What It Takes To Really Get Rich

Gotta love the attitude here.

The link says you can make a lot of money selling dressed up water.

Someone here says you can save money by making your own carbonated beverages, here's a route that costs only $W.
Next poster has another systems for only $X.
Next has a simpler, more DIY look, for only $Y.
Next has and even more DIY solution (using an ordinary tire stem of course), getting the price down to $Z.

My kind of people.
Loki, the homebrew supply shops also sell a plastic fitting that allows you to fill a plastic soda bottle and add carbonation directly to the bottle from your CO2 rig. No keg required.
A local microbrewery sells a nifty rig for their customers. They don't bottle or keg their beers so locals stop by for a growler once or twice a week. Trouble with a growler is that you HAVE to drink it within a day or so, or you have flat beer.

So a local inventor came up with a little gizmo that screws onto a 3L soda bottle. You fill the soda bottle with beer and cap it with this gizmo. The gizmo has one or two CO2 cartridges, a spigot/valve, and a tube leading into the bottle. Lay it on its side in the fridge and you have a micro-keg that keeps your brew fresh and fizzy for weeks. I almost got one but they were $40 (including $10 worth of CO2), and I don't often buy that much of one beer. Definitely could, though, as I have 4 microbreweries within 3 miles. :dance:
Gotta love the attitude here.

The link says you can make a lot of money selling dressed up water.

Someone here says you can save money by making your own carbonated beverages, here's a route that costs only $W.
Next poster has another systems for only $X.
Next has a simpler, more DIY look, for only $Y.
Next has and even more DIY solution (using an ordinary tire stem of course), getting the price down to $Z.

My kind of people.

Of course you can go "cheap bastard" and carbonate your drinks by mixing white vinegar and baking soda.
Of course you can go "cheap bastard" and carbonate your drinks by mixing white vinegar and baking soda.

Now we're talking.

Reminds me of a class demonstration I did while teaching 9th grade science. I mixed hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide, after doing a couple demos to show how reactive they were in the concentrations I had.

I then asked for a volunteer to taste the result.

With the chemical symbols on the board, I hoped my students would be able to predict what was in the test tube. Some could, others didn't get it. (Yes, I quickly checked it myself before letting the volunteer try - lawsuits and all that.)
:D:D:D ...funny thread, but not sure how you're gonna put $7.5MM in the account if you 'cook' coke/pop/soda at home :D:LOL:
:D:D:D ...funny thread, but not sure how you're gonna put $7.5MM in the account if you 'cook' coke/pop/soda at home :D:LOL:

Oh sure, it's a risk/reward thing, but cook enough coke and you would maybe get to 7.5MM real fast. Or get a Cuban necktie. Honduran shoelace? Polish sausage?
Excerpt from the article:

One final point: At the end of our conversation, Sullivan made an interesting observation. The fact is most Americans don't want to get rich. Sure, they would like the money. But they don't want to make the sacrifices necessary to have a shot at becoming really wealthy: the enormously hard work, missed birthdays, long days and forgone vacations and weekends.

True enough. Now that I am working for myself. My days alternate between, "Yipee, I am going to be so rich!" to "Crap, this is how people go bankrupt" in the matter of hours. There just are a lot of headaches and sacrifices, and I'm not even trying to get mega rich, just rich enough to have a steady stream of location-independent income plus some capital appreciation potential (OK, quite a bit of that). There are days when I fleetingly think, "Plug me back into the Matrix, man. I'll eat the simulated steaks."

Side note: I have not seen a successful thread jack back to the original topic, but I think I'll give it a try.
I am from chicago and my favorite treat was called a "chocolate phosphate". I think it is the same thing as an egg cream. Loved it.
Made an egg cream last nite - ended up borrowing a tank and regulator/hose from a friend who wasn't using it (no current keg in the kegerator). I thought it was interesting, but needed more chocolate. Was like a lite lite version of the liquid in an ice cream soda. Given I was going from description and a picture and the first one - not bad.

Built carbonator caps using all metal valve stems and used a tirechuck with lock - handy while shaking. Water quality makes a big difference - Independence water is no so good and doesn't improve with carbonation. West Salem has good water and makes for a decent product. Tried a touch of French's lemon flavor, but didn't get enough in - would like to get a nice lemon or lime carbonated water going - anyone have a flavoring or quantity they have success with?
Was like a lite lite version of the liquid in an ice cream soda. ...anyone have a flavoring or quantity they have success with?
If you're looking for a Q&D way to make an ice cream soda, take a tall glass and fill it with equal amounts of (Classic) Coke & regular (not low/no fat) chocolate milk, ensuring both contents are well chilled before mixing.

Stir lightly. No ice cream required...

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