office 2000. It does everything I need. I had lost the installation key before my last install a couple years ago - Microsoft Support gave me a new one free of charge.
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I'm actually an advocate of O365 subscription, not just for the full Office suite, but because of the 1TB storage on OneDrive, which securely holds our full shared family archive of photos and videos, accessible from any device, anywhere. If my house burns down, or my laptop is stolen, I don't lose my spreadsheets, and we still have all family photos. And every photo I or my family members take is immediately preserved in the cloud. The advantages of subscription approach are many. (Retired cryptoanalyst with knowledge of their internal operations, and faith in their security team)
I'm actually an advocate of O365 subscription, not just for the full Office suite, but because of the 1TB storage on OneDrive, which securely holds our full shared family archive of photos and videos, accessible from any device, anywhere. If my house burns down, or my laptop is stolen, I don't lose my spreadsheets, and we still have all family photos. And every photo I or my family members take is immediately preserved in the cloud. The advantages of subscription approach are many. (Retired cryptoanalyst with knowledge of their internal operations, and faith in their security team)
My concern with Microsoft Onedrive and Google drive is they have your data and look at it. Any uploading I do gets encrypted before it leaves my machine.
I still use Office 2000. It does everything I need. I had lost the installation key before my last install a couple years ago - Microsoft Support gave me a new one free of charge.

I also use Office 2000, just for Word and Excel. I was given it when I was working from home in 2001-2003 so I would be able to use files my coworkers gave me and vice versa. I kept the CD (no installation key ever needed) and reinstalled Word and Excel every time I got a new PC or new hard drive, from Me/XP/Win7/Win10.

I don't do anything really fancy with Word and Excel, so any incompatible features with later versions was harmless, such as some newer colors not available in my old version.

I have used newer versions of Excel on other people's PCs, even with spreadsheets I built in my Excel; I have had to learn the newer Excels on the fly.

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