What is the last thing you ordered from Amazon?

The "invisible" fence system for our Houdini dog, purchased back in 2012, was no longer doing the thing for him. He's decided that the shock wasn't enough to persuade him not to leap the fence and take off gallivanting. Lo and behold, they make an @$$hat edition, just for dogs like him! Works like a champ!

Amazon.com : PetSafe Stubborn Dog In-Ground Fence, PIG00-10777 : Wireless Pet Fence Products : Pet Supplies
That is too funny. The folks behind DM's house have a dog (golden retriever?) and an invisible fence, but whenever there is any get together in the neighborhood he'll run right past it so he can join in the fun, especially if there are kids. All he wants to do is be part of the group ...
Disney princesses patio chairs and table and umbrella for 3yo GD in another state. We realized the day before her birthday that she would not have anything from us to open on her birthday (we will see her next week) so five minutes later, searched for Disney backyard, and ordered it for next day delivery ($8 extra). She was thrilled. I love modern times.
Pinaud Bay Rum Aftershave -- two bottles
Scott Kelby's book "How do I do That in Lightroom?" and a heating pad. Turned out the heating pad is useless for what I bought it for, that needed surgery. But one of us will need it someday so I'll keep it.
Scott Kelby's book "How do I do That in Lightroom?" and a heating pad. Turned out the heating pad is useless for what I bought it for, that needed surgery. But one of us will need it someday so I'll keep it.

That heating pad might provide some relief after a colonoscopy. My husband really needed one!
Spray for carpenter bees. Can't wait to use it. :)

Sent from my iPad using Early Retirement Forum
DH made some traps for the bees at our house. They do collect them, but not all. What spray did you get?
They drive him crazy!
Don't kill the bees! They're pollinators, just like honeybees. And they almost never sting. I catch them in my hand sometimes, when I'm trying to teach DGD about nature.

Build them a hotel nearby and they should stay away from your house. I'm thinking about doing a fancy one, although not as fancy as this.


And you can buy them on Amazon
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Almost bought a dog safety crash harness from Amazon, but found a 20% off + free shipping coupon on line for the manufacturer.

These videos of various dog harnesses undergoing crash testing are sobering. 2013 Harness Crash Test Videos - Center for Pet Safety

I ended up with the Sleepypod Sport which passes the test, but it easier to use than the Utility model.
My plastic handheld lemon/lime juicer broke so as a replacement I decided to go all out. Kinda over kill if all I make is lemonade. Looks like I gotta start making OJ too :).


  • juicer.jpg
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Dasuquin With MSM- Joint supplements for the dogs

I've been using this for my pugs for about a year, and they love them and it has given them a lot more movement capability. But it's also crazy expensive, so this time I switched to Osteo Pet Glucosamine Chondroitin for Dogs - 720 Ct Value Size. Much more reasonably priced. They aren't soft chews like the other stuff, they're more like a Necco Wafer. The girls will eat them standalone, but it's easier to just drop them in their food. They eat them right up that way. Same dosage, by the way.
Bought a computer part this morning (Sunday), got it at dinner time, free shipping with Prime. Whoa!

This is big data at work. Amazon knows what people need fast and put them on the short list for same day or 2 hour delivery.

I will say, however, it gives me the creeps. Amazon effectively put Compusa/Tiger Direct out of business. They had a brick and mortar store in Raleigh and Durham, NC. No more. There are many casualties due to Amazon.

But in this case, it got me out of a jam today, otherwise I wouldn't be typing this right now!
TigerDirect put themselves out of business with incredibly crappy customer service, selling out of date equipment, and most especially scamming people regarding rebates. I do a lot of resales, and I quit doing business with TD 4 years ago. I read too many reviews where people were trying to claim their rebates and were getting an "insufficient documentation" response even though they had sent in everything they had. As I remember, there was a lawsuit about that. And if I remember correctly, TD absorbed CompUSA, so Amazon didn't have anything to do with that. Electronics companies come and go. Circuit City was in that mix somewhere.
TigerDirect put themselves out of business with incredibly crappy customer service, selling out of date equipment, and most especially scamming people regarding rebates. I do a lot of resales, and I quit doing business with TD 4 years ago. I read too many reviews where people were trying to claim their rebates and were getting an "insufficient documentation" response even though they had sent in everything they had. As I remember, there was a lawsuit about that. And if I remember correctly, TD absorbed CompUSA, so Amazon didn't have anything to do with that. Electronics companies come and go. Circuit City was in that mix somewhere.

OK harley, I won't disagree with you completely. Yes, TD/CompUSAphase2 had issues. And Amazon's service is so much better. Ergo, TD out of business.

This is part of the world. It only gives me the creeps that I fear some day Amazon may be a monopoly.

OK, so I have Newegg as another source for computer stuff. But not sure I want to sign up for their Premier service since their selection of stuff is much smaller than Amazon (great for computers, no so great for other stuff).

And this "Same Day" stuff Amazon is coming out with is like smoking crack. (Or so I've been told... I have no experience with crack.)
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I bought a kindle kids edition for my Grandsons B-Day and a couple of ink cartridges for my printer. I love the $10 ink cartridges vs $50+ at the local office supply store.
I've been using this for my pugs for about a year, and they love them and it has given them a lot more movement capability. But it's also crazy expensive, so this time I switched to Osteo Pet Glucosamine Chondroitin for Dogs - 720 Ct Value Size. Much more reasonably priced. They aren't soft chews like the other stuff, they're more like a Necco Wafer. The girls will eat them standalone, but it's easier to just drop them in their food. They eat them right up that way. Same dosage, by the way.

I did a comparison of the two, and it has 100mg less glucosamine then Dasuquin. I'm no vet so I'm not sure how much that would matter. Currently both my Boston Terriers take 1/2 a pill a day and have done well on it for the past 7 year. Luxating patellas is the reason they take it. One dog had to have surgery on both his rear legs a year apart. The cost is very high so this may be a cheaper option and I could still split the tablet which would only be 50 mg less per dog. Thanks
A pair of shoes that I hope will be my walking shoes in Europe this summer (found them via Google, never heard of this brand before). I'm wearing them for the first time now and so far so good - really light and excellent arch support, and not butt-ugly.


Also a replacement TV antenna for the motorhome, since I snapped the original one off last week on a low-strung cable I didn't see in a parking lot. :(

And a dozen (more) stainless steel skewers for grilling kebabs, etc.
Mens speedo trunks.

Not for me, sillies... I just procastinated too long - and tryouts for teen water polo at the local public pool is tomorrow. Fortunately I got free 1 day shipping and the price was better than at Big 5 and Sports Authority. I'm hoping the intensity of all that swimming will leave my boys too tired to whine about the limited time allowed playing video games.
Just ordered a used book for a penny, shipping was $3.99. Over the Edge, deaths at the Grand Canyon. We stopped to see the Grand Canyon a couple weeks ago, just curious how many people die there each year. Saw many idiots standing on edges with toes hanging over. Parents not watching their kids.......
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