What did you do today? - 2020 version

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It's official - I'm old!

I just submitted my online application for Medicare benefits, to begin in December.

Even though I submitted my retirement notice on 9/1 (for 12/31/20), it didn't feel quite real until I hit "submit" on the Medicare application.

I suppose it will feel even more real when I sign and submit the pension application electronically on 10/1. :D

I do wonder if all of this would feel more real if I were doing some of it in person, rather than electronically. I guess I'll never know, thanks to Covid.

As long as my retirement itself takes place in the real world, I'll be happy! :LOL:
Took DW out for breakfast this morning at a local Denny's and had a 30 minute wait for a table. I couldn't even find a parking spot at the local IHop. Everything is getting back to normal around here. :)
Beautiful sunny day here. Pulled up the rest of the tomatoes, otherwise taking it easy. Yesterday youngest DGS was here most of the day while Mom and Dad ran errands. One year olds can wear a person out--this Grandma is a bit tired, but happy!
I learned a long time ago the trick is to install the shelves high enough that DW has to use a ladder to reach them but I can reach them with just a little bit of a stretch.

That way they're MINE! ALL MINE! BWahhaaahaa!:)

You would think that would work for me, my wife is 4'7" tall, but she has a couple of step stools and step ladders and she not afraid to use them!
Some of the shelving I say is hers, she would say is ours, canned goods, washing machine soap, suit cases, autowashing and maintanence supplies. I deny this.
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Looking at the calendar I realized that next week will be the 19th anniversary of my REtirement. Where has the time gone?

It was a very uncertain time, in the aftermath of 9/11, but we got through it, and all subsequent uncertain times, so I have a fair amount of confidence in the future.

May everyone else here be as lucky!
78th birthday today...."Opa" (that's moi), and the three youngest granddaughters:

My cards:

Early morning walk. Dog wanted to come home early. AQI = 25 so that's not why. But DGS1 came in this weekend so I guess that's why. Koda won't say

Reassured my dtr that even though her replacement job is significantly less than her old job, it's a J-O-B and the only one she got. We've all sucked it up. It's not bad. It's what she wants to do but it's 20% less than she was making.

Then (out of her hearing) congratulated DGS for being hired to teach 2 classes 2 weeks ago / now teaching 4 and 1 is over-enrolled (students requested him). Say what you want about cohort learning but it pays his rent. He's still planning on this being his gap year then back to school for a teaching certificate then grad school for his masters while teaching eventually hoping to teach elementary school + 1 or 2 night classes. Long range plan for his day job while performing. Most classical musicians don't earn much
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It was a very uncertain time, in the aftermath of 9/11, but we got through it, and all subsequent uncertain times, so I have a fair amount of confidence in the future.

On 09-09-2001 we signed the contract for this house in WV, intending to move into it from the D.C. area a year later. Two days later we're looking at each other and thinking "Maybe we're getting out of here just in time..." But it has all worked out well so far for us.

78th birthday today...."Opa" (that's moi), and the three youngest granddaughters:

They are a trio of cuties! Congrats!
78th birthday today...."Opa" (that's moi), and the three youngest granddaughters:

My cards:

Happy Birthday! The cards are priceless. As are the little artists who made them.
Happy Birthday, Nemo. What a wonderful picture of everyone and homemade cards are the best.
Last night I ordered a new iPad Mini (version 5). My version 3 has been slow and now it won’t upgrade to the latest iOS.

$399 minus the $95 trade-in value of the old iPad. I debated with myself for days as to whether spend the money or continue to make do with what I had. Then I did the math: likely three years of service from the new version comes to just over $2/week. For a toy/ tool that I use at least an hour a day to do puzzles, check email, read news articles, read this forum.

Spending $300 will be a tiny blip in our checking account. Why did I take days to make this decision?

The new machine should be delivered Wednesday.
Ordered new glass shelf for 1/2 bath we are remodeling, why DH wanted it to look pretty!
One trick I learned years ago is you can use a regular portable fan to clean the air in a room. Just point the fan away from you at a wall. The impurities in the air will stick to the wall. We are getting by with just fans now as we loaned our air cleaner to our dd family.

Lot of info out there on putting a MERV 11 or higher filter on a box fan.


One example: https://www.wired.com/story/could-a-janky-jury-rigged-air-purifier-help-fight-covid-19/
There are a few youtube videos and a lot of sites when you do a "box fan filter" Google search.

I have wondered about this for a few years now since air purifiers are essentially a fan and filter.

This would be an easy, fun, and inexpensive project for an afternoon. At the very least it would reduce the amount of furniture dusting.

Spread some fungicide on the lawn for some leaf spot. Never had that before, or maybe I never noticed, but it seemed to be spreading at a pretty good clip. The air filter oil I'd ordered from Amazon showed up so I finished oiling the foam air filter in the Honda tiller so that's all winterized and ready for storage. Also, a book I'd ordered showed up so that's my evening's entertainment.
Annual skin check, stocked up on booze for tomorrow night’s debate party, helped MIL vote from home, and then DW and I early voted.
Drove up to the the west side of the continental divide, checking out the leaf changes. Around our house at 7700' the Aspens are getting very bright, here at 10k+ only a few patches have color. The scrub oak is almost peak at our house and less so here. Willows are mixed independent of altitude.

It's the first time I've driven the Wrangler after 3 months and 3k miles in a Tesla. Wow I almost rear ended a guy, wasn't used to using the brakes. We had our two small dogs in the backseat and the older one ended up on the floor.

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Smoked a brisket; it's resting right now. After the young wife finishes making the tortillas, we're going to have tacos for dinner, with a nice bottle of Rioja.

While the brisket was in the smoker, I assisted the young wife in transferring all of her spices from the hodge-podge of containers of all shapes and sizes to standard 4 oz square glass jars that fit in her two slide out spice racks. We filled 80 jars of different spices. She has at least 10 different types of hot pepper (Hungarian paprika, smoked paprika, serrano, jalapeno, Aleppo, Urfa Biber, cayenne, berbere, chipotle, ancho, Utica - in multiple cases, both flakes and ground).

In any event, it looks much neater and freed up a lot of space, and we have ten remaining empty jars, which means she'll probably acquire more spices. But she makes me great food, so I'm not complaining.
Drove up to the the west side of the continental divide, checking out the leaf changes.

I spent a week driving through western Colorado some years ago at this time of year, and took a lot of pictures. They have been regular screensavers for me ever since. Beautiful country.
Happy birthday, Nemo. Great photos.
Went for a walk with DH.
Leaves are starting to change colours.
The bird photo was taken by DH.


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  • fall colour with bird.jpg
    fall colour with bird.jpg
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From the back yard this morning. So far it's only that one tree but the others will follow along shortly.


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    Yellow tree (2 of 1).jpg
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