Want to retire at 60


Dryer sheet aficionado
May 21, 2014
I will be 60 in 2017. I will have about 1.1 million between lump sum buyout at work and 401K. Also have 320,000 in CD's and cash savings. Pretty sure I could get by on 45,000/yr after taxes. I will have to pay health care until I am 62 (company I am with now will then pay till I am 65). Soc Security kicks in at 62 (about 1800/mth).

Would anyone out there comment as to whether this is reasonable ? I live pretty conservatively, no big travel plans, jut want to get out. I see alot of people on here have gotten out before 60, just want to know if you able to enjoy life.

You're going to do just fine. It's okay to live conservatively, but don't give up on seeing the world while you have your health.

Everyone needs something to look forward to every day.
With an assumption for taxes, that puts you at about a 3.5% WR, which should be doable. Have you run FIRECALC?
The only thing that gives me pause is the phrase "pretty sure I could get by on $45,000 per year after taxes". Is that an estimate or have you tracked your actual expenses over a year or two and adjusted for specific things likely to change (either up or down) with retirement (such as commuting, health care etc.).
As of now, I go out to lunch almost daily and go out to eat about 5 times a week for dinner ... Not good. I like to cook, but live alone and that can be a hassle.. I figure in retirement, I will less likely go out to lunch and cook more at home. Maybe even have some leftovers. This will cut out some money I know spend. Firecalc says I am in good shape. I really enjoy bouncing things off people who have done this already. Pretty certain I am ready to join the class of 2017 for retire early. Thanks

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Joe was that 1.1 or all together 1.4mil with the 320 in cash ? Personally I have run numbers until I am blue in the face. At 1.1 should be good but will not have any left to leave behind. But it should take you through your 90s with ss in the mix

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Fircalc has me consistently at 90 - 95% lasting for 30 years, even touched 100% once by using some conservative numbers...
Curious what are you're conservative numbers ?

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Gotta redo my firecalc numbers. I put in some wrong info. Just learning how this firecalc works. Does it take into account taxes. In other words, when it asks for soc security info, should I put in gross amount or estimate my net

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FIRECalc assumes taxes are like any other expense, which means you need to include them as part of your yearly expenses.
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So you have 1.4 M plus in your retirement kitty. Need to bridge two years until you are 62 and need no more than $60,000 per year [expenses and taxes] for the next two years.

I'd take $60,000 out of the kitty for the next two years for living expenses. SS kicks in and you still have 1.2M plus @ 62.. With SS, your WR is 3.2% or less.

I'd have no problem leaving the rat race. Seems very doable.
Check out taxcaster and the calculator at tax-rates.org for taxes or do a trial retirement tax return but I suspect you are talking about $3-4k a year for state and federal income tax combined. I think you are good to go if you want to.

You would include this in expenses... so bump your expenses from $45k to $48-49k a year. SS would be the entire $21,300/year.

But why wait until 2017?
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Yeah, $1.42 million .. you're fine. You should be A-OK
I am just curious how much you are budgeting for healthcare & health insurance until your company starts picking it up? Can your company rescind this benefit after you retire?
I am going budget 12,000 / year for two years. That is an worst case. Maybe I can find something better depending on what I want.

Can your company rescind this benefit after you retire? Good question. There is nothing that can stop them from doing that .... they have not as of now, no rumors of them doing, but in this economy, it is a gamble that I will need to handle if it happens. Maybe work at Home Depot ..

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