What does other topic mean?


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Nov 28, 2005
I have been reading a bunch of threads and get the feeling that politics is a nono. Especially if you are not retired military.

May I suggest other topics be changed to say other topics about retirement issues?

Or other topics but not political.

I have the feeling my thread about the Sicko Movie has created a problem. I wrote it the day I recieved a bill of over 500 dollars right after I saw the Movie and the bill should have been paid in full. That is what is stated in my retirement plan.

It kinda made snse to report it.

You did them a favor.

You gave them something to pontificate on.

Do it again on another topic next week.
Heh, I usually avoid the political threads, but yours pulled me in. I think most of the people here are fairly intelligent and we can have a reasonable discussion. If not, we can make angry smilies and wait for another funny joke to hit the stickied thread ;)
Eh, we've had hairy political threads for some time now.

Problem with them is, while interesting debate sometimes happens, the original topic is often blown up, everyone gets pissed, and nobody is likely to change anyone elses mind about their political leanings.

And I personally dont think starting a thread for the purpose of raising peoples ire over a political matter has a lot of benefit, even in the "other" category.

"Other" was originally created to keep off topic discussions, jokes and whatnot out of the main early retirement subgroups. Oh, and threads where we laughed hysterically about 'get rich quick' schemes also got merged in there.

But your health care topic, while also not the first one, seems reasonable to me as an "other" discussion.

Unfortunately you got a cross section of:
- People who want to fix our health care
- Pro and con michael moore people
- People who work for the 'existing system' and like it fine the way it is
- People living in countries with managed care who dont care much for the management
- People with a lot of money who like the system the way it is because they're getting theirs
- And other flotsam and jetsam that fell off the folks in the above categories along the way
Ditto what cute fuzzy bunny said.

The provacative posters here don't try to inform, they just try to stir the pot. In a forum appealing to the young energetic idealist (that I was thirty years ago) that might have been appealing. In a forum of retired and near-retired folks, though, these tactics are way past their "sell by" date. My politics and patriotism are no longer things I care to debate with faceless cyber-ninjas. To me, maturity means I've learned to avoid things that just raise my blood pressure without purpose.

But, HEY... consenting adults and all that. I'll just dust off my ignore button again.

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