What do you appreciate most in your spouse or SO?


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Jan 21, 2008
There are many things, and I started the thread (so I should just listen) - but I will throw out one thing.

I am probably too serious, and often overthink [-]some[/-] [-]many[/-] [-]all[/-] some things in life. DW is often just the opposite, accepting to a fault. Sometimes when I'm in the midst of picking nits over something, she'll say something that makes it all seem simple again - like what was I thinking? I hate to admit it, but I need that sometimes.

Now you?
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My spouse is very unselfish and will do so much for others. He spends 30 hours a week at the dog shelter, plays countless hours with our 6 grandchildren, works on my daughter's ranch when they need help and so forth. He's really something!
She has great legs.


And complements my personality--she's a planner, while apart from work and finances, I'm spontaneous. She's more introverted, I probably qualify as Bi-verted. I could go on and on.... :) Bottom line, she's been with me for over 2/3 of our lives and is actually happy about continuing for another (hopefully) 38+ years in which we can spend more quality time together.
She's a better all around person then I am so it would take to long to list all that I appreciate about her.
We have been together 26 years. I'm the nerd and she is the popular girl. If it wasn't for her I would not have near as many friends and have not gone on as many trips...
Only 28 years for us, but I think it's gonna work. I don't know if I can pick out one characteristic, it's just the whole package - she's generous almost to a fault, one of the most caring people I've ever met, and most important of all, she puts up with me!

ETA: I read somewhere that the best marriages are the ones in which each half thinks they got the better deal. That's the case here.
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This is an easy one - the fact that she's put up with me for 48+ years.

Yes on this one again. Only been 32 though. Though that's probably more like 224 in regular people years. Better half is an understatement and a half!
She's the kindest, most caring person I've ever known. Right now she's helping her father and step mother set up new living arrangements in a memory care unit for her step mother. We are a blended family with each having a son from a previous marriage. She's treated my son and my side of the family with the same love as if they were her own. Nearly 18 years married and we recently renewed our vows in a beautiful ceremony with our family present. She's a keeper.
36 years. It is pretty amazing to me that we like so many of the same things, like where to travel to and what to do there.
There are so many things I could list. He puts up with me, and he is brilliant, articulate, and handsome, too. He's extremely funny. Also, the stories he tells about the New Orleans he grew up in, are absolutely incredible and riveting.

But if I had to pick one attribute that I appreciate most, it would be that he is so responsible and dependable. If he says he'll do something or be somewhere, that is exactly what will happen. I know that sounds boring but compared with others I have known in my life, his degree of reliability borders on the miraculous.
This year is the 42nd year of marriage. We actually went to kindergarten together.

She's a very smart and loving person. I know I'm lucky.
What do you appreciate most in your spouse or SO ?

~ her good taste in picking a husband.. :D
This is why I am very poor husband material. I'm likely to say "no" to a DW at least occasionally. ?

One of the many attributes that can be ascribed to DW is that she can calculate for herself whether yes or no is the viable option.
My nickname for my spouse is "snowflake" one in a million. For 38 years she has been my rock. Her frugality is what enabled us to RE. I rrrrrrrrrrrrreallyyyyyy married up.

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