Waffle: Even easier than Wordle

I don't know if i'd have gotten it, because I only allow 10 minutes, and this game went over.

Found it very difficult and failed.

#waffle193 X/5


? streak: 0
I was surprised to get 5, because I accidentally moved two "wrong" letters at the start while trying to scroll the scree.

Wow! That is pretty amazing.

Coincidentally, I "fat-fingered" a double-swap today. That is, I had a double swap lined up, and accidentally moved one of the letters to the wrong spot. This cost me TWO swaps. I wound up with an actual score of 2, and a "moral score" of 4. :LOL:
#waffle196 5/5


? streak: 36
? #wafflesilverteam
Wow! That is pretty amazing.

Coincidentally, I "fat-fingered" a double-swap today. That is, I had a double swap lined up, and accidentally moved one of the letters to the wrong spot. This cost me TWO swaps. I wound up with an actual score of 2, and a "moral score" of 4. :LOL:

I "dropped" two letters as I was moving them on the deluxe waffle. I struggle with the words on the deluxe that don't give me the first letter anyway so that was just ugly.
I "dropped" two letters as I was moving them on the deluxe waffle. I struggle with the words on the deluxe that don't give me the first letter anyway so that was just ugly.

Thank you for telling me that there is a deluxe waffle! I did not know they occurred weekly...

#waffle196 5/5


? streak: 113
? #wafflecenturion
Okay, I got a 4 in Deluxe Waffle. Do we know what the "scoring scale" is for Deluxe Waffle? I.e., is a 5 in Deluxe the best you can do, as for regular Waffle (I think!)?
#waffle197 5/5


? streak: 37
? #wafflesilverteam
Okay, I got a 4 in Deluxe Waffle. Do we know what the "scoring scale" is for Deluxe Waffle? I.e., is a 5 in Deluxe the best you can do, as for regular Waffle (I think!)?


I don't, I recently found it and have got zero stars, due to the words where I don't get the first letter :blush: On the bright side, they let me keep playing till I finish (I'm stubborn and like to finish things).
#waffle198 5/5


? streak: 38
? #wafflesilverteam
I got really fortunate early. I had only figured out a couple of words, but I got two double swaps when expecting only singles!

#waffle199 5/5


? streak: 116
? #wafflecenturion
This one went really fast. I wanted to try the Deluxe Waffle, but I'm traveling and just haven't had the time.

#waffle200 5/5


? streak: 39
? #wafflesilverteam
I did Waffle 201, but got distracted and didn't post it. Now all I can see is Waffle 202.
I made an error early on (chasing the wrong word, so no green or yellow). I was surprised that I could still recover!

#waffle202 5/5


? streak: 119
? #wafflecenturion
Couldn't do much today!

#waffle203 3/5


? streak: 120
? #wafflecenturion
Made a boo-boo in the beginning, but it came out okay.

#waffle204 4/5


? streak: 121
? #wafflecenturion
#waffle204 5/5


? streak: 42
? #wafflesilverteam
The odd thing is, Waffle really is getting to be easier for me than Wordle.

I believe it's because Wordle depends on guessing the right first word, whereas Waffle is entirely logic-based.

#waffle207 5/5


? streak: 17
? #waffleelite
The odd thing is, Waffle really is getting to be easier for me than Wordle.

I believe it's because Wordle depends on guessing the right first word, whereas Waffle is entirely logic-based.

I think I could concur with this. Note the title that you chose for this thread! :D

#waffle207 5/5


? streak: 124
? #wafflecenturion
I know! For a while, I felt the sting of irony from choosing that title, but finally - like a shoe that's been stretched - it fits. :D

I think I could concur with this. Note the title that you chose for this thread! :D

#waffle207 5/5


? streak: 124
? #wafflecenturion

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