What did you do today? - 2020 version

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We have an ongoing address issue which just got bigger. Our house and street number are the same as another home in our HOA, only they are “road” while ours is “street”. We get lots of their mail, including one letter that was redelivered to us 7 times.

Similar thing at our last house. The local mail carrier was worthless, and UPS and FedEx weren't much better, so we both got in the habit of just going to the other's house and dropping off mail and packages. After a couple of years we got to be good friends!

Hard to believe the local planning agency couldn't do a better job of monitoring street names when they're being built.
Today I purged my remaining winter suits. I can't remember the last time I wore a ladies' winter suit, whether with skirt or pants. I had come to think of skirts in winter as ridiculous, unless they were long enough to go over boots, which is not particularly fashionable right now. The concept in winter of having bare or pantyhosed legs while covered up in long sleeves and a lined suit jacket on top seemed unbalanced and ineffective. And, I disposed of the lined, winter suit pants (dry clean only) also. I'll never wear them again. If I need a suit (highly unlikely) I'll buy something that isn't 20 years old. Also let go a boiled wool double-breasted jacket with silver buttons. The Oktoberfest look.
We watched dolphins in the bay this morning, then drove an hour to Charleston and spent over 4 hours walking around.

When we came back I immediately had a nap. :)
Went to Hip surgeon yesterday for 6+ week follow up. All is good and I can do anything I did before the implant. Next check and xray is one year from now.:)
We have an ongoing address issue which just got bigger. Our house and street number are the same as another home in our HOA, only they are “road” while ours is “street”. We get lots of their mail, including one letter that was redelivered to us 7 times.

Yesterday a gardening / pest control company came by, sprayed our front lawn and left an invoice. Wrong address - they wanted “road”, not “street”. A long conversation this morning with that company until they finally gave me the names of the chemicals.

I called our gardening / pest control folks and updated them, they’ll have to change their schedule with us to avoid over spraying.

I’m surprised the local government allowed two identically named roads/streets. It could be a dangerous situation if EMS is needed at 123 Road but arrive at 123 Street.

About ten years ago our community had to rename two streets as part of a county-wide initiative to be 911 “compliant”
Took DW to the hospital at 6 AM to have a pacemaker implanted todat. All went well, although the sugery was very painful. She is home now, with a wireless gadget that will monitor her heart,
In 2 weeks she goes back for an ablation to complete the process.
Woke up and sat in bed watching the sun rise over the Florida Straits. Later watched some kiteboarders taking advantage of the brisk winds. They were getting some big air.
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The wife and I had a nice sushi lunch and then saw "Knives Out" at the cinema with a bucket of popcorn and a bottle of water. Good movie!
Thirty minutes ago, at 11:30 pm tonight, my cat started having an asthma attack. It's the first one since she came home from the hospital on 12/28.

I had been practicing for this moment, but wasn't sure if I would be able to help her when the time came.

I got out the "rescue" inhaler and loaded the "Aerokat" gizmo, and to my amazement she actually allowed me to put the face mask on her. She squirmed a bit, but I managed to keep it on her face for about 10 breaths, and within 5 minutes she was feeling much better.

I'm relieved about this for two reasons: first, I was able to help her instantly tonight, and secondly, maybe this means she will tolerate the daily "maintenance" inhaler which starts tomorrow. Fingers crossed!
Thirty minutes ago, at 11:30 pm tonight, my cat started having an asthma attack. It's the first one since she came home from the hospital on 12/28.

I had been practicing for this moment, but wasn't sure if I would be able to help her when the time came.

I got out the "rescue" inhaler and loaded the "Aerokat" gizmo, and to my amazement she actually allowed me to put the face mask on her. She squirmed a bit, but I managed to keep it on her face for about 10 breaths, and within 5 minutes she was feeling much better.

I'm relieved about this for two reasons: first, I was able to help her instantly tonight, and secondly, maybe this means she will tolerate the daily "maintenance" inhaler which starts tomorrow. Fingers crossed!

Sometimes they surprise you. Maybe she got enough relief while Aerokat was on to make the association.
Sometimes they surprise you. Maybe she got enough relief while Aerokat was on to make the association.

Indeed they do! I am hoping she made the connection between the mask and the relief, although I'll never know for sure. :)

I left the smaller, kitten-sized face mask in her bed for the last two weeks, to desensitize her to it, and 5-6 times a day I would rub it gently all over her head and her face and chin. I wanted to acclimate her to the texture and the rubbery smell of it. I never actually applied it to her nose and mouth with pressure, though, so I wasn't sure if it would work when I used the regular sized mask on her.

Thank god for YouTube videos from people who have done this before! It's amazing what you can learn out there.
Picked up our wedding rings. Getting married tomorrow. 21 years together, I guess it’s time.
Spent part of the today checking out the neighborhood and all of the new house builds. Started the process of configuring my new Windows 10 PC (to replace my 6+ year Windows 7 PC). Pissed away much of the rest of the day trying to decide on a monitor (or two) for the new PC. :banghead:

Had all of our errands and appointments done by yesterday because of the forecasted thunderstorms for today here in central Texas. Nothing materialized. Seems we brought our drought with us from California. :mad::(
Got the morning workout done early and went shopping at “Wally World” for cold medicine…. almost have it beat. Reviewed last year’s budget performance numbers and started new metrics for next year.
Planning a hike in the spring so shopped for gear on line (a daily adventure). Getting ready to go dancing with DW tonight, “Roaring 20s” theme.
Life is good.
Early morning walk around the neighborhood. Another chiro visit to pop a rib in place. Did some woodworking. DW went to her exercise class party, so I’m playing host solo to MIL. We’re watching Top Gun and eating pizza.

My Wife agreed to go see 1917 the movie. Great movie.....highly recommend, of course took her out for lunch after the movie

Nice day
Soldered up and installed my upgrade transformers into my bedroom tube amp. Sonic bliss!
Went to Everglades National Park and Biscayne National Park. Ate a very nice snapper dish for dinner, outside under a full moon (at least it looks full).
Went to Everglades National Park and Biscayne National Park. Ate a very nice snapper dish for dinner, outside under a full moon (at least it looks full).

What a nice vacation!! Sounds perfect and it's probably nice to get away from the cold winter weather in your home state, for a little while.

Gym day for us. It's so much fun to be able to get back into weight lifting after my knee replacement surgery last August. After warming up on the seated elliptical for a while, I did two sets of 10 on each of nine weight lifting machines. Puts a spring in my step. :)

Then lunch at our favorite restaurant (shrimp pasta alfredo, made with fresh Louisiana shrimp), then home and napped for a while. Doing laundry right now.
I cleaned my gutters and did some planning on a trip to Machu Picchu and a cruise around the bottom of South America up to Buenos Aires
Finishing up the BBQ pork roast I started yesterday. It cooked sous vide for 22 hours and spent an hour and half in a low temperature oven. Cooling and ready to shred. Its very well cooked, the fats are all happy.

Next is the garage door, its open and wants to stay that way. Opened up fine, but won't close. Some moron hit the override and it's sprung. Unfortunately the garage door place is out until Monday.
Picked up our wedding rings. Getting married tomorrow. 21 years together, I guess it’s time.

Right, you can't rush these things!
My morning activity was to drop off a suburban load of furniture and other stuff at the consignment shop. On the way home stoped at B&N for coffee and read Skeptic magazine.
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