Well I let work know today


Recycles dryer sheets
Nov 6, 2013
I let me boss know that I was retiring today. He had the reaction I hoped for. He was both happy for me and disappointed that I would be leaving.

I guess I will be sticking around for longer than 2 weeks to try to "impart my wisdom" to other members of the team and help out on a few hot projects. My guess is that the last day will be mid march.

I have been working in tech for 30 years and while I am ready and excited, it feels wierd and a bit sad to step away from the work and the people. I have been incredibly fortunate to work for great industry leading companies. Megacorps but run by really good people who I will miss.

When the twins finish high school in 2 years, DW and I will sell our forever dreamhouse that we built and spend the winters in the sun of southern Utah and the summers @ our cottage on the lake here in Vermont. Beyond travelling and cycling, I am not retiring TO anything specific. Maybe just to EXPLORE whatever interests me with no constraints of work holding me back.

Thanks to everyone who contributes to this forum. It has been a huge help and inspiration as we prepare for the future. I jump into FIRE with eyes WIDE OPEN.
Congratulations. As a retiree from a tech field, I can say that while I miss getting to play with some new technological tools, I don't miss deadlines and project schedules one bit. And traveling and cycling can eat up a lot of that unstructured time.
Congrats! You will enjoy this new phase of your life!
Wahoo! So excited for you. Keep us updated...like how your last day goes, and how much you love retirement, and how the transition from full time work to retirement goes.
............I guess I will be sticking around for longer than 2 weeks to try to "impart my wisdom" to other members of the team and help out on a few hot projects. .............
You should feel flattered. No one at MegaMotors asked me for anything before or after I left. Either I'd learned nothing useful over the previous 26 years or they didn't value what I knew. I prefer to think it was the former. :LOL:

Steal lots of pencils.
Congratulations and enjoy crossing those last days off of the calendar!
... they didn't value what I knew...

Most people can learn only from their own mistakes, and even then many don't.

Congratulations, Jabbahop.
thank you all for the congrats and support.

My boss asked me to stay until March 25th when we have an offsite. Time to wrap things up and have a little get together. Since I work remotely, it is nice to have a chance to travel out to corporate and say goodbye to my long-time coworkers in person. Since announcing, I have gotten a lot of very nice congratulations messages. I even got a very nice one from the CEO.

Anxious to start the new chapter but I owe a lot to the company and I like the people so willing to put in a bit extra time to ease the transition.
Congratulations! It's always good when you can leave with a positive attitude about your time at your job.

Sent from my iPhone using Early Retirement Forum
Where in Southern Utah, one of my favorite places in winter...it's in the upper 60's there today. Are you going buy or do a long term winter rental? There are some amazing deals in the St George area, considering that the rental fee covers all your utilities, cable, and internet.
Congratulations! I retired (at age 50) in late September from the tech industry. I was worried that I'd miss the people and the work, but I haven't. This has been the best thing I've ever done. The new freedom is exhilarating.

I wish you well.
Congratulations! What were/are you working in tech wise ? What languages ? What databases ?
er33 - tech but not technical. I was on the business/product/strategy side for some tech companies - Compaq, Apple, and my current employer.

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