Wall St. is More Corrupt & Infiltrated by Organized Crime than I knew!

Isn't that true of every single government in the history of the world?

Like Churchill said:
Many forms of government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.…

IMHO, free market and democracy should not be conflated together. They are mutually beneficial, but not the same thing.
IMHO, free market and democracy should not be conflated together. They are mutually beneficial, but not the same thing.

OK, I should have skipped the Churchill quote. It's just that it expresses my thinking here, that while free markets are flawed (all human institutions are flawed to a greater or less extent), but the further you get from free markets, the worse things are.
OK, I should have skipped the Churchill quote. It's just that it expresses my thinking here, that while free markets are flawed (all human institutions are flawed to a greater or less extent), but the further you get from free markets, the worse things are.

I didn't mean to be nit picky either. China is trying a free market with totalitarian system, and so far it looks like the corruption is worse. but corruption is by nature hidden, so it may be only a hope the free market-totalitarian system is worse than ours.
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