WAYGTDAD answer for the navy guys...

Htown Harry

Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
May 13, 2007
I immediately thought of certain ER.org posters with a Navy engineering background when I saw the info on this model for sale.

What are you going to do all day in retirement?

"Win the Radio-controlled boat regatta. Every day. All of them."


Vintage 1937 Remote Controlled Battleship
Built in 1937 in the very early days of civilian RC modeling. 10 feet long. 360 pounds. Made of auto body steel. There are 12 38 caliber main guns that fire, and 4 22 caliber guns that fire also.
Links to 1938 / 1940 details on the build here:
Pergelator: RC Battleship from 1938
Wow. Live ammo on an R/C model with 1930's radio control. What could go wrong?
I'd want to build a model RC aegis cruiser so I could handle the drones and then hit that old battleship over the horizon. I just need to develop the miniature standard missiles....
I would build a model of some crazy North Korean dictator and launch random missiles to see if your BMD works as well in real situations as it does in tests...

Just saying.
Worth reading about Mr. Howard E. Bixby, retired electrical engineer, and his creation of the fleet in the 1938 issue of Radio News at the link at the bottom of the Pergelator bit above.

Also kinda fun to scan the 1938 issue of Radio News even if you only know "lights me up when I touch this wire", my level of skill.

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